Clinton fights for volunteer force
United States president Bill Clinton has decided to take on Newt Gingrich, the new Republican House of Representatives Speaker, over opposition to his national service plan. At a Martin Luther King...
United States president Bill Clinton has decided to take on Newt Gingrich, the new Republican House of Representatives Speaker, over opposition to his national service plan. At a Martin Luther King...
Vice chancellor Peter Katjavivi hopes an increased budget will end the still rumbling dispute at the University of Namibia which led to a student march to the home of President Sam Nujoma last May....
German student groups have called on the newly elected Federal Parliament to address a "long overdue increase in student grants as quickly as possible". Suggestions that students could be taken off...
Double-entry book-keeping has a special meaning at Copenhagen's School of Economics and Business Administration. The school has knowingly presented false budgets to the ministry of education to...
Estonia's Centrist Party is campaigning to bring in laws requiring all members of the government to hold a university degree or equivalent qualification. A first draft of the bill was rejected by...
The Rome public prosecutor has formally opened an investigation into alleged corruption in assigning university posts. According to unconfirmed reports, a number of Italy's most powerful academic...
Food studies lecturer Stella Walsh is to monitor the diet and lifestyles of a group of pensioners in Leeds to discover what impact the introduction of VAT on fuel bills is having on their quality of...
Satellite data can now help predict the yield of the national sugar-beet crop, saving the industry nearly Pounds 2 million a year in the United Kingdom and more than Pounds 20 million across Europe....
Late 18th-century London was a mecca for performing musicians and composers. The child prodigy Mozart travelled with his father and wrote his first symphonies there, and Haydn premiered his "London"...
Researchers from Glasgow Uni-versity and Queen's University, Belfast, claim to have found a way of extracting a profit from chicken eggshell waste. The United Kingdom produces 10,500 tonnes of the...
A clear link exists between persistent criminal behaviour by young offenders and high levels of drug use, according to Mike Collison of Keele University's department of criminology. But it is not the...
Kingsway College, a further education college in central London found guilty of racial discrimination at an industrial tribunal last November, is to appeal. Farhad Shahrokni, a maths and computer...
Science minister David Hunt has announced the expansion of a Government scheme encouraging collaboration between industry and researchers. The Realising Our Potential Award, known as Ropa, launched...
A Dundee researcher has uncovered an American professor's proposals in the 1950s for radiation experiments on "idiots and feeble-minded children". Sue Rabbitt Roff of Dundee's centre for medical...
First-year engineering students at Heriot-Watt University have just received the results of a pioneering computer-based exam, the latest development in the Pounds 1 million MathWise scheme involving...