World Academic Summit: ‘blood on streets’ risk on politics Dangers of universities being seen to shape public opinion highlighted in Pakistan, while Saudi leader warns of ‘slippery slope’ John Morgan 9月 28日
2024年世界大学排名: 中国高校向前10位迈进 北美高校排名重新上升,而大洋洲高校的国际前景有所下滑。帕特里克·杰克(Patrick Jack)为我们挑选了一些关键的排名趋势 Patrick Jack 9月 27日
World University Rankings 2024: Indonesia top for student-staff ratio Southeast Asian country has made big gains on student-staff ratio since 2020, while Hungary has improved on share of postgraduate researchers Tiya Thomas-Alexander 9月 27日
Scholars doubtful of Taiwan’s international student target In departure from previous small-scale efforts, initiative seeks to retain thousands of students for work after graduation Pola Lem 9月 26日
European institutions concerned by Chinese data protection rules The authoritarian country has rich datasets for research collaboration, but while some new regulations may feel familiar to European eyes, any comfort must come with big ethical caveats, an expert says Ben Upton 9月 24日
India-Canada spat ‘could hit international student flows’ New Delhi could wreak considerable damage to Canadian universities by playing on Indian families’ concerns over student safety abroad, says academic Pola Lem 9月 23日
Taliban brings in ideological courses at Afghan universities Lectures taught by loyalists seek to ‘turn everyone into a member of their party’, scholar says Pola Lem 9月 22日
China and Cambridge top science and technology cluster ranking Global Innovation Index shows China overtaking US on number of leading clusters, but UK impresses on intensive smaller clusters John Morgan 9月 20日
Japan reports 20 per cent drop in doctorates over two decades With job prospects slim in Japanese academia, PhD students may need to look outside country for further employment, researcher suggests Pola Lem 9月 20日