‘Level playing field needed’ for Indian medical students Expert calls for equal treatment of aspiring doctors, whether they are educated abroad or at home Joyce Lau 9月 15日
Tokyo tests the waters as Asia embraces bond financing Other Japanese institutions expected to follow suit as government funding dwindles Joyce Lau 9月 8日
大学必须大力强化他们的国际使命 昆山杜克大学(Duke Kunshan University)候任副校长阿尔弗雷德·H·布鲁姆(Alfred H. Bloom)表示,培养大学生的全球视野比以往任何时候都更加重要 Alfred Bloom 9月 5日
Piketty blasts ‘academic freedom violation’ as book pulled in China Actions by publishers could contribute to Chinese students having more one-sided views, economist tells THE Joyce Lau 9月 5日
Korean medical students oppose plans to expand training spaces Nationwide student boycott delayed exams crucial in keeping young doctors in the pipeline Joyce Lau 9月 4日
THE World University Rankings 2021: Korean universities find strength in their industry roots Knowledge transfer and start-up incubators are more important than ever given the economic downturn in the wake of Covid-19, say university leaders in South Korea Joyce Lau 9月 2日
World Academic Summit: staff autonomy a pandemic silver lining A Pakistan-based institution saw a new generation of leaders emerge during Covid-19 Joyce Lau 9月 2日
新冠疫情是创建知识转移新模型的机会 金文焕(Moo Hwan Kim)写道,一个美国大学联盟正在自由分享与新冠病毒相关的技术和知识产权,但这一做法不应只局限于新冠疫情 Moo Hwan Kim 9月 1日
Graduation fears as Indian Supreme Court insists on final exams Degrees will not be granted without final-year assessments, even if they are delayed Joyce Lau 8月 28日