Student intake up in Siberia
Something is stirring in one remote region of Russia. Nick Holdsworth investigates the post-perestroika search for skills. Studying is back in style in Siberia where applications to universities are...
Something is stirring in one remote region of Russia. Nick Holdsworth investigates the post-perestroika search for skills. Studying is back in style in Siberia where applications to universities are...
The Indonesian Economy Since 1966
Universities are waking up to the fact that their position as primary providers of post-secondary knowledge is under attack. Alison Goddard reports on challenges that lie ahead Seven years ago Sir...
Next - State of the World 1999 - The Year 1000
Children's literature is a goldmine for academic research. But first disguise it as folklore, advises James Riordan Oxford don C. S. Lewis expressed concern about the "silly convention" that caused...
Hokkaido University in north Japan is to establish a business investment fund to attract capital for manufacturing and marketing the products being developed at the university's research laboratories...
As Volunteers Week gets under way, Alison Utley looks at the personal benefits of helping others. PREPARING an attention-grabbing CV is often the most difficult obstacle facing students applying for...
FROM THE hothouse universities of the tiger economies of the Far East to Africa's riot-torn and constantly closed campuses, there is a wealth of anecdotal evidence to suggest growing state...
SOUTH ASIAN ARCHAEOLOGY 1993. Edited by Asko Parpola and Petteri Koskikallio. Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia. 445pp (Volume one), 442pp (Volume two), $195.00 (both volumes). ISBN 951 41 0729 2. The 70...
Novelist Nayantara Sahgal reflects on the power of the word in creating India as a nation, 50 years after her uncle Jawaharlal Nehru's celebrated 'tryst with destiny' One cannot talk about India 50...
VICEROY: Curzon to Mountbatten. By Hugh Tinker. Oxford University Press, 266pp, Pounds 11.99. ISBN 0 19 577698 4. What Hugh Tinker calls "a kind of personal retrospect, completed when a lifetime of...
Academics cannot get their books published. Is electronic publishing the answer? asks Robert Darnton Are scholarly monographs -learned treatises on specific subjects - in danger of extinction,...
THE conventional view that land, capital and labour provide the keys to economic development has been augmented by economic theories which stress that updated knowledge and skills through education...
Aisling Irwin and Juliet Vickery report from the British Association for the Advancement of Science in Birmingham. A volcanic eruption powerful enough to trigger another ice age is long overdue, a...
Linking Social and Ecological Systems