
The next big bang: behind the headlines papers

五月 25, 2017
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These are all the papers relating to the "behind the headlines" research fronts in the article?What are the hot research areas that might spark the next big bang?, published in?Times Higher Education?on 25 May 2017.?

<榴莲视频>Research front: Theories concerning 750 GeV diphoton excess?

Paper 1

Title:?Interpretation of the diphoton excess at CMS and ATLAS

Author(s):?Dutta, B (Dutta, Bhaskar); Gao, Y (Gao, Yu); Ghosh, T (Ghosh, Tathagata); Gogoladze, I (Gogoladze, Ilia); Li, TJ (Li, Tianjun)

Source:?PHYSICAL REVIEW D??Volume:?93??Issue:?5??Article Number:?055032??DOI:?10.1103/PhysRevD.93.055032??Published:?MAR 22 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?48

Total Times Cited:?48

Paper 2

Title:?Interpreting the 750 GeV diphoton excess by the singlet extension of the Manohar-Wise model

Author(s):?Cao, JJ (Cao, Junjie); Han, CC (Han, Chengcheng); Shang, LL (Shang, Liangliang); Su, W (Su, Wei); Yang, JM (Yang, Jin Min); Zhang, Y (Zhang, Yang)

Source:?PHYSICS LETTERS B??Volume:?755??Pages:?456-463??DOI:?10.1016/j.physletb.2016.02.045??Published:?APR 10 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?46

Total Times Cited:?46

Paper 3

Title:?Implication of the 750 GeV diphoton resonance on two-Higgs-doublet model and its extensions with Higgs field

Author(s):?Han, XF (Han, Xiao-Fang); Wang, L (Wang, Lei)

Source:?PHYSICAL REVIEW D??Volume:?93??Issue:?5??Article Number:?055027??DOI:?10.1103/PhysRevD.93.055027??Published:?MAR 18 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?45

Total Times Cited:?45

Paper 4

Title:?Higgs singlet boson as a diphoton resonance in a vectorlike quark model

Author(s):?Benbrik, R (Benbrik, R.); Chen, CH (Chen, Chuan-Hung); Nomura, T (Nomura, Takaaki)

Source:?PHYSICAL REVIEW D??Volume:?93??Issue:?5??Article Number:?055034??DOI:?10.1103/PhysRevD.93.055034??Published:?MAR 23 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?42

Total Times Cited:?42

Paper 5

Title:?The 750 GeV S-cion: Where else should we look for it?

Author(s):?Alves, A (Alves, Alexandre); Dias, AG (Dias, Alex G.); Sinha, K (Sinha, Kuver)

Source:?PHYSICS LETTERS B??Volume:?757??Pages:?39-46??DOI:?10.1016/j.physletb.2016.03.052??Published:?JUN 10 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?41

Total Times Cited:?41

Paper 6

Title:?A SUSY inspired simplified model for the 750 GeV diphoton excess

Author(s):?Gabrielli, E (Gabrielli, E.); Kannike, K (Kannike, K.); Mele, B (Mele, B.); Raidal, M (Raidal, M.); Spethmann, C (Spethmann, C.); Veermae, H (Veermaee, H.)

Source:?PHYSICS LETTERS B??Volume:?756??Pages:?36-41??DOI:?10.1016/j.physletb.2016.02.069??Published:?MAY 10 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?41

Total Times Cited:?41

Paper 7

Title:?Simple U(1) gauge theory explanation of the diphoton excess

Author(s):?Chang, S (Chang, Spencer)

Source:?PHYSICAL REVIEW D??Volume:?93??Issue:?5??Article Number:?055016??DOI:?10.1103/PhysRevD.93.055016??Published:?MAR 9 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?39

Total Times Cited:?39

Paper 8

Title:?A resonance without resonance: Scrutinizing the diphoton excess at 750 GeV

Author(s):?Kim, JS (Kim, Jong Soo); Reuter, J (Reuter, Juergen); Rolbiecki, K (Rolbiecki, Krzysztof); de Austri, RR (Ruiz de Austri, Roberto)

Source:?PHYSICS LETTERS B??Volume:?755??Pages:?403-408??DOI:?10.1016/j.physletb.2016.02.041??Published:?APR 10 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?38

Total Times Cited:?38

Paper 9

Title:?750 GeV diphotons from a D3-brane

Author(s):?Heckman, JJ (Heckman, Jonathan J.)

Source:?NUCLEAR PHYSICS B??Volume:?906??Pages:?231-240??DOI:?10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2016.02.031??Published:?MAY 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?37

Total Times Cited:?37

Paper 10

Title:?750 GeV resonance in the dark left-right model

Author(s):?Dey, UK (Dey, Ujjal Kumar); Mohanty, S (Mohanty, Subhendra); Tomar, G (Tomar, Gaurav)

Source:?PHYSICS LETTERS B??Volume:?756??Pages:?384-389??DOI:?10.1016/j.physletb.2016.03.048??Published:?MAY 10 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?36

Total Times Cited:?36

Paper 11

Title:?Trinification can explain the di-photon and di-boson LHC anomalies

Author(s):?Pelaggi, GM (Pelaggi, Giulio Maria); Strumia, A (Strumia, Alessandro); Vigiani, E (Vigiani, Elena)

