The challenges of change
As China strives to build links with the West, itsscholars disagree over whether change is always for the best. Tom Mcgrenery reports With China now the place for Western universities to set up base...
As China strives to build links with the West, itsscholars disagree over whether change is always for the best. Tom Mcgrenery reports With China now the place for Western universities to set up base...
Central Asia has a huge hunger for cultural expression and exchange. The UK should do more to satisfy it, says Sally Pomme Clayton. On tour in April with the British Council Literature Department to...
Paris, 25 Jun 2004 The Cassini-Huygens mission, which is arriving in orbit around Saturn, has taken more than six-and-a-half years to reach its destination, and scientists have been working on its...
Some of the more extravagant projections of future global student mobility have been toned down in the latest studies, but both the Commonwealth and the IDP, the Australian universities'...
Some of the more extravagant projections of future global student mobility have been toned down in the latest studies, but both the Commonwealth and the IDP, the Australian universities'...
Brussels, 25 Jun 2003 The Commonwealth Science Council (CSC) is to revive itself with a renewal plan which will outline ways in which the organisation can increase its focus on technology and...
The US used to be a magnet for Chinese students but the fervour has cooled and others hope to profit from the backlash, says Stephen Phillips The thought of Chinese students lining up to enter...
Brussels, 12 Oct 2004 The arctic climate is changing rapidly - more rapidly than the global average - with worldwide implications, an international gathering of science journalists was told on 5...
Paris, 11 Jun 2004 Spaceflight engineers face three constant challenges: reducing weight and size, improving thermal insulation and increasing reliability. Progress in these fields does not just...
Brussels, 25 Mar 2004 A workshop on the scientific, technological and societal aspects of multifunctional materials in Bologna, Italy highlighted growing research collaboration between the EU and...
Brussels, 03 Oct 2003 The counting system used by Ancient Greece's greatest thinkers to carry out their calculations was probably invented by their key trading partner, Egypt, new research suggests....
Brussels, 03 Oct 2003 The counting system used by Ancient Greece's greatest thinkers to carry out their calculations was probably invented by their key trading partner, Egypt, new research suggests....