Plagiarism or pastiche?
The decision by Wolverhampton University to launch an anti-plagiarism campaign is bizarre and not a little brave. Bizarre because everyone knows it is bad to plagiarise -- literally to "kidnap" the...
The decision by Wolverhampton University to launch an anti-plagiarism campaign is bizarre and not a little brave. Bizarre because everyone knows it is bad to plagiarise -- literally to "kidnap" the...
It is encouraging that a profession that has made a vital contribution to Britain's prosperity during this century should be asking itself tough questions about its role and coming up with a sober...
Earlier reports of the death of courses may have been exaggerated, but this time things look serious. A principal of a college in the Midlands was heard to say the other day that he had no courses...
The New Zealand government has cut subsidies to university students which it says will mean tuition fees rise by an average NZ$400 (Pounds 170) per student over the next five years. But critics are...
Three years ago the University of Sao Paulo announced that it planned to take over a model mining town on the Equator, and turn it into a research centre for Amazonian studies. The company, ICOMI,...
College presidents and athletics directors in the United States voted last week to tighten already tough academic standards for student athletes, disappointing critics who argued that they...
Tatarstan, an autonomous republic within the Russian Federation, has acquired its first privately funded higher educational institution -- the Muhammadia Islamic University, based in the capital,...
The appointment of France's first scientific council, the Comite d'Orientation Strategique, to advise the government directly on research policy, was marked by 24-hour closures at four major...
Indian education minister Arjun Singh, who started the process of privatisation of higher education, has quit, creating a political crisis for the ruling Congress party. Few tears are being shed for...
A record total of 895,000 students will graduate from China's 1,075 universities and colleges of higher education this year, an increase of 38 per cent on 1994. It is anticipated that graduates will...
One fifth of Denmark's 56 business colleges lose money, and they lay the blame on reforms that took effect in 1991. The reforms introduced competition between business and sixth-form colleges for...
If fine arts and crafts seem locked in a perennial struggle to define themselves in the higher education spectrum, their problems are nothing compared to the identity crisis of embroidery. Its...
Courts look set to benefit from research at University of Wales, College of Cardiff, which aims to help bring hard science to bear on the often difficult task of assessing the force used on victims...
Southern Europeans are sidestepping their governments to get help with environmental problems direct from the European Union, a conference on environmental policy heard. The trend is one example of...
Pollster David Butler (below) has spent a lifetime collating the opinions of the partisan in the most unpartisan of ways. But the refusal of the Oxford and Cambridge Club to admit women has driven...