Source:?JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS??Issue:?3??Article Number:?025??DOI:?10.1007/JHEP03(2016)025??Published:?MAR 4 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?36

Total Times Cited:?36

Paper 12

Title:?Diphoton excess at 750 GeV: Singlet scalars confront triviality

Author(s):?Chakraborty, I (Chakraborty, Indrani); Kundu, A (Kundu, Anirban)

Source:?PHYSICAL REVIEW D??Volume:?93??Issue:?5??Article Number:?055003??DOI:?10.1103/PhysRevD.93.055003??Published:?MAR 1 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?33

Total Times Cited:?33

Paper 13

Title:?Scalar explanation of diphoton excess at LHC

Author(s):?Han, HY (Han, Huayong); Wang, SM (Wang, Shaoming); Zheng, SB (Zheng, Sibo)

Source:?NUCLEAR PHYSICS B??Volume:?907??Pages:?180-186??DOI:?10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2016.04.002??Published:?JUN 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?28

Total Times Cited:?28


<榴莲视频>Research front: Precision studies of the Higgs boson?

Paper 1

Title:?LHAPDF6: parton density access in the LHC precision era

Author(s):?Buckley, A (Buckley, Andy); Ferrando, J (Ferrando, James); Lloyd, S (Lloyd, Stephen); Nordstrom, K (Nordstroem, Karl); Page, B (Page, Ben); Rufenacht, M (Ruefenacht, Martin); Schonherr, M (Schoenherr, Marek); Watt, G (Watt, Graeme)

Source:?EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C??Volume:?75??Issue:?3??Article Number:?132??DOI:?10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3318-8??Published:?MAR 20 2015??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?68

Total Times Cited:?68

Paper 2

Title:?Higgs Boson Gluon-Fusion Production in QCD at Three Loops

Author(s):?Anastasiou, C (Anastasiou, Charalampos); Duhr, C (Duhr, Claude); Dulat, F (Dulat, Falko); Herzog, F (Herzog, Franz); Mistlberger, B (Mistlberger, Bernhard)

Source:?PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS??Volume:?114??Issue:?21??Article Number:?212001??DOI:?10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.212001??Published:?MAY 27 2015??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?62

Total Times Cited:?62

Paper 3

Title:?PDF4LHC recommendations for LHC Run II

Author(s):?Butterworth, J (Butterworth, Jon); Carrazza, S (Carrazza, Stefano); Cooper-Sarkar, A (Cooper-Sarkar, Amanda); De Roeck, A (De Roeck, Albert); Feltesse, J (Feltesse, Joel); Forte, S (Forte, Stefano); Gao, J (Gao, Jun); Glazov, S (Glazov, Sasha); Huston, J (Huston, Joey); Kassabov, Z (Kassabov, Zahari); McNulty, R (McNulty, Ronan); Morsch, A (Morsch, Andreas); Nadolsky, P (Nadolsky, Pavel); Radescu, V (Radescu, Voica); Rojo, J (Rojo, Juan); Thorne, R (Thorne, Robert)

Source:?JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS??Volume:?43??Issue:?2??Article Number:?023001??DOI:?10.1088/0954-3899/43/2/023001??Published:?FEB 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?39

Total Times Cited:?39

Paper 4

Title:?W-Boson Production in Association with a Jet at Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order in Perturbative QCD

Author(s):?Boughezal, R (Boughezal, Radja); Focke, C (Focke, Christfried); Liu, XH (Liu, Xiaohui); Petriello, F (Petriello, Frank)

Source:?PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS??Volume:?115??Issue:?6??Article Number:?062002??DOI:?10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.062002??Published:?AUG 7 2015??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?37

Total Times Cited:?37

Paper 5

Title:?Precise QCD predictions for the production of Higgs plus jet final states

Author(s):?Chen, X (Chen, X.); Gehrmann, T (Gehrmann, T.); Glover, EWN (Glover, E. W. N.); Jaquier, M (Jaquier, M.)

Source:?PHYSICS LETTERS B??Volume:?740??Pages:?147-150??DOI:?10.1016/jphysletb.2014.11.021??Published:?JAN 5 2015??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?35

Total Times Cited:?35

Paper 6

Title:?Higgs boson production in association with a jet using jettiness subtraction

Author(s):?Boughezal, R (Boughezal, Radja); Focke, C (Focke, Christfried); Giele, W (Giele, Walter); Liu, XH (Liu, Xiaohui); Petriello, F (Petriello, Frank)

Source:?PHYSICS LETTERS B??Volume:?748??Pages:?5-8??DOI:?10.1016/j.physletb.2015.06.055??Published:?SEP 2 2015??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?33

Total Times Cited:?33

Paper 7

Title:?High precision determination of the gluon fusion Higgs boson cross-section at the LHC

Author(s):?Anastasiou, C (Anastasiou, Charalampos); Duhr, C (Duhr, Claude); Dulat, F (Dulat, Falko); Furlan, E (Furlan, Elisabetta); Gehrmann, T (Gehrmann, Thomas); Herzog, F (Herzog, Franz); Lazopoulos, A (Lazopoulos, Achilleas); Mistlberger, B (Mistlberger, Bernhard)

Source:?JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS??Issue:?5??Article Number:?058??DOI:?10.1007/JHEP05(2016)058??Published:?MAY 10 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?16

Total Times Cited:?16

Paper 8

Title:?Z-Boson Production in Association with a Jet at Next-To-Next-To-Leading Order in Perturbative QCD

Author(s):?Boughezal, R (Boughezal, Radja); Campbell, J (Campbell, John); Ellis, RK (Ellis, R. Keith); Focke, C (Focke, Christfried); Giele, W (Giele, Walter); Liu, XH (Liu, Xiaohui); Petriello, F (Petriello, Frank)

Source:?PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS??Volume:?116??Issue:?15??Article Number:?152001??DOI:?10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.152001??Published:?APR 14 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?11

Total Times Cited:?11


<榴莲视频>Research front: Studies of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from Rosetta mission?

