Each week this section lists funds available for academic researchers. Items for inclusion should be submitted to research@thes.co.uk
DEPT OF ENVIRONMENT, TRANSPORT ANDTHE REGIONS Partners in Innovation Partners in Innovation is a collaborative scheme which provides up to half the costs of research and innovation projects within the construction sector. It is open to all UK companies, industry bodies, institutions, research and technology organisations and universities. The competition will be managed in two separate calls run in parallel: 1. PII-Open. An open call seeking proposals from industry and academia addressing any important topic of relevance to the general framework provided by the DETR's Prospectus. The initiatives are expected to be defined bottom up by innovators rather than top down by DETR, CRISP or other high-level groups. In light of this DETR expects to contribute to open projects at an appropriate level, but at well below 50%.
2. PII-Focus. A directed call seeking proposals against pre-specified priority areas. These priorities have been defined jointly by DETR and industry and are therefore expected to attract proposals where the DETR contribution has been set at the 50% support level. Outline proposals deadline: September 29.
Full information on the website, including all contact details.
RESEARCH INSTITUTEOF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY FOR THE EARTH The Global Environment: invitation for proposals RITE is inviting basic research proposals aimed at the development of innovative technologies which will contribute to the solution of global environmental problems. Research themes a) research concerning carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases considered to be the primary causes of global warming: efficient separation, recovery, disposal, re-use etc. of greenhouse gases; innovative process technologies which limit greenhouse gas generation; research concerning enhancement of CO2 sinks. b) research on other technologies concerning global environmental problems as follows: control of the generation and widespread release of chemical substances, apart from the greenhouse gases mentioned in a), which are seriously detrimental to the environment, or detoxification of those substances; substitutes for the chemical substances mentioned above; recycling and effective utilisation of materials. Deadline: October 31. Application forms are downloadable or contact: Research Proposals Reception Section, Research Planning Department, RITE, 9-2 Kizugawadai, Kizu-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto, 619-0292, Japan; tel: +81 774 75 2302; fax: +81 774 75 2314; email: proposal@rite.or.jp.
WELLCOME TRUST Biodiversity Programme The Biodiversity initiative aims to strengthen studies in taxonomy, systematics, speciation and evolutionary biology, including the genetic analysis of population structure by providing opportunities for training and career development. The scheme focuses on research relevant to infectious diseases of man and domesticated animals, and funding may be provided for studies of the genetic diversity of pathogens and the vectors of these pathogens. Applications in the field of medical and veterinary entomology are particularly encouraged. Senior and junior research fellowships, and research training studentships are available. Preliminary application deadline: September 1. Contact: Grants Section (Biodiversity), Wellcome Trust, 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE; fax: 020 7611 8352; email: k.findlay@wellcome.ac.uk.
BIOTECHNOLOGY & BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES RESEARCH COUNCIL Research Committee Studentships Applications are invited for BBSRC three-year studentships starting October 1, 2001. Each of the seven BBSRC research committees and the bioinformatics panel has a limited number of project-based studentships in specific topic areas. Applications will only be accepted within specified studentship areas. Applications may be submitted from eligible individuals - principally established researchers in universities in Great Britain and in the BBSRC-sponsored institutes - for a research studentship or CASE studentship to carry out projects within the specific priority areas listed below. The relevant application form and guidance notes can be downloaded from the website. For paper copies and general administrative queries, contact: BBSRC Secretariat & Liaison Branch, Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1UH (email: postgrad.studentships@bbsrc.ac.uk; 24-hour answering machine (01793 413348)) Committee studentship topic areas: agrifood; animal sciences; biochemistry and cell biology; bioinformatics; biomolecular sciences; engineering and biological systems; genes and developmental biology; plant and microbial sciences. Deadline: August 4.
EPSRC/DTI Optical Systems for the Digital Age Programme This Link programme encourages companies to access and adapt the results of the UK academic research base in optical systems, with the aim of exploiting new advances in products that will earn wealth for the UK. The programme aims to support collaboration between industry and academia on systems-led projects involving the application of optical techniques and devices, and to promote the novel use of such technologies in a wide variety of sectors.
