Go-ahead for Alfa contest
Contrary to your report (THES, November 4), the European Commission has approved Alfa, the academic training programme linking Europe and Latin America, with a budget of ECU40 million (32 million...
Contrary to your report (THES, November 4), the European Commission has approved Alfa, the academic training programme linking Europe and Latin America, with a budget of ECU40 million (32 million...
The Royal Academy of Engineering has awarded a fellowship to John Gardiner, head of the department of electrical and electronic engineering at the University of Bradford.
I am surprised that the director of the Courtauld Institute, London, should say that he "did not believe there is a canon in the history of art...", (Perspective, THES, October 28). He, along with...
Redundancy is not looming at Goldsmiths (THES, October 28). Staff are being invited to consider the possibility of voluntary severance, including early retirement, in a strategy that has been...
The Council of Deans of UK Medical Schools and Faculties stands by the recommendations, agreed with Universies and Colleges Admissions Service that only five choices for medicine and the use of three...
SUNDAY. I lie awake at night, worrying about the team of specialist assessors I am to meet. I know that one comes from a department that was assessed as "satisfactory" the week before, after claiming...
There are many people who refuse to go to the dentist because they might discover some cavities; some even fail to consult a physician when they fear they might have a cancerous growth, in case he...
It is not often that the creators of a new opera, before its premi re, come to a university music department and answer questions about it. But that was what happened last month when Sir Harrison...
In the mid-1600s, two determined Quaker women left their husbands and children behind and set out for Rome. Their extra-ordinary mission was to convert the Pope. Instead they found themselves...
Fraser Watts, lecturer in science and religion at Cambridge University, this week accused two leading biologists, Francis Crick and Richard Dawkins, of using "ideologically-motivated reductionist...
Two colleges began a case at the High Court in London this week to recover Pounds 14 million of European funding from Birmingham City Council. The Birmingham College of Food, Tourism and Creative...
(Photograph) - Poetic justice: Christopher Hogg picked up this slim volume of T. S. Eliot's Prufrock and Other Observations for Pounds 1.50 in a Bournemouth bookshop. It turned out to be an excellent...
Further education employers are set to reopen national negotiations on contracts, but will limit the talks to staff who have refused to transfer to private contracts. The College Employers Forum has...
Neil Merritt, vice chancellor of Portsmouth University, confessed to staff this week that he had been guilty of substantial "errors of judgement" in the way he handled his travel expenses. Mr Merritt...
A social security discussion paper issued in October by the Canadian federal government signals a big change of direction in the funding of post-secondary education. In it, the government says it...