Paper 1

Title:?Time variability and heterogeneity in the coma of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

Author(s):?Hassig, M (Haessig, M.); Altwegg, K (Altwegg, K.); Balsiger, H (Balsiger, H.); Bar-Nun, A (Bar-Nun, A.); Berthelier, JJ (Berthelier, J. J.); Bieler, A (Bieler, A.); Bochsler, P (Bochsler, P.); Briois, C (Briois, C.); Calmonte, U (Calmonte, U.); Combi, M (Combi, M.); De Keyser, J (De Keyser, J.); Eberhardt, P (Eberhardt, P.); Fiethe, B (Fiethe, B.); Fuselier, SA (Fuselier, S. A.); Galand, M (Galand, M.); Gasc, S (Gasc, S.); Gombosi, TI (Gombosi, T. I.); Hansen, KC (Hansen, K. C.); Jackel, A (Jaeckel, A.); Keller, HU (Keller, H. U.); Kopp, E (Kopp, E.); Korth, A (Korth, A.); Kuhrt, E (Kuehrt, E.); Le Roy, L (Le Roy, L.); Mall, U (Mall, U.); Marty, B (Marty, B.); Mousis, O (Mousis, O.); Neefs, E (Neefs, E.); Owen, T (Owen, T.); Reme, H (Reme, H.); Rubin, M (Rubin, M.); Semon, T (Semon, T.); Tornow, C (Tornow, C.); Tzou, CY (Tzou, C. -Y.); Waite, JH (Waite, J. H.); Wurz, P (Wurz, P.)

Source:?SCIENCE??Volume:?347??Issue:?6220??Article Number:?aaa0276??DOI:?10.1126/science.aaa0276??Published:?JAN 23 2015??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?70

Total Times Cited:?70

Paper 2

Title:?Shape model, reference system definition, and cartographic mapping standards for comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko Stereo-photogrammetric analysis of Rosetta/OSIRIS image data

Author(s):?Preusker, F (Preusker, F.); Scholten, F (Scholten, F.); Matz, KD (Matz, K. -D.); Roatsch, T (Roatsch, T.); Willner, K (Willner, K.); Hviid, SF (Hviid, S. F.); Knollenberg, J (Knollenberg, J.); Jorda, L (Jorda, L.); Gutierrez, PJ (Gutierrez, P. J.); Kuhrt, E (Kuehrt, E.); Mottola, S (Mottola, S.); A'Hearn, MF (A'Hearn, M. F.); Thomas, N (Thomas, N.); Sierks, H (Sierks, H.); Barbieri, C (Barbieri, C.); Lamy, P (Lamy, P.); Rodrigo, R (Rodrigo, R.); Koschny, D (Koschny, D.); Rickman, H (Rickman, H.); Keller, HU (Keller, H. U.); Agarwal, J (Agarwal, J.); Barucci, MA (Barucci, M. A.); Bertaux, JL (Bertaux, J. -L.); Bertini, I (Bertini, I.); Cremonese, G (Cremonese, G.); Da Deppo, V (Da Deppo, V.); Davidsson, B (Davidsson, B.); Debei, S (Debei, S.); De Cecco, M (De Cecco, M.); Fornasier, S (Fornasier, S.); Fulle, M (Fulle, M.); Groussin, O (Groussin, O.); Guttler, C (Guettler, C.); Ip, WH (Ip, W. -H.); Kramm, JR (Kramm, J. R.); Kuppers, M (Kueppers, M.); Lara, LM (Lara, L. M.); Lazzarin, M (Lazzarin, M.); Moreno, JJL (Lopez Moreno, J. J.); Marzari, F (Marzari, F.); Michalik, H (Michalik, H.); Naletto, G (Naletto, G.); Oklay, N (Oklay, N.); Tubiana, C (Tubiana, C.); Vincent, JB (Vincent, J. -B.)

