

<榴莲视频 class="standfirst">
六月 13, 1997

University of Birmingham


Dr W. Siebert, Pounds ,571 from Joseph Rowntree Foundation (company recruitment policies - implications for unskilled workers); Mr J. Visser, Pounds 45,167 from Shotton Hall Trust (effective practice in meeting the needs of pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties); Professor J. Coote, Pounds 73,599 from British Heart Foundation (relationship between cardiovascular neurones of the rostral ventrolateral medulla and the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus) and Pounds 43,611 from the BHF (co-location of glutamate and neuropeptides in synapses on cardiovascular neurones) and Pounds 500,623 from the Wellcome Trust (study of modelling T cells and circuits in hippocampal CA3 region); Drs T. Lovick and B. Key, Pounds 70,103 from BHF (mechanisms underlying flow-metabolism coupling in intraparenchymal central blood vessels); Dr E. Johns, Pounds 151,025 from BHF (adrenergic influences on renal tubular fluid reabsorption in experimental hypertension); Dr A. Ahmed and Professor M. Whittle, Pounds 157,712 (nitric oxide and bradykinin receptor subtypes interaction at the maternal fetal interface and on trophoblast growth in normal pregnancy); Professor A. Rickinson, Pounds 149,810 from the Cancer Research Campaign (student support); Dr N. James and S. Tweddle, Pounds 35,564 from CRC (improved access to UK-based cancer information through the Internet for patients, carers and health-care professionals); Dr R. Stockley, Pounds 39,877 from West Midlands Chest Fund (investigation of effect of synthetic elastase inhibitors during neutrophil differentiation and management of M3) and Pounds 23,728 from the WMCF (modulation of neutrophil function F10643); Professor P. Bacon, Pounds 375,042 from the Wellcome Trust (molecular and functional analysis of monocyte transmigration infiltration and accumulation at sites of inflammation); Professor E. Maher, Pounds 86,071 from BHF (isolation of congenital heart disease gene from chromosome 3p25);

Professor J. Marshall, Pounds 91,636 from BHF (do adenosine and nitric oxide impair sympathetically mediated vasoconstriction during systemic hypoxia); Professor D. Kerr, Pounds 46,340 from the CRC (randomised trial establishing optimum length of adjuvant Tamoxifen duration); Dr S. Knutton, Pounds 164,473 from the Wellcome Trust (mechanism of attaching and effacing escherichia coli adhesion to intestinal epithelial cells); Dr J. Howl, Pounds 36,304 from BHF (molecular pharmacology of neurohypophysical peptide hormone receptors in the mammalian cardiovascular system); Professor J. Hunter, Pounds 20,863 from Historic Scotland (Landbery Fort Excavations);

Professor S. Richards, Pounds 24,857 from Joseph Rowntree Foundation (centralisation and its implications for governmental efficiency and effectiveness); Professor A. Murie and Mr R. Groves, Pounds 73,396 from Joseph Rowntree Foundation (home improvement, house condition and the lower end of the house ownership market in inner city Birmingham); Dr J. Neuberger, Pounds 28,509 from Special Trustees of the former United Birmingham Hospitals' Trust (investigations with human biliary epithelial cells); Dr S. Knutton, Pounds 106,763 from Action Research (pathophysiology of 'attaching and effacing' Escherichia Coli diarrhoea); Professor A. Rickinson and Dr S. Lee, Pounds 91,788 from Cancer Research Campaign (cytotoxic T cell control of Epstein-Barr virus-associated malignancies);

Professor M. Langman, Pounds 31,140 from the Wellcome Trust (sudden death in psychiatric patients receiving anti-psychotic drugs); Dr R. Stockley, Pounds 23,071 from West Midlands Chest Fund (regulation of proteinase gene transcription); Drs D. Adams and S. Afford, Pounds 32,041 from the Wellcome Trust (novel markers of inflammation and cellular phenotype in human liver diseases: characterisation of monoclonal antibodies with clinical diagnostic or therapeutic potential); Drs D. Ramsden, R. Waring, P. Barber and Professor A. Williams, Pounds 95,749 from the Parkinson's Disease Society (methyltransferase: a genetic component in the aetiology of idiopathic Parkinson's disease); Dr A. Logan, Pounds 142,107 from the Wellcome Trust (scar tissue deposition and regeneration in the central nervous system); Professor J. Heath, Pounds 135,486 from the Wellcome Trust (molecular genetics fibroblast growth factor receptors); Professors P. Butler and J. Franklyn, Pounds 68,180 from Leverhulme Trust (thyroid receptor isoforms and the differential muscular development of ducks and geese);

Dr A. Pullin, Pounds 57,578 from Leverhulme Trust (regionalisation of genetic diversity in the insect fauna of calcareous grassland); Drs J. Stephen, J. Lodge and Professor N. Brown, Pounds 152,529 from the Wellcome Trust (characterisation and regulation of expression of primary virulence determinants essential for the causation of salmonella induced disease); Mr I. Ferris, Pounds 106,712 from English Heritage (Binchester Roman Fort, post excavation project); Dr J. Marshall, Pounds 1,609 from BHF (effects of systemic hypoxia upon the pattern of sympathetic nerve activity to mesenteric and skeletal muscle arteries and on their responses); Dr M. Cullen, Pounds 50,550 from Special Trustees of the Former United Birmingham Hospitals' Trust (patterns and costs of care in non-small cell lung cancer within a randomised trial of chemotherapy versus supportive care);

