Bristol hitches up to superhighway
Three universities in the south-west of England are to play a key role in an initiative that aims to make Bristol a world-beating "digital community". The project is being spearheaded by the South...
Three universities in the south-west of England are to play a key role in an initiative that aims to make Bristol a world-beating "digital community". The project is being spearheaded by the South...
British Telecom is to link up Britain's 542 further education colleges to their own national email network from the start of next year. The initiative follows a successful six-month trial with 80...
The Government has launched a pilot information service on the Internet. Initial contributors will be the Treasury, citizens charter unit, HMSO and the machinery of government division of the Office...
Southampton University and Research Publications are to work together to produce computer-based learning packages for A level and undergraduate study including Stalin and The Reform Impulse, England...
In 1895 the Lumire brothers in France developed the Cinematographe camera-projector and in so doing helped to spawn an industry that has had a profound cultural, economic and industrial impact on the...
Our ability to model and explore complex three dimensional structures, from molecules to galaxies, has been revolutionised by new computer technology. This allows us to construct, display and...
Law school lecturers at the University of Newcastle have put the UK's first electronic law journal on the World Wide Web, via the Internet. Mike Allen and Bruce Grant launched the bi-monthly Web...
Since the Renaissance, scientific progress has been built on two planks: theory and experiment. Although these continue to be crucial to progress, what happens when the equations are not amenable to...
The transport user has little interest in planes, trains and automobiles, but wants to get from A to B quickly, safely, comfortably, securely and as cheaply as possible. The information user has...
We may be on the slip road to the information superhighway, but unfortunately it is rush hour all day every day. It does not help that the road is clogged with HGVs with "Bulk Data" stencilled on...
Legislation is to be introduced to improve conditions for people with disabilities and to develop the management of the National Health Service, it was announced in the Queen's speech this week. No...
A Pounds 1 million extension to Reading University's food studies building was opened this week. The extension, financed by 25 companies in the food industry, will house laboratory space, additional...
(Photograph) - In bloom: Colin Muir of the University of Bournemouth models a stone acanthus leaf as part of the university's architectural conservation work. As well as being one of the winners of...
Nearly a third of employers surveyed by employment research group Industrial Relations Services feel the former polytechnics produce graduates of a lower calibre than the old universities. The figure...
The proportion of 16 to 18-year olds participating in education rose to 67 per cent in 1992/93 -- a 3 percentage point rise on the previous year and 14 percentage points up on 1982/83, according to...