Oxford may lose its Liberty
The future of Oxford University's business venture with Liberty was in the balance this week following the upmarket retailers' announcement that all its branches outside London are to close to stem...
The future of Oxford University's business venture with Liberty was in the balance this week following the upmarket retailers' announcement that all its branches outside London are to close to stem...
ST MARY'S UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Readerships: Chris Durston, principal lecturer, reader in history; David Worral, senior lecturer, reader in English literature. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Readerships: The...
Mexican students overseas have won a battle with their government to safeguard their grants from cuts in public spending programmes. When the Mexican exchange rate and foreign debt crisis broke in...
Indian Music and the West
Education, Globalisation and the Nation State - Integrating Europe Through Cooperation Among Universities - European Dimensions, Education, Training and the European Union - The Erasmus Experience
Malaysia has urged more Australian students to study at its universities. Education minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said that the recent "twinning" of Australian and Malaysian institutions had...
As India embraces western affluence, more and more of its people want to learn English, the lingua franca of thought and commerce. But is their neglect of India's mother tongues a tragic error, asks...
Management Worldwide - Asian Management Systems
HIGHER and further education's wish for 1998 must be that the planning blight of 1997 will end. 1997 was a year of waiting - for the election, for reports, for white papers and for money. It was also...
Tony Durham talks to the president of Commonweath of Learning, Gajaraj Dhanarajan (below) about the triumph of distance learning in Asia For a child whose school journey began with a two-mile pre-...
Pop Internationalism
The Origins of Japanese Trade Supremacy
The margarine and soap industries could benefit from British research into improving techniques for the harvesting of oil palm fruits in Malaysia and South East Asia. Researchers at the Open...
All countries in the Asia-Pacific region now rank "internationalisation" high on their economic agendas and see universities as playing a crucial role. According to Ken McKinnon, former president of...
Bill Watson bemoans the arrogance displayed by British academics and the business community towards Malaysia. When the prime minister of Malaysia speaks British business executives listen nervously,...