Pillaging poet died in the Great Game
Diplomacy and Murder in Tehran
Diplomacy and Murder in Tehran
Never Learn to Type
http://www.w3.org/ -- 21 May 2003 Today, the World Wide Web Consortium ( W3C ) announced approval of the W3C Patent Policy , based on widespread Member endorsement, agreement in the W3C Patent Policy...
THES writers report on changes to legislation on stem-cell research as nations struggle with their consciences. The UK was the first country in the world to pass laws to permit researchers to use...
East Meets West
A vaccine for Sars may still be a long way off but, says Anna Fazackerley, the spread of the virus has been slowed by coverage in the press It might seem a classic media scare. A new and deadly...
Governments in less developed countries often ignore the impact of backpackers on their economies, says Mark Hampton, a development economist at the University of Portsmouth. Dr Hampton is...
Followers to Leaders
A History of India. Third Edition - Modern South Asia. First Edition
It is now more than two years since prime minister Tony Blair launched his initiative to attract more international students to the United Kingdom from non-European Union countries. The package of...
UN expert charged with investigating torture Governments do not look forward to getting a letter signed by Sir Nigel Rodley , professor of law at Essex University's Human Rights Centre. For he is the...
Online courses offered by a consortium of universities are attracting much interest in Asia and Europe. Geoff Maslen, in Melbourne, reports. The first specially developed courses to be delivered...
Tired of indifferent, unanalytical history textbooks? Jeremy Black opts for surprising alternatives that first appeared in 1902 - the Cambridge Histories. Textbooks. We all think we know what they...
Pedro Teixeira and Alberto Amaral examine the rise of private provision in education overseas. With the rapid expansion of higher education in recent decades it seemed to make sense to increase the...
Can we use evolution to our advantage in the fight against disease? Martin Ince speaks to Sir David Weatherall (pictured) about the potential of molecular medicine Evolution by natural selection is...