A mentor provides far more than inspiration and sage advice, says Tom Palaima, who fears for the future of such guiding relationships in the era of Moocs
The Prince of Wales owned up to ¡°meddling¡± as he announced the launch of 20 new bursaries for students from less affluent backgrounds on television courses
Prospective students can now search for information about higher education on their mobile phones after the government¡¯s Unistats website was updated.
The Liberal Democrats are trying to push through legislation to stop the National Union of Students campaigning against them at the next general election, Labour MPs have claimed.
A London-based private provider is to offer pathway programmes with a consortium of Northern universities, enabling international students to get on to degree courses
The latest edition of the University of Sydney students¡¯ newspaper has been pulled from sale following concerns that its cover featuring 18 students¡¯ vaginas could break obscenity laws
The US government is to develop a new system of ranking colleges and universities in a bid to ensure the ¡°best value¡± institutions have access to the most federal funding.
The Russell Group has warned that private school pupils are more likely than state school counterparts to choose science and languages subjects at GCSE, which could give them an advantage in university entry.