Research is concentrated in the following areas: optical communications; imaging and sensor networks; compact, high efficiency laser systems; optics in computer systems and displays.
There will also be work on packaging of optical components to underpin the above. Details on the web. Outline proposal deadline: September 14. Contact: Programme Coordinator, Steve Gratze, SPG Enterprises, The Cottage, Broad Green, Colchester, Essex CO6 1RU; tel: 01376 563962; email: sgratze@uk.
NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Geographic-Based Research in Cancer Control and Epidemiology The National Cancer Institute wishes to stimulate research in three areas in order to encourage researchers to use the recently published 'Atlas of Cancer Mortality in the United States' to speed the process of scientific discovery and application. The areas include: (1) epidemiologic research to study the determinants of the geographic patterns uncovered by the atlas; (2) use of geographic information systems for cancer research in response to the atlas; and (3) methodologic GIS research needed to accomplish such research. Letter of intent deadline: October 9. Contact: Burdette Erickson; Div of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute, 6130 Executive Blvd, Rm. 240H, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA; tel: (301) 435 4913; fax: (301) 402 49; email: be13u@nih.gov.
JOSEPH ROWNTREE FOUNDATION Normative Studies of Parenting JRF is particularly interested in proposals that: extend the normative information on parenting to particular minority ethnic or cultural groups within the population; extend the normative information to particular identified groups within the population; disaggregate the role of mothering and fathering in parenting, and investigate the parenting role of fathers as well as mothers. Although there is no requirement to submit an outline proposal, JRF will give feedback on outlines received before August 25. Outlines should include details of the aims, scope and cost of the research, and should not exceed 500 words in length. Queries to: Susan Taylor, Senior Research Manager, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, The 榴莲视频stead, 40 Water End, York YO30 6WP; tel: 01904 615911; email: susan.taylor@jrf.org.uk. Deadline: September 14.
DFID ANIMAL HEALTH RESEARCH PROGRAMME Call for research projects in tropical animal health Applications are invited for funding of research in the field of tropical animal health through the Department for International Development Rural Livelihoods Dept's Animal Health Programme. AHP research must target appropriate groups of livestock keepers and livestock species for whom the programme has specific relevance. Thematic areas of research will address animal health problems of these target groups of poor livestock keepers aimed particularly at the major endemic diseases of livestock. Projects are normally limited to three years and a maximum of Pounds 75,000 a year. Preference will be given to proposals that are important to the livelihoods of poor people in countries in East, Central and Southern Africa or South Asia. Applicants are asked to prepare a concept note; templates are available online, or can be obtained with guidelines by email from: ahp@vet.ed.ac.uk. Concept note deadline: September 22.
NUFFIELD FOUNDATION foundation.org The Oliver Bird Fund The Oliver Bird Fund makes grants to support research into the basic causes and processes of rheumatic disease. Preference is given to younger researchers. Deadline: November 1. For information sheets, guidance notes for applicants, conditions of award and a summary form, which must accompany an application, either ring 020 7580 7434 to leave a message on a 24-hour answerphone quoting reference "OBF", or downloaded them from the website. Contact Vicki Hughes for information; The Nuffield Foundation, 28 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3EG; tel: 020 7631 0566; fax: 020 7323 4877.
LEVERHULME TRUST Prize Fellowships The Leverhulme Prize Fellowships are for outstanding young scholars of substantial distinction and promise. Awards will be made in recognition of the research achievement and standing of nominees. Approximately 30 fellowships are available across the following disciplines: astronomy and astrophysics; engineering; classics; geography (excluding physical geography); earth sciences; philosophy and ethics; economics. The value of each fellowship will be Pounds 50,000, available over two years. Prizes can be used for any purpose to advance the fellow's research, with the following exceptions: enhancement of the fellow's salary, capital items and equipment, and institutional overheads. Prize fellows should be under age 36 on October 16 and they should hold a post in a UK institution of higher education. Deadline: 4.00 pm, October 16. Nomination materials are available online. Queries to Jean Cater; email: jcater@leverhulme.org.uk; tel: 020 7822 6952.