‘Chicken’ university leaders roasted for tame defence of science Hermann Hauser calls on vice-chancellors to ‘take a stand against pseudoscience’ Ellie Bothwell 6月 15日
Norway moves to ban face veils in universities Country is latest European state to take action against the garment David Matthews 6月 14日
Mid-degree certificates boost student performance, study finds After a German university scrapped an intermediate diploma and exam deadlines, results worsened and procrastination increased David Matthews 6月 14日
Salary data lift lid on universities whose graduates earn most Hotly anticipated figures on salaries show that for subjects such as economics and law, the university attended has stronger link to high earnings Simon Baker 6月 13日
John Curtice: the academic pollster who keeps getting it right Strathclyde professor ‘relieved’ exit poll’s prediction that Conservatives would fail to win majority in UK general election was proved correct John Morgan 6月 13日
Jo Johnson reappointed as UK universities and science minister Orpington MP keeps role in Theresa May’s post-election reshuffle Chris Havergal 6月 12日
Ethics and open science in mix for researcher development rethink Changing academic environment prompts rethink of globally influential employment support guidelines Holly Else 6月 12日
This is your brain on PhD Steven Franklin lays bare the questions and doubts that go through his mind as he sits down to work on his thesis Steven Franklin 6月 12日
The hobbling of Theresa May: a ‘game changer’ for universities? John Morgan looks at how the PM’s woes may have beneficial side-effects John Morgan 6月 12日
Labour’s success puts free tuition at heart of HE funding debate Party figures warn vice-chancellors not to ignore public anger over tuition fees John Morgan 6月 12日
Lord Giddens: accidental academic who reached the top Former LSE director on how he overcame academic struggles to become Bill Clinton’s favourite political theorist, and the future for Labour Jack Grove 6月 11日
How we doubled the representation of female classical scholars on Wikipedia Victoria Leonard on bringing equality to the world's largest reference tool Victoria Leonard 6月 11日