
‘Injustice’ at London Met

七月 14, 2016

The compulsory redundancies of David Hardman and Mark Campbell, two leading University and College Union representatives at London Metropolitan University, are a travesty of justice. Their appeals were declined this week. The least that one might expect of an appeal hearing is that there is an audit trail of the decision-making involved, especially at an institution whose strategic plan claims to value “openness”. No audit trail was presented at their appeal hearing; in fact, the dean of their faculty – Dominic Palmer-Brown – did not submit any documentation at all.

Campbell and Hardman are the only compulsory redundancies arising out of the cuts announced by London Met last autumn. We believe that they have been singled out because of their effective work as UCU representatives. With another 395 job losses now in the pipeline, as well as potential privatisation (the new chair of governors is a former executive at Pearson), the management are conveniently removing the two leading reps and sending a clear message to other staff not to put their heads above the parapet.

Does a university with a background as a champion of social justice really wish to stake a claim as one of the most anti-union employers in the sector? We call upon the management and governors of London Met to recognise the injustice that is being perpetrated and to reinstate Campbell and Hardman.

Sally Hunt, general secretary, UCU
Kevin Courtney, Acting General Secretary, National Union of Teachers
Malia Bouattia, NUS President
Elizabeth Lawrence, UCU NEC (Immediate Past President)
Douglas Chalmers, UCU NEC (President UCU Scotland)
Chris Jones, UCU NEC (President UCU Wales)
Sean Wallis, UCU NEC (HE), University College London
Sue Abbott, UCU NEC (HE), Northumbria University
Todd Bailey, UCU NEC (HE), Cardiff University
Vicky Blake, UCU NEC (HE), University of Leeds
Jimmy Donaghey, UCU NEC (HE), University of Warwick
Paul Errington, UCU NEC (HE), Teeside University
Jeff Fowler, UCU NEC (HE), Sunderland University
Julie Hearn, UCU NEC (HE), Lancaster University
Marion Hersh, UCU NEC (HE), University of Glasgow
Mary Jennings, UCU NEC (HE), University of Cambridge
Lesley McGorrigan, UCU NEC (HE), University of Leeds
Patricia McManus, UCU NEC (HE), University of Brighton
Jo McNeill, UCU NEC (HE), University of Liverpool
Carlo Morelli, UCU NEC (HE), University of Dundee
Renee Prendergast, UCU NEC (HE), Queen's University Belfast
Alan Ryan, UCU NEC (HE), De Montfort University
Xanthe Whittaker, UCU NEC (HE), University of Leicester
Mandy Brown, UCU NEC (FE), Lambeth College
Nina Doran, UCU NEC (FE), City of Liverpool College
Margot Hill, UCU NEC (FE), Croydon College
Amy Jowett, UCU NEC (FE), Hackney ACE
Richard McEwan, UCU NEC (FE), Tower Hamlets College
Dave Muritu, UCU NEC (FE), Sandwell College
Julia Roberts, UCU NEC (FE), Lambeth College
Sean Vernell, UCU NEC (FE), City & Islington College
Elaine White, UCU NEC (FE), Bradford College
Angie McConnell, UCU Trustee
Shelly Asquith, NUS Vice-President, Welfare
Shakira Martin, NUS Vice-President, Further Education
Florence Onwumere, London Met SU President, Sabbatical Officer, Faculty of Life Sciences and Computing
Barbara Ntumy, NUS NEC, Deputy President of London Met SU
Georgia Robinson, London Met SU, Sabbatical Officer, CASS Art and Architecture
Richard Payne, UCU Coordinating Committee, London Metropolitan University
Yaz Djebbour, UCU Coordinating Committee, London Metropolitan University
Monica Mottin, UCU Coordinating Committee, London Metropolitan University
Caroline Derry, UCU Coordinating Committee, London Metropolitan University
Councillor Gary Heather, Islington Labour Party
Nicholas Cimini, EIS-ULA Executive Member
Ian Hodson, President, Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU)
Steve Hedley, Assistant General Secretary, RMT
Alex Kenny, NUT NEC
Naomi Junnor, UNISON NEC
Karen Reissmann, UNISON NEC
Marianne Owens, PCS NEC
Martin Powell-Davies, Chair, SERTUC Public Services Committee
Lee Farrow, Chair, London Region UCU FE Committee
Rhiannon Lockley, Chair, West Midlands Region UCU
Peter Ayton, City University
Andreas Bieler, UCU Vice-President, Nottingham University
Paul Blackledge, Leeds Beckett University, UCU Branch Secretary
Marie Breen-Smyth, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Alex Callinicos, Kings College London
Elaine Campbell, Newcastle University
Graham Dawson, University of Brighton
Des Freeman, UCU Secretary, Goldsmiths University
