Sumy State University

Sumy State University (SumDU)?Is a higher education institution of a classical type located in the city of Sumy, North-Eastern part of Ukraine. According to the SCOPUS database, Sumy State University holds a leading position among Ukrainian higher education and research institutions for h-index (the index of research impact) and the number of citations by the international academic community.
promotes a wide range of academic activities, research and innovation projects. SumDU often holds All-Ukrainian and International scientific and practical conferences in the field of Physics, Medicine, Social Sciences etc.
There are more than 3000 employees in the university, including Corresponding Members of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, 150 Doctors of Sciences, Professors, and 700 Candidates of Sciences (Ph.D.).
Our researchers are working towards turning the innovative ideas and brave experiments into reality. SumDU provides special research laboratories, centers of investigation and research projects. All projects are often supported by other educational institutions, local communities, industrial enterprises and frequently receive international grant funding. So our innovations are focused on national and worldwide interests.