Marx, Locke and Rousseau ¡®key to Macron¡¯s European universities¡¯ New president of German Rectors¡¯ Conference thinks it is crucial that all students know the European canon By David Matthews 12 August
Scholars put polemics over universities¡¯ tainted legacies in context Perspectives of historians, funders and fundraisers address ¡®Maoist moralizing¡¯ and shaking up ¡®complacent¡¯ institutions By Matthew Reisz 11 August
Nature chief: editors must improve journal-researcher relations Magdalena Skipper lists dedication to high-quality, reproducible science and greater transparency in decision-making as priorities By Rachael Pells 10 August
New boost for preprints after acceptance by ERC European Research Council says move is to support open access and get round often lengthy publishing process By David Matthews 9 August
Irish law to clamp down on essay mills ¡®could be model for UK¡¯ Irish bill criminalising the provision and advertising of cheating services could hit Google and Facebook, experts predict By Anna McKie 9 August
Giant¡¯s Causeway inspires building at University College Dublin Landmark architectural project for campus will echo one of Ireland¡¯s most striking natural phenomena By Matthew Reisz 9 August
Minority scientists to mentor senior professors in equality drive ¡®People who have been around at a university for a while assume they know everything¡but actually they need to be educated themselves,¡¯ says project leader By Rachael Pells 9 August
Russell Group attacks ¡®short-term¡¯ approach to monitoring access Experts express concern that call for five-year access agreements is a ¡®distraction technique¡¯ By Anna McKie 8 August
German and Swedish libraries shrug off Elsevier shutdown No sign of breakthrough as boycott yet to have significant impact on publisher By David Matthews 8 August
Scottish Highers: more students secure university places Younger applicants drive growth, despite fall in overall 18-year-old population By Anna McKie 7 August
Sheffield leaves foreign staff out of pocket for NHS fees University¡¯s refusal to extend support for international employees criticised By Rachael Pells 7 August
English regulator poised to spread funding more thinly Office for Students expects to take on responsibility for supporting wider range of providers from next August By Chris Havergal 7 August