Paul Jump is features and opinion editor. He was previously senior science and research reporter as well as deputy features and opinions editor. He wrote on issues such as research funding, the research councils and the research excellence framework.
He was formerly politics, law and governance reporter for Third Sector magazine, and a freelancer at The Guardian. He has a BPhil in philosophy from the University of Oxford and an MA from the University of Edinburgh. He joined THE in May 2010.
Paul can be found tweeting at
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Articles by Paul Jump 榴莲视频>
Alternative ranking of REF results maps university performance against the proportion of eligible staff submitted.
Were new research stars born? Who was helped or hurt by impact? Times Higher Education dissects the results by discipline
Some post-92s gain, but traditional research powers dominate 2014 research excellence framework rankings
King’s College London raised its GPA while submitting more staff. Who were the other notable achievers and underachievers?
Dividing citation into six groups could improve the accuracy of metrics in research assessment, paper argues
UCU official attacks redundancy criteria at the university amid calls to reverse ‘dangerous’ process
One day after a Senate defeat, the government renews efforts to pass controversial package of changes
Controversial capabilities policy retained as one of three strands in research council’s new plan
Provision of initial teacher training faces a huge upheaval but there is also scope for new networks and partnerships
But centre for advanced materials will still have “satellites” in Oxbridge and London as well as Leeds, Liverpool and Sheffield
Dropout rates at nine alternative higher education providers were higher than 20 per cent in 2012-13, the National Audit Office has revealed
Trust director Jeremy Farrar says more fellowships and seed grants will address pinch points
David Flanagan’s email to 43 academics said that those who felt unable to support the institution’s ‘vision’ should leave
An academic talks about her experience, the impact on her work and the long road to recovery
Closures, court orders, political intrigue: Paul Jump on a Spanish university’s bitter ongoing battle
Research team hopes that predictions will help to clarify the value of metrics in assessment
The London university, which was awarded ?114 million, heads the list of grant winners in a ‘difficult funding climate’
Dean of Swansea School of Management used ‘unsupportive’ language to dismiss student complaints
Early career researchers among those targeted for extra support
Scientists and science bodies have reacted with dismay to the decision by the European Commission to axe the post of chief scientific adviser.
The process may mean greater scrutiny but is it legally viable?
Hefce submissions call for less onerous approach to research assessment
Move follows dip in success rates to 11 per cent in most recent grant call
Research shows female scholars opting for short talks over long ones, even at a gender-balanced event