? (11.55 am BBC2). Repeat from late last Sunday of programme featuring NASA astronaut Jeffrey Hoffman on observing from space.
The Real Helen Keller (1.00 C4). How much was Keller (1880-1968) misrepresented by the contemporary media and how did she use them?
Scene by Scene with Janet Leigh (1.20 BBC2). Obscurely placed occasional (but usually enlightening) series returns with Mark Cousins interviewing Janet Leigh, now in her 70s. Two of her lesser films follow: Holiday Affair (1949) and The Black Shield of Falworth (1954); the important thing is that the film she starred in with Orson Welles and Charlton Heston, Touch of Evil , is being shown on Sunday, and that a documentary about the making of it, Reconstructing Evil , is at 12.55 am on BBC2 tonight.
The Medieval Ball (2.30 R4). What Islamic mapmakers did for medieval (Western) cartography. Terry Jones’s series continues.
Call Me Madam (6.05 BBC2). Film portrait of Betty Boothroyd, just-retired House of Commons speaker.
? : To Kill a Stranger (6.55 BBC2). On ETA’s return to violence.
? : Dreaming on Desolation Island (7.00 C4). Matthew Parris spends some time on the bleak remoteness of Kerguelen in the Indian Ocean.
? (7.40 BBC2). Last of excellent history-on-a-small-scale series visits a Regency house on the Brighton seafront.
My Father (8.00 C4). The last conversation between Lord Runcie, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, and his son James, filmed a few weeks before his death.
Secrets of the Ancients (8.10 BBC2). The Hanging Gardens of Babylon: how were they irrigated? (repeat).
Ghosts (12 midnight, repeated Sunday 5.00 pm World Service). Ibsen’s play in an adaptation by Doug Lucie heard on Radio 3 a couple of weeks ago.