Chicago take on the euro issue
Keys to Prosperity
Keys to Prosperity
British universities are redirecting their overseas recruitment efforts as they prepare for a collapse in their Asian Tigers market. Institutions in the United Kingdom stand to lose over Pounds 300...
Colonial Adventurism Why Creek indians were armed and trained by the British in the 1812 war Heaven, for Ross Hassig, an anthropologist on sabbatical from the University of Oklahoma, is the Public...
Brussels, 8 March 2002 Scientific and Technical Research Committee ­ CREST Secretariat. Draft summary conclusions of the 281st meeting of the Scientific and Technical Research Committee (...
British higher education is playing the quality card in its efforts to compete with Australia and the United States for a share of the Southeast Asian market. Close links between government...
David Jobbins and Philip Fine at the Commonwealth education ministers' meeting, Halifax The dispersed multicampus University of the South Pacific was able to harness the latest satellite technology...
This week, all but one of the trade unions with substantial membership in higher education embarked on industrial action over pay. No one has apparently noticed. But two other stories hit the...
Distance learning across international frontiers from a home base has developed in parallel with the growth in conventional student mobility. The tradition goes back to correspondence education and...
England 1945-2000 - The Verdict of Peace
Asian Freedoms
Paul Keating launched Australia towards a republic when he was prime minister. Now a visiting lecturer, he tells Chris Johnston about his hopes for the nation. In the scheme of things, Paul Keating...
Rome, like many other parts of Italy, is under attack from tiger mosquitoes, a particularly aggressive and dangerous species believed to have arrived from Asia. Paul Reiter, head of the entomology...
MELBOURNE Up to 15,000 foreign students may be using Australia's student visa system to enter illegally to work rather than to study. The federal government has set up an investigation into claims...
American Tragedy