To become world-class, India’s universities need to collaborate Working together to tackle specific teaching and research needs could seed high-quality research institutes, say Diya Dutt and Sudarshan Saha Diya Dutt 7月 27日
Vietnam’s German university struggles to loosen government grip Battle over who should have final say over professorship appointments demonstrates difficulty in reconciling starkly different academic cultures Ben Upton 7月 26日
Japan expected to lose 140,000 students by mid-century Tokyo could use figures to justify more heavy-handed sector intervention, academics say Pola Lem 7月 25日
China-Taiwan trip could augur closer university collaboration But some academics remain wary, warning over Beijing’s ‘manipulation’ of student exchange for political purposes Pola Lem 7月 24日
Chinese universities grow career services to tackle unemployment Sector must meet demands of students who increasingly expect help landing a job, scholar says Pola Lem 7月 21日
Brain drain fears as Bhutanese head down under for degrees While Australia has long been a favoured education destination for the mountain kingdom, it now hosts a ‘major proportion’ of the population John Ross 7月 19日
Japan’s ?10 trillion excellence fund off to shaky start As fund records ?60 million deficit ahead of disbursement, academics voice concern over ‘strings-attached’ model Pola Lem 7月 19日
Korea draws shortlist for ambitious excellence initiative ‘Glocal’ scheme aims to boost universities outside Seoul and drive innovation in the face of demographic decline Pola Lem 7月 17日
Chinese sector expansion focuses on vocational training Opening of colleges running at 10 times the rate of development of new universities Jing Liu 7月 15日
Acceptance of overseas entrance exams is a new recruitment frontier Use of the CSAT is likely to increase US enrolment of South Koreans but could bode ill for some of the latter’s domestic institutions, says Kyuseok Kim Kyuseok Kim 7月 15日
India climbs to third among G20 nations for research output China continued to produce more publications last year than anywhere else, according to new report Patrick Jack 7月 12日
Suspended Indian professors draw international solidarity More than 500 scholars condemn South Asian University’s actions against faculty who supported students during hunger strikes Pola Lem 7月 12日