Expansion to a common goal
Unions. The common themes espoused by university unions in their submissions are summed up by clarion calls for a "learning society" - unfettered by financial constraints. Natfhe, the AUT and the...
Unions. The common themes espoused by university unions in their submissions are summed up by clarion calls for a "learning society" - unfettered by financial constraints. Natfhe, the AUT and the...
Funders. The Higher Education Funding Council for England suggests that, if significant structural change is needed, the council could have a more explicit interventionist role. It notes the absence...
Scotland. The Scottish Office has moved to allay fears that the higher education review announced by Gillian Shephard will ignore the distinctive education system north of the border. Lord James...
Learned societies. The British Psychological Society says that degrees must provide general skills as well as specialised ones if they are to prepare graduates for their careers and the creation of...
The National Commission on Education criticises the decision to separate discussion on the purposes and size of the sector from that on funding and argues: "The present arrangements for institutional...
Students. For the National Union of Students, the "greatest challenge" for higher education is "the creation and development of a mass system, with comparable participation rates from all social...
The Conservative Party launched its own review of higher education this week, to run in parallel with that of the Government. A manifesto group of vice chancellors, academics and business leaders,...
(Photograph) - In a word: The historian, Professor K. K. Aziz, gave the history of the word "Pakistan" at a celebration of the 62nd anniversary of the name in London this week. The name "Pakistan"...
FE Colleges. The Association for Colleges looks forward to the fusion of academic and NVQ-based learning into a single coherent qualification structure up to postgraduate level. It foresees expansion...
Student leaders have accused the Labour Party of betraying them after the abstention of the Opposition front bench in Monday's Lords debate on the restoration of benefit. Only eight Labour peers...
The Government is taking a fresh look at funding arrangements for Oxford and Cambridge universities, including the automatic payment of college fees. Ministers are preparing to make a final decision...
Six leading writers will speak on the subject of the Dissident Word in the fourth series of Amnesty Lectures which starts next week at the Sheldonian Theatre at Oxford. Nawal El Saadawi, one of the...
While some scientists are excited by the latest research into the causes of schizophrenia, others are beginning to wonder whether it exists at all. Aisling Irwin reports. Mary Boyle, principal...
Academics are used to being pilloried for being out of touch. But in two rather important ways their normal working methods may be harbingers of the future for the rest of society. The first is JANET...
MONDAY. (Week 1, London to Nairobi). Heathrow departure for Nairobi - a conference trip to Sri Lanka has subtly expanded to a five-week world tour. First stop is the Kenya Forestry Research Institute...