CEU head: academic freedom must be seen as good for wider society Michael Ignatieff says higher education will lose battle against authoritarianism if scholars’ rights are seen only as ‘a corporate privilege’ Ellie Bothwell 4月 11日
Report lifts lid on cost of subscription deals with publishers A switch to open access could save hundreds of millions of euros, says analysis from the European University Association David Matthews 4月 11日
‘Real-time’ review of REF 2021 to track impact of reforms Funding administrating body aims to survey 600 researchers across four universities to examine effects felt by reforms made to the assessment Rachael Pells 4月 11日
Madrid leader ‘must quit’ over degree favouritism claims Head of Spanish capital's local government investigated over accusations related to her master’s degree Jack Grove 4月 11日
‘Extraordinary’ OfS rules risk grade inflation, says ex-QAA head Peter Williams concerned by requirement for English universities to deliver ‘successful outcomes’ for ‘all’ students Jack Grove 4月 10日
Union unrest opens new front in UK university pensions dispute Growing discontent among University and College Union members about leaders’ handling of negotiations Sophie Inge 4月 9日
UK re-establishes dominance in ERC advanced grants scheme Academics at British institutions make one in four successful bids in 2017 funding round, underlining risks of Brexit Chris Havergal 4月 6日
Cut bureaucracy to create time for third mission, says EUA head ‘If we want to do more things for society, we can’t do it by working more than 60 or 70 hours a week,’ Rolf Tarrach tells annual conference David Matthews 4月 6日
Gender pay gap: how much less are women paid at your university? Mean average pay gap across UK sector stands at 15.9 per cent, with 30 institutions reporting gaps in excess of 20 per cent Rachael Pells 4月 6日
Open University staff call for vice-chancellor’s resignation Union members call for removal of threat of hundreds of redundancies and ask for consultation on possible industrial action Sophie Inge 4月 5日
Interview with David Docherty The honorary fellow at the School of Advanced Study discusses business-university links, running marathons and his planned book about higher education Matthew Reisz 4月 5日
Macron’s European university networks must be flexible and innovative Rigid, top-down tie-ups will do nothing to foster quality or European identity, says Jan Palmowski Jan Palmowski 4月 5日