Professor D. Kerr, Pounds 122,056 from the Cancer Research Campaign (core clinical funding); Drs J. Lord and D. Adams, Pounds 22,350 from STFUBHT (molecular basis of immunosuppression by bile acids); Dr S. Gough, Pounds 134,828 from the Wellcome Trust (genetic susceptibility to the development of autoimmune diseases); Dr J Jankowski, Pounds 24,316 from STFUBHT (altered cadherin gene structure and catenin gene expression during tumour genesis in human colitis); Dr S. Gough and Professor J. Franklin, Pounds 22,303 from STFUBHT (genetics of autoimmune thyroid disease); Professor P. Bacon, Pounds 64,665 from the Wellcome Trust (functional relevance of MHC class II tetrameters in autoimmune disease); Drs J. Pirenne, M. D'Silva and S. Afford, Pounds 24,212 from STFUBHT (role of CD95 in receptor/ligand system in the allo-immune response directed against organ allografts);

Dr J. Chipman, Pounds 86,622 from World Cancer Research Fund (dietary constituent modulation of genotoxicity mediated by cloned human cytochrome P450; specificity, mechanisms and concentration dependency); Dr S. McIver, Pounds 50,000 from King's Fund (citizen participation in decision making: role of the citizen's juries); Professor N. Bowery, Pounds 25,551 from the Wellcome Trust (neurochemical changes in spontaneous absence epilepsy: evaluation of the role of Gaba B receptors) and Pounds 38,726 from the Wellcome Trust (Gaba B receptor antagonism in rodent models of epilepsy: influence on cognitive changes); Drs S. Kumar, M. Eggo and P. Stewart and Professor A. Barnett, Pounds 69,254 (sex steroids cortisol and central obesity);

Professor P. Bacon, Pounds 23,425 from Arthritis and Rheumatism Council (re-examination of T cell deficiencies in chronic immune arthritis in relationship to the two-signal model of T cell activation); Drs M. Salmon and J. Lord, Pounds 79,928 from the ARC (molecular regulation of synovial T cell apoptosis); Drs M. Salmon, J. Miller, J. Winer and Professor P. Bacon, Pounds 129,483 from ARC (mechanism of T cell mediated muscle damage in polymyositis and in an eccentric exercise model in man); Dr G. Matthews, Pounds 147,510 from the Wellcome Trust (cellular role of Kexin FKR); Professor J. Coote, Pounds 50,723 from British Heart Foundation (Gaba regulation of cardiac vagal tone in humans); Dr G. Brown, Pounds 99,933 from Leukaemia Research Fund (cellular studies of differentiation);

Dr J. Lord, Pounds 94,623 from LRF (role of PKC isoenzymes in regulation of cell cycle and apoptosis in U937 cells); Dr S. Singh and Professor M. Langman, Pounds 54,645 from Wellcome Trust (hydrogen sylphide toxicity: an aetiological factor in ulcerative colitis); Professor I. Booth, Pounds 62,909 from LRF (recombinant epidermal growth factor and the prevention and repair of radiation/cytotoxic enteropathy following high dose chemotherapy); Dr A. Strain, Pounds 73,870 from Children's Liver Disease Foundation (regulation of epithelial cell growth and development in normal and diseased paediatric human liver);

Professor J. Jackson, Pounds 57,734 from BHF (sensitivity to cations of recombinant nucleotide-binding domains of transydrogenase from human heart mitochondria); Professor C. Thomas and Dr G. Jagura-Burdzy, Pounds 145,906 from the Wellcome Trust (global regulation of genomic survival functions by the IncP homologues of the partitioning proteins parA and parB); Professor P. Edwards, Pounds 23,001 from the Royal Society (fellowship - atomic scale wires within zeolites); Dr K. Kolasinski and Professor R. Palmer, Pounds 85,886 from Leverhulme Trust (optical properties of novel materials fabricated with size-selected cluster beams); Dr G. Jones, Pounds 66,542 from Leverhulme Trust (transition metal centres as synthons in cyclophane construction); Professor J. Orford and Mr A. Copello, Pounds 32,991 from Mental Health Foundation (development and evaluation of a 'package' for use in general practice in working with relatives of people with alcohol or other drug problems).

Research contracts

Mr E. Hughes, Pounds 61,472 from J.J. Gallagher Ltd (archaeological excavation at Slade Farm, Bicester); Mr. P. Leach, Pounds 82,664 from Ancient History and Archaeology Department (Shepton Mallet, Fosse Lane, Tesco's site excavation); Dr S. Greenfield, Pounds 25,837 from Department of Health (how do general practices control their prescribing budgets); Drs P. Amis, R. Slater and R. Leurs Pounds 94,035 from Overseas Development Administration (impact assessment study: slum improvement projects - India); Mr D. Mullins, Pounds 36,350 from the Housing Corporation (changing with the times); Professor A. Murie, Pounds 50,400 from the West Midlands Development Agency (the W.Midlands regional economy);

...to be continued



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