
14 essential PhD questions answered

<榴莲视频 class="standfirst">Welcome to the Times Higher Education PhD surgery with Tara Brabazon, professor of education at Charles Sturt University, Australia.
八月 13, 2013

Source: Katie Edwards

An expert on doctoral education, Professor Brabazon’s articles for THE, including 10 truths a PhD supervisor will never tell you and How not to write a PhD thesis have been read hundreds of thousands of times, so we asked her to expand on the issues in a series of videos.

The questions that she answers in the short videos that follow were sourced from PhD candidates via the twitter feed. We hope you find them useful.



PhD Surgery: an introduction…


How do I choose a topic that will sustain my interest?

Are we asked questions about specific sources in our bibliography?


How do I prepare for a PhD oral examination (viva)?


How do I select a good PhD supervisor?


How long should supervisors take to respond to emails?


What are the specific challenges of a part time PhD?


What are your thoughts on a PhD by prior publication?


What do you think about online supervision of PhDs?


What is “light touch” supervision?


What is the difference between a master’s and a PhD?


What one question should I ask before commencing a PhD?


What skills do I require to commence a PhD?


Who will read my PhD?


Why are professional doctorates on the decline?

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<榴莲视频 class="pane-title"> Reader's comments (1)
Great Tips & Great Advice! Superb!