Germany rejects competitive teaching funding Call from government advisers to evaluate teaching quality, echoing England's TEF, could still go ahead David Matthews 5月 20日
EU backs 'science diplomacy' in Middle East with synchrotron support European Commissioner for research sees Jordan investment as contribution to peace and stability John Morgan 5月 19日
Conservative manifesto: a pledge to cut overseas student numbers? John Morgan looks at the Tory manifesto pledge to keep students in net migration target and to hold ‘major review’ of tertiary funding John Morgan 5月 18日
The week in higher education – 18 May 2017 The good, the bad and the offbeat: the academy through the lens of the world’s media THE reporters 5月 18日
MEPs demand action against Hungary over CEU European Parliament calls for start of proceedings that could strip Hungary of EU voting rights David Matthews 5月 17日
Romania 'seizes control of research councils' Overseas members and evaluators excluded in what critics claim is a power grab David Matthews 5月 17日
Experts advise Europe to ‘cut grant size to fund more researchers’ As talks begin on Horizon 2020 successor, advisory body says level of competition prevents open data sharing David Matthews 5月 17日
Foreign funding for UK university-business links outstrips domestic Brexit may threaten ability to attract future overseas funding, experts warn John Elmes 5月 16日
UK faces biomedical 'brain drain' One in three scholars in field ‘deeply concerned’ about future research career prospects John Elmes 5月 14日
How should universities respond when academic freedom is under threat? UK universities may be among the most autonomous, but they need international cooperation to make their voices heard, says Paul Boyle Paul Boyle 5月 13日
UK migration target remains: will overseas student numbers be cut? Cap on student visas and more pressure on universities to ensure recruits are ‘genuine’ seen as potential measures Ellie Bothwell 5月 12日
Freedom on staff hiring ‘has strong link’ to research performance Analysis of THE data and latest autonomy scores for Europe suggests ability to hire best staff drives research strength Simon Baker 5月 12日