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WheelerPaisleyD6 Excludes pension compensation paid as salary of 9,000 in 2006-07.Accounts not available for Dundee, Glamorgan, Leeds College of Music, London Metropolitan, Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, Swansea Institute of Higher Education and Welsh College of Music and Drama.Univ College Falmouth A. LivingstonUniv of Wales, Swansea R. B. DaviesLiverpool Hope G. Pillay AberystwythN. LloydSoas P. Webley Roehampton P. O Prey St George sYork St John College D. Willcocks 119,000 2 120,628 299,930 2 176,000 2 181,000 1 212,000 4 204,000 2 201,905 2 201,000 6 209,000 2,5 196,000 2 192,000 2 282,000 2 251,000 2 242,000 2 231,000 3 205,000 2Sch of Pharmacy, U of LonSt Mark & St John PlymouthD. BakerArts Institute BournemouthS. BartholomewUni of Wales, Lampeter R. Pearce RavensbourneR. BakerSt Mary s University College A. NaylorLiverpool School Trop Med J. HemmingwayHarper Adams CollegeW. JonesTrinity College Carmarthen M. HughesRoyal College of Music C. Lawson East London M. EverettUHI Millennium Institute R. CormackUni College Creative ArtsDartington College of Arts A. BrewertonEdinburgh College of Art I. HowardNewman College P. TaylorWrittle CollegeM. AlderRose Bruford College A. PearceBishop Grosseteste Lincoln M. RobinsonGlasgow School of ArtS. ReidLeeds Trinity and All Saints M. CoughlanL pool Inst Performing ArtsCardiff UniversityD. Grant Newcastle C. Edwards Edinburgh T. O Shea Westminster G. CoplandDurham K. CalmanGlasgow M. RussellManchester Metropolitan J. BrooksInstitute of Education G. WhittyT3 Excludes 14,000 compensation for capped employer pension contribution in 2005-06.M4 Prior year s figure excludes previous vice-chancellor s salary and pension.F5 Excludes vice-chancellor-designate emoluments of 19,000 in 2006-07. Huddersfield R. A. Cryan Queen MaryA. Smith East Anglia B. Macmillan Leicester R. BurgessLon Sch Hygiene & Trop Med A. HainesOxford BrookesG. UptonTeesside G. Henderson De Montfort P. TaskerAccounts available but not received for Bucks New University, Institute of Cancer Research, Cumbria Institute, North East Wales Institute and University of Wales, Bangor. K. Fidler Strathclyde A. Hamnett Greenwich T. BlackstoneSheffield HallamD. GreenAbertay DundeeB. King Portsmouth J. CravenYork B. CantorEssexI. CreweQueen s Belfast P. GregsonKingstonP. ScottSottish Agricultural Col W. McKelveyBrunelC. Jenks Lancaster P. Wellings Middlesex M. DriscollStirling C. Hallett Heriot-Watt A. MuscatelliLondon South Bank D. Hopkin Sunderland P. FidlerDerbyJ. Coyne Bournemouth P. CurranCoventry M. AtkinsUniv of Wales Inst, Cardiff A. ChapmanSouthampton SolentR. BrownGlasgow Caledonian P. GilliesHull D. DrewryBrighton J. CramptonBath Spa F. MorganNapier J. StringerBradford M. ClearyLincoln D. ChiddickWolverhampton C. Gipps Worcester Anglia Ruskin D. Tidmarsh Cambridge A. RichardBirmingham City Reading G. MarshallCentral Lancashire M. McVicarBirmingham College E. McIntyreKent D. MelvilleWarwick N. Thrift S. McDaidThe Robert Gordon Winchester J. CarterCourtauld Institute D. SwallowRoyal College of Art C. FraylingBolton G. Holmes Uni of London G. DaviesGloucestershire J.TrotterUniv of Wales, NewportP. NoyesPlymouth S. Newstead Hertfordshire T. WilsonRoyal Veterinary College Q. McKellar BedfordshireL. EbdonBirkbeck D. LatchmanRoyal HollowayS. Hill NorthumbriaCent School Speech & Drama G. CrossleyRoyal Academy of MusicC. PriceQueen MargaretA. Cohen Chichester P. Robinson NorthamptonA. TateRoyal Northern Coll Music E. GregsonRoyal Agricultural College J. LeaverSt Martin s CollegeG. CarrR. Sykes Nottingham C. CampbellLondon Business SchoolL. Tyson Cranfield F. Hartley Manchester A. GilbertUniversity College LondonM. Grant Birmingham M. SterlingLeeds MetropolitanS. LeeSurrey C. SnowdenBath G. BreakwellAston J. E. KingCity M. Gillies LiverpoolD. BoneLondon School of Economics H. DaviesNottingham Trent N. GormanBristol E. ThomasWest of EnglandH. NewbyAberdeenC. RiceLeeds M. ArthurKeeleJ. FinchSalford M. HarloeOpen University B. GourleyUniversity of the Arts London M. BichardKing s College London R. Trainor Sheffield B. Boucher Southampton B. WakehamUlster R. BarnettLiverpool John MooresM. BrownExeterS. SmithOxfordJ. Hood St AndrewsB. Lang,Vice-Chancellors' Annual Salaries, 2006-2007 InstitutionVice-chancellorSalary 2006-07 ()Pension 2006-07()% rise in salaryImperial College LondonSource: Grant Thornton M. 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