Source:?ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS??Volume:?583??Article Number:?A33??DOI:?10.1051/0004-6361/201526349??Published:?NOV 2015??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?45

Total Times Cited:?45

Paper 3

Title:?Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko sheds dust coat accumulated over the past four years

Author(s):?Schulz, R (Schulz, Rita); Hilchenbach, M (Hilchenbach, Martin); Langevin, Y (Langevin, Yves); Kissel, J (Kissel, Jochen); Silen, J (Silen, Johan); Briois, C (Briois, Christelle); Engrand, C (Engrand, Cecile); Hornung, K (Hornung, Klaus); Baklouti, D (Baklouti, Donia); Bardyn, A (Bardyn, Anais); Cottin, H (Cottin, Herve); Fischer, H (Fischer, Henning); Fray, N (Fray, Nicolas); Godard, M (Godard, Marie); Lehto, H (Lehto, Harry); Le Roy, L (Le Roy, Lena); Merouane, S (Merouane, Sihane); Orthous-Daunay, FR (Orthous-Daunay, Francois-Regis); Paquette, J (Paquette, John); Ryno, J (Ryno, Jouni); Siljestrom, S (Siljestrom, Sandra); Stenzel, O (Stenzel, Oliver); Thirkell, L (Thirkell, Laurent); Varmuza, K (Varmuza, Kurt); Zaprudin, B (Zaprudin, Boris)

Source:?NATURE??Volume:?518??Issue:?7538??Pages:?216-218??DOI:?10.1038/nature14159??Published:?FEB 12 2015??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?45

Total Times Cited:?46

Paper 4

Title:?The morphological diversity of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

Author(s):?Thomas, N (Thomas, Nicolas); Sierks, H (Sierks, Holger); Barbieri, C (Barbieri, Cesare); Lamy, PL (Lamy, Philippe L.); Rodrigo, R (Rodrigo, Rafael); Rickman, H (Rickman, Hans); Koschny, D (Koschny, Detlef); Keller, HU (Keller, Horst Uwe); Agarwal, J (Agarwal, Jessica); A'Hearn, MF (A'Hearn, Michael F.); Angrilli, F (Angrilli, Francesco); Auger, AT (Auger, Anne-Therese); Barucci, MA (Barucci, M. Antonella); Bertaux, JL (Bertaux, Jean-Loup); Bertini, I (Bertini, Ivano); Besse, S (Besse, Sebastien); Bodewits, D (Bodewits, Dennis); Cremonese, G (Cremonese, Gabriele); Da Deppo, V (Da Deppo, Vania); Davidsson, B (Davidsson, Bjoern); De Cecco, M (De Cecco, Mariolino); Debei, S (Debei, Stefano); El-Maarry, MR (El-Maarry, Mohamed Ramy); Ferri, F (Ferri, Francesca); Fornasier, S (Fornasier, Sonia); Fulle, M (Fulle, Marco); Giacomini, L (Giacomini, Lorenza); Groussin, O (Groussin, Olivier); Gutierrez, PJ (Gutierrez, Pedro J.); Guttler, C (Guettler, Carsten); Hviid, SF (Hviid, Stubbe F.); Ip, WH (Ip, Wing-Huen); Jorda, L (Jorda, Laurent); Knollenberg, J (Knollenberg, Joerg); Kramm, JR (Kramm, J. -Rainer); Kuhrt, E (Kuehrt, Ekkehard); Kuppers, M (Kueppers, Michael); La Forgia, F (La Forgia, Fiorangela); Lara, LM (Lara, Luisa M.); Lazzarin, M (Lazzarin, Monica); Moreno, JJL (Moreno, Jose J. Lopez); Magrin, S (Magrin, Sara); Marchi, S (Marchi, Simone); Marzari, F (Marzari, Francesco); Massironi, M (Massironi, Matteo); Michalik, H (Michalik, Harald); Moissl, R (Moissl, Richard); Mottola, S (Mottola, Stefano); Naletto, G (Naletto, Giampiero); Oklay, N (Oklay, Nilda); Pajola, M (Pajola, Maurizio); Pommerol, A (Pommerol, Antoine); Preusker, F (Preusker, Frank); Sabau, L (Sabau, Lola); Scholten, F (Scholten, Frank); Snodgrass, C (Snodgrass, Colin); Tubiana, C (Tubiana, Cecilia); Vincent, JB (Vincent, Jean-Baptiste); Wenzel, KP (Wenzel, Klaus-Peter)

Source:?SCIENCE??Volume:?347??Issue:?6220??Article Number:?UNSP aaa0440??DOI:?10.1126/science.aaa0440??Published:?JAN 23 2015??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?43

Total Times Cited:?43

Paper 5

Title:?Spectrophotometric properties of the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from the OSIRIS instrument onboard the ROSETTA spacecraft

