Women ‘systematically excluded’ from Japanese medical school Females out, bureaucrat’s son in as Tokyo Medical University rigs entrance scores John Ross 8月 7日
Call to rethink China branch campuses over academic freedom risks Experts say long-running joint ventures should be seen as a ‘litmus test’ Ellie Bothwell 8月 2日
Pakistan’s students and teachers need lectures in love Pakistani lecturers and students tend to be similar in age, which makes romances inevitable. Universities must do more to raise awareness of the potential fallout of such relationships, say Abur Rehman Cheema and Mehvish Riaz Abdur Rehman Cheema 7月 26日
Australian university to offer courses in Myanmar Murdoch University signs agreement with Kaplan to deliver master’s degrees in Yangon Ellie Bothwell 7月 24日
Ousted US academic to leave China, citing fears for his safety Peking University HSBC Business School declines to renew outspoken researcher’s contract Elizabeth Redden for Inside Higher Ed 7月 23日
Preparation for overseas study is killing Chinese students’ scholarly aptitude Years of slogging through English-language crushes Chinese students' love of learning before they even get to an overseas university, says Bob Fonow Bob Fonow 7月 19日
Chinese university suspends student offer over social credit mark Father’s failure to pay back loan hits son’s university admission, under state’s big-data system John Morgan 7月 17日
India’s slimmer excellence initiative an ‘intelligent’ approach Scholar praises Indian government for supporting only universities that are ‘ready now’ to become world-class Ellie Bothwell 7月 17日
Can India’s private universities deliver? The public sector has not expanded quickly enough to meet the demand for college degrees in India Pushkar 7月 12日
China could overtake US on research impact by mid-2020s Trends analysis shows end of ‘US hegemony’ in research may not be far off Simon Baker 7月 12日
Japan ‘supporting champions’ as route to global prestige Experts see shift towards international approach in granting of greater autonomy to handful of leading universities John Ross 7月 10日
China closes scores of Sino-foreign joint programmes Ministry of Education says concerns were raised over ‘poor teaching standards’ of some joint initiatives Ellie Bothwell 7月 10日