When wild dogs barked at Wall St
The Chastening
The Chastening
The accepted wisdom is that people began to domesticate flocks for a ready supply of food. But evidence from South America shows that some species may have been domesticated for their wool, writes...
Westminster University's academy for diplomats is at the centre of its own diplomatic row after international students complained about poor facilities and teaching standards. Postgraduate students...
Are online mega-universities the future or are local courses with internet support a better option? asks Geoff Maslen in Melbourne. James Norman doubts he could have graduated with an information...
Brussels, 31 Mar 2003 The recent World Water Forum fleshed out the international community's commitment to supply safe drinking water to its poorest citizens, and the EU promoted its sustainable...
Brussels, 28 Mar 2003 Summary This annual report covers the period from January 2001 to March 2002, which was marked by unprecedented development of the Community's research policy. The Commission...
Before and After - Between Europe and America - The New Imperialism
Before and After - Between Europe and America - The New Imperialism
The Great Barrier Reef
The Great Barrier Reef
Paris, 25 Nov 2003 Dotted across varied regions of our planet are the waterlogged landscapes known as wetlands. Often inaccessible, these muddy areas are actually treasure houses of ecological...
Paris, 25 Nov 2003 Dotted across varied regions of our planet are the waterlogged landscapes known as wetlands. Often inaccessible, these muddy areas are actually treasure houses of ecological...
The political environment for research In Europe, we want to become a more competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy. To achieve this, we need to focus on European-wide investment in research...
Brussels, 17 June 2002 Nanotechnology research can stimulate the exchange of knowledge and the development of international scientific networks, Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin said at a press...
Paris, 22 Oct 2002 An international conference on Space Applications for Heritage Conservation will open in Strasbourg, France on 5 November. The aim: to bring together experts on space and those...