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Articles by Zachary Foster 榴莲视频>
After the twin shocks of Brexit and Trump, Patrick McGhee can only guess what the next 12 months will bring. Are you ready for peer-reviewed tweets, TEF results determined by University Challenge, and ‘lyecturers’ for hire?
It may be the only bit of your thesis that most people will read, but do not waste your best title on your PhD, says Zachary Foster
Identifying intellectual junctions, intersections and sites for negotiation can give your academic rite of passage the right of way, says Zachary Foster
Lazy days? Not likely. In between reading, visiting the archives and doing fieldwork, you’ll barely have time to think
More helpful advice from Zachary Foster on how to successfully overcomplicate your writing
Researchers in the liberal arts seem to have made it their mission to communicate in the most obscure fashion, says Zachary Foster