Author(s):?Fornasier, S (Fornasier, S.); Hasselmann, PH (Hasselmann, P. H.); Barucci, MA (Barucci, M. A.); Feller, C (Feller, C.); Besse, S (Besse, S.); Leyrat, C (Leyrat, C.); Lara, L (Lara, L.); Gutierrez, PJ (Gutierrez, P. J.); Oklay, N (Oklay, N.); Tubiana, C (Tubiana, C.); Scholten, F (Scholten, F.); Sierks, H (Sierks, H.); Barbieri, C (Barbieri, C.); Lamy, PL (Lamy, P. L.); Rodrigo, R (Rodrigo, R.); Koschny, D (Koschny, D.); Rickman, H (Rickman, H.); Keller, HU (Keller, H. U.); Agarwal, J (Agarwal, J.); A'Hearn, MF (A'Hearn, M. F.); Bertaux, JL (Bertaux, J. -L.); Bertini, I (Bertini, I.); Cremonese, G (Cremonese, G.); Da Deppo, V (Da Deppo, V.); Davidsson, B (Davidsson, B.); Debei, S (Debei, S.); De Cecco, M (De Cecco, M.); Fulle, M (Fulle, M.); Groussin, O (Groussin, O.); Guttler, C (Guettler, C.); Hviid, SF (Hviid, S. F.); Ip, W (Ip, W.); Jorda, L (Jorda, L.); Knollenberg, J (Knollenberg, J.); Kovacs, G (Kovacs, G.); Kramm, R (Kramm, R.); Kuhrt, E (Kuehrt, E.); Kuppers, M (Kueppers, M.); La Forgia, F (La Forgia, F.); Lazzarin, M (Lazzarin, M.); Moreno, JJL (Lopez Moreno, J. J.); Marzari, F (Marzari, F.); Matz, KD (Matz, K. -D.); Michalik, H (Michalik, H.); Moreno, F (Moreno, F.); Mottola, S (Mottola, S.); Naetto, G (Naetto, G.); Pajola, M (Pajola, M.); Pommerol, A (Pommerol, A.); Preusker, F (Preusker, F.); Shi, X (Shi, X.); Snodgrass, C (Snodgrass, C.); Thomas, N (Thomas, N.); Vincent, JB (Vincent, J-B.)

Source:?ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS??Volume:?583??Article Number:?A30??DOI:?10.1051/0004-6361/201525901??Published:?NOV 2015??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?39

Total Times Cited:?39

Paper 6

Title:?A homogeneous nucleus for comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from its gravity field

Author(s):?Patzold, M (Paetzold, M.); Andert, T (Andert, T.); Hahn, M (Hahn, M.); Asmar, SW (Asmar, S. W.); Barriot, JP (Barriot, J. -P.); Bird, MK (Bird, M. K.); Hausler, B (Haeusler, B.); Peter, K (Peter, K.); Tellmann, S (Tellmann, S.); Grun, E (Gruen, E.); Weissman, PR (Weissman, P. R.); Sierks, H (Sierks, H.); Jorda, L (Jorda, L.); Gaskell, R (Gaskell, R.); Preusker, F (Preusker, F.); Scholten, F (Scholten, F.)

Source:?NATURE??Volume:?530??Issue:?7588??Pages:?63-+??DOI:?10.1038/nature16535??Published:?FEB 4 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?17

Total Times Cited:?17

Paper 7

Title:?Exposed water ice on the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

Author(s):?Filacchione, G (Filacchione, G.); De Sanctis, MC (De Sanctis, M. C.); Capaccioni, F (Capaccioni, F.); Raponi, A (Raponi, A.); Tosi, F (Tosi, F.); Ciarniello, M (Ciarniello, M.); Cerroni, P (Cerroni, P.); Piccioni, G (Piccioni, G.); Capria, MT (Capria, M. T.); Palomba, E (Palomba, E.); Bellucci, G (Bellucci, G.); Erard, S (Erard, S.); Bockelee-Morvan, D (Bockelee-Morvan, D.); Leyrat, C (Leyrat, C.); Arnold, G (Arnold, G.); Barucci, MA (Barucci, M. A.); Fulchignoni, M (Fulchignoni, M.); Schmitt, B (Schmitt, B.); Quirico, E (Quirico, E.); Jaumann, R (Jaumann, R.); Stephan, K (Stephan, K.); Longobardo, A (Longobardo, A.); Mennella, V (Mennella, V.); Migliorini, A (Migliorini, A.); Ammannito, E (Ammannito, E.); Benkhoff, J (Benkhoff, J.); Bibring, JP (Bibring, J. P.); Blanco, A (Blanco, A.); Blecka, MI (Blecka, M. I.); Carlson, R (Carlson, R.); Carsenty, U (Carsenty, U.); Colangeli, L (Colangeli, L.); Combes, M (Combes, M.); Combi, M (Combi, M.); Crovisier, J (Crovisier, J.); Drossart, P (Drossart, P.); Encrenaz, T (Encrenaz, T.); Federico, C (Federico, C.); Fink, U (Fink, U.); Fonti, S (Fonti, S.); Ip, WH (Ip, W. H.); Irwin, P (Irwin, P.); Kuehrt, E (Kuehrt, E.); Langevin, Y (Langevin, Y.); Magni, G (Magni, G.); McCord, T (McCord, T.); Moroz, L (Moroz, L.); Mottola, S (Mottola, S.); Orofino, V (Orofino, V.); Schade, U (Schade, U.); Taylor, F (Taylor, F.); Tiphene, D (Tiphene, D.); Tozzi, GP (Tozzi, G. P.); Beck, P (Beck, P.); Biver, N (Biver, N.); Bonal, L (Bonal, L.); Combe, JP (Combe, J-Ph.); Despan, D (Despan, D.); Flamini, E (Flamini, E.); Formisano, M (Formisano, M.); Fornasier, S (Fornasier, S.); Frigeri, A (Frigeri, A.); Grassi, D (Grassi, D.); Gudipati, MS (Gudipati, M. S.); Kappel, D (Kappel, D.); Mancarella, F (Mancarella, F.); Markus, K (Markus, K.); Merlin, F (Merlin, F.); Orosei, R (Orosei, R.); Rinaldi, G (Rinaldi, G.); Cartacci, M (Cartacci, M.); Cicchetti, A (Cicchetti, A.); Giuppi, S (Giuppi, S.); Hello, Y (Hello, Y.); Henry, F (Henry, F.); Jacquinod, S (Jacquinod, S.); Reess, JM (Reess, J. M.); Noschese, R (Noschese, R.); Politi, R (Politi, R.); Peter, G (Peter, G.)

