ROYAL HOLLOWAY, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON The title of reader in social research methods has been conferred on Ray Lee (former lecturer in the department of social policy and social science). UNIVERSITY...
ROYAL HOLLOWAY, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON The title of reader in social research methods has been conferred on Ray Lee (former lecturer in the department of social policy and social science). UNIVERSITY...
There is now an opportunity to include more listings in Noticeboard and on the new Internet listings service NetGazette. The newspaper version of Noticeboard will continue to focus on the UK with the...
UNIVERSITY OF WESTMINSTER DLitt: Michael Jackson, controller BBC2; Sheila McKechnie, director of Shelter. DSc: Ivo Babuska, mathematics research professor at the University of Maryland, US; Brian...
KATHE KOLLWITZ This year marks the 50th anniversary of the death of one of Germany's most talented draughtswomen and printmakers. A small exhibition of Kathe Kollwitz's etchings and woodcuts will...
QUEEN MARY AND WESTFIELD COLLEGE C. M. Reed was listed on January 20 as having been promoted to a chair. He was in fact promoted to a readership in information technology law.
UNIVERSITY OF KENT The following appointments take effect on April 1, 1995: P. A. Clarkson (reader in differential equations at the University of Exeter) has been appointed to the chair of...
According to political scientist Yves Meny, the recent corruption scandals in France have very deep roots. Anne Corbett reports. As the wave of French corruption allegations known as "Les Affaires"...
Stella Hughes talks to Isabelle Stengers, the Belgian scientist who dared to doubt. In the often acrimonious dispute over the social role of science, few enter the fray having chosen laughter as...
Many of the intellectuals who denounced Hitler and later proved such loud critics of the West were covertly manipulated by one of Stalin's master spies. Stephen Koch explains how he followed the...
Hans Eysenck takes a look at new attempts to provide a more solid scientific basis for intelligence testing. IQ testing has been extremely successful on the practical level -- predicting academic...
The National Audit Office report on the financial health of higher education institutions in England makes fascinating reading. It shows how they have navigated policy changes resulting in a 44 per...
In 100 years, perhaps, the far west of China will be linked to Xian via bullet train, but for the present one makes do with a diesel making its slow, unhurried progress through an endless desert. The...
Student Paul Morris asks for enough money to live on but no more It seems the trend among student is to jump on the Labour Party bandwagon and suggest that Tory grant policy is remarkably unfair....
One of the effects of the Thatcherian managerial revolution in the new universities has been to create a class of senior-level managers which awards itself generous "remission" from teaching. In many...
TUESDAY. The first working day of the New Year, and the official first day of my new lecturing post at Lancaster. I decide to prioritise emptying my previous office and will make my appearance...