Senior faculty are trying to prove their worth by making the lives of others so unpleasant that they agree to leave. It is time to call them out, says Aymen Idris
Dutch university can now dismiss Susanne T?uber, who had long accused it of flawed approaches to handling gender equality, discrimination and harassment
Maria Toft sparked national conversation about exploitation with #pleasedontstealmywork campaign, but she says it came at the cost of her Copenhagen fellowship
Graduate student workers energised after record walkout, though meaningful improvements remain a long slog for majority still in economically precarious contingent teaching
Early taste of academic precarity reported in biggest-ever survey of student-employees, although rectors¡¯ conference questions reliability of a union-commissioned study
Poorly understood clause in new Australian act may oblige universities to reach terms with representatives, just as they develop a taste for dealing directly with staff
Agreement on pay hikes and better benefits for graduate student instructors would end biggest-ever job action in US higher education, although many workers dissent
Tentative pact covers postdoctoral scholars and academic researchers, but leaves 300,000-student system in turmoil as talks continue with graduate students in teaching and research roles
Biggest-ever job action in US higher education reaches third week with hundreds of California professors promising to observe picket lines, and system suggesting it may halt their pay