Best universities in Latin America
Explore the best universities in Latin America from data collected by Times Higher Education's World University Rankings?
Explore the best universities in Latin America from data collected by Times Higher Education's World University Rankings?
This guide outlines the cost of fees, accommodation, lifestyle and financial assistance options if you are planning to study in Australia
Right now, it¡¯s hard for students to figure out what their university experience will look like in September. While it?will?vary across universities and countries, here is a breakdown of how some...
Students from the EU will now have to pay international student fees when studying in the UK ¨C here¡¯s everything you need to know about the change so far
If you are applying to university this year, make sure you keep up to date with any changes in the university admissions process?
To complement its ranking of the top universities under 50, Times Higher Education has produced a subset Millennial University Rankings
Explore the best universities under 50 years old using Times Higher Education¡¯s university rankings data
The Golden Age ranking uses Times Higher Education data to cast a spotlight on the best universities established for more than 50 years, but less than 80 years
For international students wishing to study in the UK, the new post-study work visa provides the opportunity?to work in the UK after graduation
For students wanting to educate themselves on racism and antiracism, Professor Preston Lindsay has provided a definitive reading list to help kick-start your education and awareness
After living his whole life in his home city of Toronto, Canadian student Christopher Korman decided to move to Germany to pursue an MBA in one of his favourite European cities: Berlin
For students, the university experience has been somewhat disrupted, so perhaps now is the time to rethink what you actually want to gain from it
This guide outlines the cost of fees, accommodation, lifestyle and financial assistance options if you are planning to study in Canada
A new development as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic is online exams. Student Anna Rees talks through how she did hers and why she thinks they may be better than the traditional exam hall model
Although your university experience won¡¯t be what you expected it to be, university vice-chancellor Graham Baldwin presents a few reasons why it might be a good idea to take your place this September