Close encounters with far pavilions
Ronald Amann welcomes the unique opportunities the new funding culture creates for research, particularly in the social sciences. In 1852, Sir Lyon Playfair, then a lecturer in chemistry in the newly...
After 1989, the year we were quick enough to call the annus mirabilis of European history, the fall of communism produced a paradox: we all became Marxists, sharing the belief that it would suffice...
The Fifty Years War:
Capital Mobility - Towards a New Bretton Woods
Tim Dyson argues that despite the explosion in world population, it will not outpace food production. Newspapers and television often give considerable coverage to those who argue that the world's...
War in the Shadows
Karen Mac Gregor meets the dentist who is chair of South Africa's first National Education Commission Jairam Reddy trod the political tightrope that has become the lot of vice chancellors at...
The World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre Volume One:
The Oxford Companion to the Second World War
Britain is dead, long live. . . what exactly? David Cannadine on the making of the "new British history" and its future During the election campaign for the European Parliament which was fought out...
On Sunday Commonwealth education ministers assemble in Islamabad for their 12th conference since Oxford in 1959. The gathering is a reaffirmation of the Commonwealth's continuing value to members. It...
Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet." Rudyard Kipling was thinking of Europe and Asia when he wrote these verses. I quote them not just in continued amazement at what...
Our Global Neighbourhood: - Utopia Lost:
Jared Diamond asks why Europeans came to dominate and colonise the world and not the peoples of Africa, Australia or America? Eurasians, especially peoples of Europe and eastern Asia, have spread...