Shadows of days gone by
A day of total luna-see: * Records of eclipses can be found in the ancient histories of Babylon, East Asia, Europe and Arabia. * The oldest report of a total eclipse is dated July 17, 709BC. * A...
A day of total luna-see: * Records of eclipses can be found in the ancient histories of Babylon, East Asia, Europe and Arabia. * The oldest report of a total eclipse is dated July 17, 709BC. * A...
The global media is spreading eating disorders in non-western cultures, say Leicester University researchers. Psychiatrist Mervat Nasser, author of Culture and Weight Consciousness, claims that...
Deadline: 31/08/2001
After faltering in the dotcom downturn, e-learning providers are working hard to recover ground. As Stephen Phillips reports from San Francisco, many institutions are now focusing on professional...
Brussels, 17 July 2002 Today the Commission adopted Erasmus World on a proposal from Viviane. There is a simple philosophy behind the project: "By opening our universities to the world, we open them...
Weekend Combination of catching up on piles of reading marked "not urgent", domestic matters put off for weeks; and preparation for a visit to Kyrgyzstan. It is here, in Central Asia (formerly part...
Daily Telegraph The government should stop attacking elite universities for failing to recruit more state pupils and focus instead on the failings of comprehensive education, says Anthony Smith,...
A History of Writing
Foreigners who want to study in France should soon find it easier to take up residence and support themselves there. Education minister Jack Lang and minister of foreign affairs Hubert Vedrine have...
George Soros on Globalization
Copenhagen, 07 Nov 2002 Check against delivery. Statement by Mr Helge Sander Danish Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation on behalf of the European Union Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen...
Splintering Urbanism
The Supermodern Wardrobe - Made in Britain - Dress in Detail from Around the World
Prime minister Tony Blair wants 50 per cent of 18 to 30-year-olds in higher education by 2010. Yesterday, Iain Gray, Scotland's minister for enterprise, transport and lifelong learning, revealed that...
Biology of Plagues