A 40 page full colour Millennium Magazine will be published with The Times Higher Education Supplement on 21 December 2000.
Our first Millennium Magazine looked back over the past 1,000 years of intellectual achievement. This follow-up will look forward into the coming centuries.
The theme is Values – the principles by which we should live in this new millennium, shaped as it will be by advances in fields like genetics and computing.
Fay Weldon on issues and ethics of the new millennium
Mary Kaldor on war, conflict and migration
Francesca Klug on human rights
Peter Nolan on the future of work and community
Colin Pillinger on space
Susan Richards on demography, the family and childhood
Susan Greenfield on health
George Monbiot on the environment
Plus articles by established writers and journalists on current research in each of the above areas, and a file of facts and figures on selected aspects of our past, present and future lives.