Claims on armies of the dead
The Tarim Mummies
The Tarim Mummies
WANG Gungwu wrote thoughtfully about the type of degrees which will best suit the universities of Southeast Asia ("Breadth and the Powerful", THES, December 26) and ended by suggesting that damage...
How a love for old boats led to the Red Sea coast of Egypt, and the excavation of one of the ancient world's major trading centres. For someone who has always been obsessed with old boats, a career...
Brussels, 16 December 2002 On December 17, the Commission will publish the first calls for proposals for the 6 th EU Research Framework Programme (FP6 2002-2006). Research centres, universities and...
Australia's federal government plans to change immigration rules to make it easier for foreign students to remain after completing their studies as part of an effort to address a growing brain drain...
When you're lying on that beach in Belize congratulating yourself that as an ecotourist you're not damaging the environment and are helping the local economy, think again, says Rosaleen Duffy. When...
PHAROAHS AND THE FLEA The true curse of the pharaohs has been identified among remains left by Tutankhamun's tomb workers and guards - fleas. The excavation of a 3,300-year-old village in the...
Higher education in Sri Lanka would benefit from a more systematic partnership with government, rather than the current dependence on links among individuals, the country's ambassador to France has...
A new submarine trans-Pacific cable network, capable of carrying 40 gigabits a second, will soon give Australian academics faster access to colleagues in North America. The Southern Cross Cable...
Student recruitment efforts worldwide are suffering from crises in the Middle East and Asia Middlesex University, which faces an estimated 40 per cent drop in students from South-east Asia, has set...
Student recruitment efforts worldwide are suffering from crises in the Middle East and Asia Australia's universities may be uncertain about what Asia's financial crisis will do to overseas student...
Financial Times Bristol and Bath are to be the first universities in the UK to form a joint venture science park. Stefan Wagstyl says that Akademgorodok, the campus town housing Russia's scientific...
Brussels, 17 July 2002 How can we strengthen links between our universities to improve the quality and competitiveness of our higher education? How can higher education in the European Union be made...
APPOINTMENTS Academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences Lawrence Freedman , professor and head of the school of social science and public policy at King's College, London, has been elected...
Wednesday Spend half a day in Blackwell's, catching up on the latest books on jihad . I wonder at how terms such as jihad , terror and Islamic fundamentalism have overtaken the serious debate on...