Kitchen sink drama
I wrote a few weeks ago criticising Laurie Taylor's disregard for those places of higher education which were once polytechnics. I have read more recent columns with real pleasure, but note that the...
I wrote a few weeks ago criticising Laurie Taylor's disregard for those places of higher education which were once polytechnics. I have read more recent columns with real pleasure, but note that the...
I agree with Pieta Monks' s analysis (THES, October 21) that a climate of fear and rising costs in Russia, coupled with grant-starved students in Britain, has sadly led to a decline in numbers of...
In the shadows of the German occupation, Marc Bloch (1886-1944), the greatest of medievalists and co-founder of the Annales school of history, posed the essential question for democratic...
In my last piece (THES, September 23) I suggested an end to the lottery of current early retirement practices in favour of an opportunity for all to retire at 55. Since then the nasty stuff has hit...
MONDAY afternoon: Receive my first set of senior papers to grade. Randomly choose one to read. The title, "Orlando ain't no chick" reminds me that this is definitely, as they would say in these parts...
Four years is how long the human pair bond is designed to last, according to American anthropologist Helen Fisher. Lucy Hodges reports. Forget the seven-year itch. Most divorces occur after an...
Academic marriages are commonplace but universities can have problems accommodating both spouses. John Davies looks at how scholarly couples cope. What could be more natural than for academics to...
Michael Burleigh on the reaction of German health professionals and relatives to the murder of their mentally ill by the Nazis. My work on Nazi Germany began with a book on the supine involvement of...
Robert Skidelsky argues that the West would be foolish if it did not come to the aid of Yeltsin's Russia. When Boris Yeltsin took over the presidency of the Russian Federation in June 1991 he found...
Management and unions have been in discussions this week at London Guildhall University following a staff survey showing widespread low morale and a vote of no confidence in one faculty dean. The...
The external examiner system should continue, according to a survey by the Open University's Validation Services of the 50 institutions it accredits. The survey, Using External Examiners, found that...
(Photograph) - Blunkett disapproval: David Blunkett, right, shadow education secretary, and Bryan Davies, Labour's further and higher education spokesman, were joined by student and lecturers' union...
A governor of Portsmouth University has asked the Higher Education Funding Council to investigate the college because of concern over the sudden redundancy of the deputy vice chancellor, whom staff...
Unemployed graduates in London's East End will soon be able to enrol on an innovative job-seeking scheme run by the local Training and Enterprise Council. Gradplan is being offered by London East TEC...
Three black South Africans who stabbed, stoned and bludgeoned American exchange student Amy Biehl to death in a Cape Town shanty town last year have each been sentenced to 18 years in jail for what...