Source:?NATURE??Volume:?529??Issue:?7586??Pages:?368-+??DOI:?10.1038/nature16190??Published:?JAN 21 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?13

Total Times Cited:?13

Paper 8

Title:?Are fractured cliffs the source of cometary dust jets? Insights from OSIRIS/Rosetta at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

Author(s):?Vincent, JB (Vincent, J. -B.); Oklay, N (Oklay, N.); Pajola, M (Pajola, M.); Hofner, S (Hoefner, S.); Sierks, H (Sierks, H.); Hu, X (Hu, X.); Barbieri, C (Barbieri, C.); Lamy, PL (Lamy, P. L.); Rodrigo, R (Rodrigo, R.); Koschny, D (Koschny, D.); Rickman, H (Rickman, H.); Keller, HU (Keller, H. U.); A'Hearn, MF (A'Hearn, M. F.); Barucci, MA (Barucci, M. A.); Bertaux, JL (Bertaux, J. -L.); Bertini, I (Bertini, I.); Besse, S (Besse, S.); Bodewits, D (Bodewits, D.); Cremonese, G (Cremonese, G.); Da Deppo, V (Da Deppo, V.); Davidsson, B (Davidsson, B.); Debei, S (Debei, S.); De Cecco, M (De Cecco, M.); El-Maarry, MR (El-Maarry, M. R.); Fornasier, S (Fornasier, S.); Fulle, M (Fulle, M.); Groussin, O (Groussin, O.); Gutierrez, PJ (Gutierrez, P. J.); Gutierrez-Marquez, P (Gutierrez-Marquez, P.); Guttler, C (Guettler, C.); Hofmann, M (Hofmann, M.); Hviid, SF (Hviid, S. F.); Ip, WH (Ip, W-H); Jordan, L (Jordan, L.); Knollenberg, J (Knollenberg, J.); Kovacs, G (Kovacs, G.); Kramm, JR (Kramm, J. -R.); Kuehrt, E (Kuehrt, E.); Kuppers, M (Kueppers, M.); Lara, LM (Lara, L. M.); Lazzarin, M (Lazzarin, M.); Lin, ZY (Lin, Z. -Y.); Moreno, JJL (Lopez Moreno, J. J.); Lowry, S (Lowry, S.); Marzari, F (Marzari, F.); Massironi, M (Massironi, M.); Moreno, F (Moreno, F.); Mottola, S (Mottola, S.); Naletto, G (Naletto, G.); Preusker, F (Preusker, F.); Scholten, F (Scholten, F.); Shi, X (Shi, X.); Thomas, N (Thomas, N.); Toth, I (Toth, I.); Tubiana, C (Tubiana, C.)

Source:?ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS??Volume:?587??Article Number:?A14??DOI:?10.1051/0004-6361/201527159??Published:?MAR 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?12

Total Times Cited:?12


<榴莲视频>Research front: Analysis of gravitational wave signals from inspiralling black hole binaries?

Paper 1

Title:?Gravitational Radiation from Post-Newtonian Sources and Inspiralling Compact Binaries

Author(s):?Blanchet, L (Blanchet, Luc)

Source:?LIVING REVIEWS IN RELATIVITY??Volume:?17??Article Number:?2??DOI:?10.12942/lrr-2014-2??Published:?2014??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?129

Total Times Cited:?129

Paper 2

Title:?Effective-one-body model for black-hole binaries with generic mass ratios and spins

Author(s):?Taracchini, A (Taracchini, Andrea); Buonanno, A (Buonanno, Alessandra); Pan, Y (Pan, Yi); Hinderer, T (Hinderer, Tanja); Boyle, M (Boyle, Michael); Hemberger, DA (Hemberger, Daniel A.); Kidder, LE (Kidder, Lawrence E.); Lovelace, G (Lovelace, Geoffrey); Mroue, AH (Mroue, Abdul H.); Pfeiffer, HP (Pfeiffer, Harald P.); Scheel, MA (Scheel, Mark A.); Szilagyi, B (Szilagyi, Bela); Taylor, NW (Taylor, Nicholas W.); Zenginoglu, A (Zenginoglu, Anil)

Source:?PHYSICAL REVIEW D??Volume:?89??Issue:?6??Article Number:?061502??DOI:?10.1103/PhysRevD.89.061502??Published:?MAR 13 2014??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?97

Total Times Cited:?98

Paper 3

Title:?Parameter estimation for compact binaries with ground-based gravitational-wave observations using the LALInference software library

Author(s):?Veitch, J (Veitch, J.); Raymond, V (Raymond, V.); Farr, B (Farr, B.); Farr, W (Farr, W.); Graff, P (Graff, P.); Vitale, S (Vitale, S.); Aylott, B (Aylott, B.); Blackburn, K (Blackburn, K.); Christensen, N (Christensen, N.); Coughlin, M (Coughlin, M.); Del Pozzo, W (Del Pozzo, W.); Feroz, F (Feroz, F.); Gair, J (Gair, J.); Haster, CJ (Haster, C. -J.); Kalogera, V (Kalogera, V.); Littenberg, T (Littenberg, T.); Mandel, I (Mandel, I.); O'Shaughnessy, R (O'Shaughnessy, R.); Pitkin, M (Pitkin, M.); Rodriguez, C (Rodriguez, C.); Rover, C (Roever, C.); Sidery, T (Sidery, T.); Smith, R (Smith, R.); Van Der Sluys, M (Van Der Sluys, M.); Vecchio, A (Vecchio, A.); Vousden, W (Vousden, W.); Wade, L (Wade, L.)

