Piercemuller, Doctor Out-of-office reply
To: chiefexecutive@popp.ac.uk. Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, I am now out of the office until further notice.
Piercemuller, Doctor Out-of-office reply
To: Lupping14@wanadoo.fr. Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, I am now out of the office until further notice.
Piercemuller, Doctor Out-of-office reply
To: Maureen.cult-studies@popp.ac.uk. Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, I am now out of the office until further notice.
Piercemuller, Doctor Out-of-office reply
To: Lupping14@wanadoo.fr. Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, I am now out of the office until further notice.
Piercemuller, Doctor To: Maureen.cult-studies@popp.ac.uk
Maureen. Why are you still emailing me when I've gone to all the trouble of installing an out-of-office reply? It's not as if you're the only one. I am being stalked by some French madman called Grudon Lupping the 14th who emails from a wanadoo address in France with repetitive and aggressive requests that I contact him urgently. Do you know this Monsieur Lupping? Has he approached you? Is this a matter for the gendarmerie? Piercemuller
Piercemuller, Doctor To: Maureen.cult-studies@popp.ac.uk
Maureen. Have I got this right? Professor Lapping can't get his email to work in France so he goes to French Telecom and they sell him a Wanadoo connection with the nearest email address they have on their system and that turns him into Lupping 14th? This is a serious matter. I will have to deal with it immediately. Piercemuller
Piercemuller, Doctor To: Lupping14@wanadoo.fr
Cher monsieur. Merci beaucoup pour votre email. Je regrette que je ne connais pas un personne qui s'appelle Grudon Lupping le Quatorzieme. Mais, ce n'est pas important parce que je suis en dehors de mon bureau jusqu'a nouvel ordre (until further notice). Voila! Piercemuller the First