For two weeks I waited for the expected flood of responses to Christie Davies's scurrilous piece (Soapbox, October 15) about abandoning our efforts to teach science.
Yet not a single reply has appeared. Has the scientific community lost the will to defend itself in this latest offensive in the struggle between the two cultures?
That many science graduates go on to non-scientific careers in no way detracts from the value of their education or from the desirability of offering opportunities to study the sciences.
The fact remains that there are also many science graduates who do go on to further their scientific knowledge and expertise, and who do pursue a wide range of challenging and valuable careers.
Davies's recommendation that we import the scientists we require could well be extended to importing all the skilled and knowledgeable workers needed to maintain our society.
As a nation of queen bees, we could all then sit back and enjoy an endless diet of daytime television, armchair sport and vicarious pleasures.
David Weitzman