Source:?PHYSICAL REVIEW D??Volume:?91??Issue:?4??Article Number:?042003??DOI:?10.1103/PhysRevD.91.042003??Published:?FEB 6 2015??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?78

Total Times Cited:?77

Paper 4

Title:?Error-analysis and comparison to analytical models of numerical waveforms produced by the NRAR Collaboration

Author(s):?Hinder, I (Hinder, Ian); Buonanno, A (Buonanno, Alessandra); Boyle, M (Boyle, Michael); Etienne, ZB (Etienne, Zachariah B.); Healy, J (Healy, James); Johnson-McDaniel, NK (Johnson-McDaniel, Nathan K.); Nagar, A (Nagar, Alessandro); Nakano, H (Nakano, Hiroyuki); Pan, Y (Pan, Yi); Pfeiffer, HP (Pfeiffer, Harald P.); Purrer, M (Puerrer, Michael); Reisswig, C (Reisswig, Christian); Scheel, MA (Scheel, Mark A.); Schnetter, E (Schnetter, Erik); Sperhake, U (Sperhake, Ulrich); Szilagyi, B (Szilagyi, Bela); Tichy, W (Tichy, Wolfgang); Wardell, B (Wardell, Barry); Zenginoglu, A (Zenginoglu, Anil); Alic, D (Alic, Daniela); Bernuzzi, S (Bernuzzi, Sebastiano); Bode, T (Bode, Tanja); Brugmann, B (Brugmann, Bernd); Buchman, LT (Buchman, Luisa T.); Campanelli, M (Campanelli, Manuela); Chu, T (Chu, Tony); Damour, T (Damour, Thibault); Grigsby, JD (Grigsby, Jason D.); Hannam, M (Hannam, Mark); Haas, R (Haas, Roland); Hemberger, DA (Hemberger, Daniel A.); Husa, S (Husa, Sascha); Kidder, LE (Kidder, Lawrence E.); Laguna, P (Laguna, Pablo); London, L (London, Lionel); Lovelace, G (Lovelace, Geoffrey); Lousto, CO (Lousto, Carlos O.); Marronetti, P (Marronetti, Pedro); Matzner, RA (Matzner, Richard A.); Mosta, P (Moesta, Philipp); Mroue, A (Mroue, Abdul); Muller, D (Mueller, Doreen); Mundim, BC (Mundim, Bruno C.); Nerozzi, A (Nerozzi, Andrea); Paschalidis, V (Paschalidis, Vasileios); Pollney, D (Pollney, Denis); Reifenberger, G (Reifenberger, George); Rezzolla, L (Rezzolla, Luciano); Shapiro, SL (Shapiro, Stuart L.); Shoemaker, D (Shoemaker, Deirdre); Taracchini, A (Taracchini, Andrea); Taylor, NW (Taylor, Nicholas W.); Teukolsky, SA (Teukolsky, Saul A.); Thierfelder, M (Thierfelder, Marcus); Witek, H (Witek, Helvi); Zlochower, Y (Zlochower, Yosef)

Source:?CLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY??Volume:?31??Issue:?2??Article Number:?025012??DOI:?10.1088/0264-9381/31/2/025012??Published:?JAN 21 2014??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?72

Total Times Cited:?72

Paper 5

Title:?Inspiral-merger-ringdown waveforms of spinning, precessing black-hole binaries in the effective-one-body formalism

Author(s):?Pan, Y (Pan, Yi); Buonanno, A (Buonanno, Alessandra); Taracchini, A (Taracchini, Andrea); Kidder, LE (Kidder, Lawrence E.); Mroue, AH (Mroue, Abdul H.); Pfeiffer, HP (Pfeiffer, Harald P.); Scheel, MA (Scheel, Mark A.); Szilagyi, B (Szilagyi, Bela)

Source:?PHYSICAL REVIEW D??Volume:?89??Issue:?8??Article Number:?084006??DOI:?10.1103/PhysRevD.89.084006??Published:?APR 2 2014??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?55

Total Times Cited:?56

Paper 6

Title:?Tests of General Relativity with GW150914

Author(s):?Abbot, BP (Abbot, B. P.) et al

Group Author(s):?LIGO Sci Collaboration; Virgo Collaboration

Source:?PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS??Volume:?116??Issue:?22??Article Number:?221101??DOI:?10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.221101??Published:?MAY 31 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?53

Total Times Cited: 53

Paper 7

Title:?Frequency-domain gravitational waves from nonprecessing black-hole binaries. II. A phenomenological model for the advanced detector era

