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Articles by Martyn Hammersley 榴莲视频>
Social scientists must work hard to verify their conclusions. Too many that do not are rewarded anyway, says Martyn Hammersley
Allowing Big Tech to train AIs on academic output will only exacerbate the threat posed to teaching and research, says Martyn Hammersley
As Max Weber taught, scholars must respect the distinction between facts and values, says Martyn Hammersley
Some politicians are using the supposed ideological character of research to justify imposing greater control over it, says Martyn Hammersley
ChatGPT’s ability to churn out mediocre papers should lead us to reappraise how research is carried out, reported and evaluated, says Martyn Hammersley
Projects that pose no risk to participants are being distorted or prevented by regulations designed for medical interventions, says Martyn Hammersley
If those on both the Left and Right fail to examine basic assumptions, knowledge advancement is impaired, says Martyn Hammersley
如果作者不再需要证明他们的基本假设是正确的,那么裁判员该怎么办?马丁·哈默斯利(Martyn Hammersley)问道
Long-standing debates about what ‘research quality’ means make it obvious that the REF can be little more than make-believe, says Martyn Hammersley