Going to university with Asperger's syndrome
A supportive environment makes all the difference for new students with an autism spectrum disorder, says a recent graduate
A supportive environment makes all the difference for new students with an autism spectrum disorder, says a recent graduate
New research reveals a ranking of the best and most popular study-abroad destinations for international students, according to their parents.
Want to become a degree-holding Olympic gold medal winner? Tommaso Grant finds out which institutions might be right for you
A young professional in the US offers advice on choosing between postgraduate study and getting a job
Live updates to guide you through results day and Ucas Clearing
Cheapest universities for international students are revealed in a 2016-17 tuition fee survey of 140 institutions
A clinical psychologist who went through Clearing herself explains how to approach exam-related stress
Top universities in the world featured in the Shanghai Jiao Tong University ARWU league table
See the full results for UK universities ranked by student satisfaction in the National Student Survey 2016
Working for university administration proves your valuable skills in a leadership position
See a full list of all the best UK universities offering places through Ucas clearing before and after A-level results day
The impact of Brexit is strongly felt in Germany, explains a student blogger
A student blogger examines why British students might look to Scandinavia ¨C not for post-Brexit trade models, but to defend themselves against more tuition fee rises
The best 50 universities in Latin America have been revealed in an inaugural ranking for the region
Further details about Times Higher Education's US college ranking emerge, and it is great news for students