Author(s):?Khan, S (Khan, Sebastian); Husa, S (Husa, Sascha); Hannam, M (Hannam, Mark); Ohme, F (Ohme, Frank); Purrer, M (Puerrer, Michael); Forteza, XJ (Jimenez Forteza, Xisco); Bohe, A (Bohe, Alejandro)

Source:?PHYSICAL REVIEW D??Volume:?93??Issue:?4??Article Number:?044007??DOI:?10.1103/PhysRevD.93.044007??Published:?FEB 3 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?40

Total Times Cited:?40

Paper 8


Author(s):?Berry, CPL (Berry, Christopher P. L.); Mandel, I (Mandel, Ilya); Middleton, H (Middleton, Hannah); Singer, LP (Singer, Leo P.); Urban, AL (Urban, Alex L.); Vecchio, A (Vecchio, Alberto); Vitale, S (Vitale, Salvatore); Cannon, K (Cannon, Kipp); Farr, B (Farr, Ben); Farr, WM (Farr, Will M.); Graff, PB (Graff, Philip B.); Hanna, C (Hanna, Chad); Haster, CJ (Haster, Carl-Johan); Mohapatra, S (Mohapatra, Satya); Pankow, C (Pankow, Chris); Price, LR (Price, Larry R.); Sidery, T (Sidery, Trevor); Veitch, J (Veitch, John)

Source:?ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL??Volume:?804??Issue:?2??Article Number:?114??DOI:?10.1088/0004-637X/804/2/114??Published:?MAY 10 2015??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?35

Total Times Cited:?35

Paper 9

Title:?Approaching the Post-Newtonian Regime with Numerical Relativity: A Compact-Object Binary Simulation Spanning 350 Gravitational-Wave Cycles

Author(s):?Szilagyi, B (Szilagyi, Bela); Blackman, J (Blackman, Jonathan); Buonanno, A (Buonanno, Alessandra); Taracchini, A (Taracchini, Andrea); Pfeiffer, HP (Pfeiffer, Harald P.); Scheel, MA (Scheel, Mark A.); Chu, T (Chu, Tony); Kidder, LE (Kidder, Lawrence E.); Pan, Y (Pan, Yi)

Source:?PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS??Volume:?115??Issue:?3??Article Number:?031102??DOI:?10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.031102??Published:?JUL 16 2015??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?32

Total Times Cited:?32

Paper 10

Title:?Sensitivity of the Advanced LIGO detectors at the beginning of gravitational wave astronomy

Martynov, DV (Martynov, D. V.) et al

Source:?PHYSICAL REVIEW D??Volume:?93??Issue:?11??Article Number:?112004??DOI:?10.1103/PhysRevD.93.112004??Published:?JUN 2 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?28

Total Times Cited:?28

Paper 11

Title:?Frequency-domain gravitational waves from nonprecessing black-hole binaries. I. New numerical waveforms and anatomy of the signal

Author(s):?Husa, S (Husa, Sascha); Khan, S (Khan, Sebastian); Hannam, M (Hannam, Mark); Purrer, M (Puerrer, Michael); Ohme, F (Ohme, Frank); Forteza, XJ (Jimenez Forteza, Xisco); Bohe, A (Bohe, Alejandro)

Source:?PHYSICAL REVIEW D??Volume:?93??Issue:?4??Article Number:?044006??DOI:?10.1103/PhysRevD.93.044006??Published:?FEB 3 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?26

Total Times Cited:?26

Paper 12


Author(s):?Abbott, BP (Abbott, B. P.)

Group Author(s):?LIGO Sci Collaboration; Virgo Collaboration; ASKAP Collaboration; BOOTES Collaboration; Dark Energy Survey Collaboration; Dark Energy Camera GW-EM Collabor; Fermi GBM Collaboration; GRAWITA; INTEGRAL Collaboration; IPTF Collaboration; InterPlanetary Network; J-GEM Collaboration; La Silla-Quest Survey; Liverpool Telescope Collaboration; LOFAR Collaboration; MASTER Collaboration; MAXI Collaboration; MWA Collaboration; Pan-STARRS Collaboration; PESSTO Collaboration; Pi Sky Collaboration; SkyMapper Collaboration; Swift Collaboration; TAROT Zadko Algerian Natl Observ; TOROS Collaboration; VISTA Collaboration

Source:?ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS??Volume:?826??Issue:?1??Article Number:?L13??DOI:?10.3847/2041-8205/826/1/L13??Published:?JUL 20 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?25

Paper 13

Title:?Frequency domain reduced order model of aligned-spin effective-one-body waveforms with generic mass ratios and spins

Author(s):?Purrer, M (Puerrer, Michael)

Source:?PHYSICAL REVIEW D??Volume:?93??Issue:?6??Article Number:?064041??DOI:?10.1103/PhysRevD.93.064041??Published:?MAR 16 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?16

Total Times Cited:?16

Paper 14

Title:?Rapid Bayesian position reconstruction for gravitational-wave transients

Author(s):?Singer, LP (Singer, Leo P.); Price, LR (Price, Larry R.)

Source:?PHYSICAL REVIEW D??Volume:?93??Issue:?2??Article Number:?024013??DOI:?10.1103/PhysRevD.93.024013??Published:?JAN 14 2016??

Times Cited in Web of Science Core Collection:?16

Total Times Cited:?17

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