Finance is colleges' weakness
Management failures of the sort that affected Derby Wilmorton and St Philip's colleges are atypical of the further education sector but there is still room for improvement, a National Audit Office...
Management failures of the sort that affected Derby Wilmorton and St Philip's colleges are atypical of the further education sector but there is still room for improvement, a National Audit Office...
Psychologists staked their claim in the consciousness debate this week when they held a press briefing at the Royal Society entitled "Consciousness: its place in contemporary science". Theirs was the...
The rector of the University of Westminster is to retire nine months earlier than expected at the end of 1995. In a letter to staff, Terence Burlin, who has spent 33 years at the university, said: "I...
More than 100 external verifiers employed by the Business and Technology Education Council to evaluate the quality of vocational A levels in 130 schools in the south-east have been sacked after just...
Both journalists and press officers are warned of the pitfalls of categorical statements that something is "first" or "unique". Much wiser to point to less tightly defined concepts - a lesson they...
A serious contender for the happiest academic around this week is Robert Service - not the Canadian poet, although displaying similar expertise on frozen wastes as professor of Russian politics and...
The University of Oxford's college representatives were due to meet yesterday for a vote on scrapping the admission exam.
The London School of Economics has launched a multidisciplinary health research centre to investigate international health policy. The centre, LSE Health, has been formed out of a research group...
New Employment Department figures confirm the stereotype of the second-rate vocational qualification student and highlight the task facing organisations charged with introducing General National...
Robert Gordon University was this week ordered to reinstate senior lecturer Sheena Falconer and pay her Pounds 41,000 in back pay after failing to prove that she was truly redundant when it made her...
Following the news that physicists at Cern are to search for the Higgs boson, a theory proposed by Peter Higgs, professor of theoretical physics at Edinburgh, Scottish Television launched a vox pop...
Antithesis would be the last to make fun of the International Electronics Reliability Institute's forthcoming seminar at the University of Loughborough merely on the grounds that the main speaker,...
(Photograph) - Resurrection: Peter Nardini, architect and senior lecturer in building design at South Bank University, displays the design of the Great Cross of Dresden's baroque Frauenkirche. The...
A new "core skills" qualification for sixth-formers completing academic and vocational courses was this week launched by the Royal Society of Arts. The Diploma of Achievement, which is to be...
The framework of the Commission of Inquiry into the future of the University of Oxford was published this week. The commission will look at governance, the future of the colleges and resources, the...