Why capitalism is a very social animal
Divergent Capitalisms
Divergent Capitalisms
The New Penguin History of the World
The Asia-Pacific Profile - Economic Dynamism in the Asia-Pacific - Culture and Society in the Asia-Pacific - Governance in the Asia-Pacific
Brussels, 13 December 2002 In an article published today in the scientific magazine "The Lancet", an international consortium funded by a €1.8 million European Commission research grant reports on...
Paul FitzPatrick reports from Asia on a hunger for MBAs. When people talk about "unleashing creativity" or "becoming emotionally literate", the People's Liberation Army may not spring to mind. But...
Enlightening the British - Enlightenment
Enlightening the British - Enlightenment
Private universities are a valuable asset to any country if they are regulated appropriately, says Roger King. Governments everywhere regard a robust and growing higher education system as essential...
Environmental Movements in Asia
The French love of frogs' legs is helping to spread a killer disease that threatens to wipe out amphibians around the world, according to new research. The international trade in frogs has been...
Currie expected to become Ofcom chairman Lord Currie of Marylebone, dean of City University business school and adviser to chancellor Gordon Brown, is expected to be appointed chairman of Ofcom, the...
Trafficking of humans is a global crisis, writes Harold Hongju Koh, but there are ways in which we can stem the flow. The US State Department's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices identify at...
Trafficking of humans is a global crisis, writes Harold Hongju Koh, but there are ways in which we can stem the flow. The US State Department's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices identify at...
A Society without Fathers or Husbands
The European Commission has asked universities to do more to increase the number of female mathematics, science and technology graduates by 2010. In a communication listing five benchmarks for...