Students to fight pay-later proposals
The Labour leadership of the National Union of Students will resist proposals outlined by the party-linked Commission on Social Justice for charging students. Jim Murphy, NUS president, said there...
The Labour leadership of the National Union of Students will resist proposals outlined by the party-linked Commission on Social Justice for charging students. Jim Murphy, NUS president, said there...
Members of a China-appointed advisory committee have accused the Hong Kong government of discriminating against holders of Chinese university degrees. They want Chinese qualifications to be...
Vice chancellors' salaries and those of other senior members of university staff may have to be approved by the Higher Education Funding Council for England in future following the furore over the...
Richard Portes, professor of economics at Birkbeck College, London, has been appointed to a chair at the London Business School. He will continue in his other roles as director of the Centre for...
The national university-industry collaboration initiative, the Teaching Company Scheme, has notched up more than 500 current projects for the first time. Its annual report for 1993/94 says the...
A lecturer is to be prosecuted by the Health and Safety Executive after an explosion in a chemistry laboratory in which a student's left hand was seriously injured. Clive Bird, reader in chemistry at...
A female mathematician is to head Bournemouth University from December. Gillian Slater, 45, is pro vice chancellor at Manchester Metropolitan University. A woman scientist will also head the...
John Krebs, chief executive of the Natural Environment Research Council, last week called for an examination of university as well as civil service laboratories in reshaping public sector research....
Eight languages have lost the right to bid for minority subject funding because they are attracting too many students. Dutch, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Greek and Hebrew have all...
Douglas Trainer, president of the National Union of Students Scotland, has condemned the CBE awarded to Ronald Harrison, chief executive of the Student Loans Company, as "a sleazy insult." Mr Trainer...
Maxwell Irvine, principal of Aberdeen University and one of about a dozen potential candidates for chief executive of the Higher Education Funding Council quoted by headhunters Spencer Stuart, has...
(Photograph) - Journey by junk: John Stevenson, project director, left, and architect Jasper Jacob help Stephen Cox, Commonwealth Institute director general, play with his toy model of the institute'...
The future of national bargaining for Scotland's further education lecturers is in the balance, with staff being balloted on a new deal allowing some conditions to be negotiated locally. The Scottish...
A membership war between the two leading trade unions in higher education is set to explode unless a major disagreement over bargaining rights and recognition when smaller institutions merge with...
(Photograph) - Future imperative: The Grand Amphitheatre of the Sorbonne in Paris. Last weekend 15,000 students from all over France crowded into the university to cross question a glittering array...