Robin Hirsch, University College London
Michael Lavalette, Liverpool Hope University
Alex Law, Abertay University
Henry Maitles, University of the West of Scotland
Meg Maguire, Kings College London
Andreas Ortmann, University of New South Wales, Australia
Jayne Osgood, Middlesex University
John Parrington, University of Oxford
Malcolm Povey, University of Leeds, UCU Committee Member
Daniel Read, Warwick University Business School
Michael Rosen, Goldsmiths University
Mark Whittingham, Newcastle University
Tony Wrigley, Northumbria University
Terry Brotherstone, Former Honorary President UCU Scotland
Sam Fairburn, National Secretary, People's Assembly
Zita Holbourne, Co-Founder National Co-Chair, Black Activists Rising Against Cuts (BARAC) UK & PCS NEC
Paul Mackney, UCU Former General Secretary and parent of a London Met Graduate
Aaron Kiely, People's Assembly Against Austerity and Graduate of London Metropolitan University
Clare Solomon, People’s Assembly Against Austerity and former University of London Union President
Michael Chessum, Young Labour National Committee
Adam Pettigrew, Chair, Equity Young Members' Committee
Mike Calvert, Deputy Branch Secretary, Islington UNISON
Jo Cardwell, Vice-Chair, Islington UNISON
Alasdair Smith, National Secretary, Anti-Academies Alliance
Tom Taylor, Secretary, SERTUC Creative and Leisure Industries Committee
Michael Bradley, Unite the Resistance
Rob Williams, National Chair, National Shop Stewards Network
Peter Murray, UCU Retired Members Branch and London Green Party Trade Union Liaison Officer
Candy Udwin, PCS Rep, National Gallery
John Wiseman, North West Education Regional Industrial Sector Vice-Chair and North West Regional
?Council Chair, NUT
Andrew Berry, Islington UNISON
Ken Muller, Joint Branch Secretary, Islington NUT
Eddie Rowley, Shop Steward, UNISON at London Metropolitan University
Dean Ryan, Islington UNISON shop steward
David Summers, Unison Assistant Branch Security, London Metropolitan University
Lindsey German, Convenor, Stop The War Coalition
Joe Gluza, Treasurer, UCU Cambridge University
Hannah Dee, Chair, Defend the Right to Protest
Geoff Abbott, UCU Equality Officer, Newcastle University
Anne Alexander, University of Cambridge
Stephen Baker, Ulster University
Shakuntala Banaji, London School of Economics and Political Science
Matthew Beaumont, University College London
Kambiz Boomla, Queen Mary University of London
Steve Cannon, UCU Branch Treasurer / Casework Officer, University of Sunderland
Lesley Catchpowle, UCU Coordinating Committee at Greenwich
Marc Chrysanthou, University of Wolverhampton
Chris Cocking, University of Brighton
Alun R. Coker, University College London
Frank Deval, UCU Retired Member, London South Bank University
Kathryn Dutton, University of Bradford
Ian Ellis, UCU Branch Secretary at Dundee University
Stacy Gillis, Newcastle University
Ethan Hack, Newcastle University
Alan Harrison, Former AUT local association president, Brunel University
Mick Jardine, University of Winchester
Brendan Nicholls, University of Leeds
Christopher Roche, University of Bath
Rebecca Sear, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Ulrike Sommer, University College London
David Stewart, Newcastle University
Tony Sullivan, UCU Branch Secretary at London College of Fashion
Nick Troop, University of Hertfordshire
Nalini Vittal, UCU Departmental Rep, University College London
Carly Walker, University of Brighton
Patrick Yarker, University of East Anglia
Martin Fry, UCU Executive Committee, University College London
Mike Arrowsmith, UCU Branch Organiser, University of St Andrews
Mark Abel, UCU Coordinating Committee at Brighton
Viv Acious, Unison Branch Chair at City & Islington College
Ian Allinson, Unite Fujitsu UK Combine Committee
Pura Ariza, UCU North West Regional Equality Officer
Bruce Baker, UCU Vice-President, Newcastle University
Mike Barton, UCU Branch Secretary, Redbridge College
Mark Baxendale, Queen Mary University of London
Rob Behan, NUT Rep, Newham 6th Form College
Charlotte Bence, Chair, Unite the Union, London and Eastern Young Members' Committee
Pete Bicknell, UCU Membership Secretary at Lewisham Southwark College
George Binette, Branch Secretary, Camden Unison
David Binns, UCU London Retired Members
Sam Birnie, Haringey NUT
Rick Blackman, Liverpool Hope University
Sue Blackwell, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Janine Booth, Branch Secretary, RMT Central Line East
Paul Booth, UCU Retired Member
Paul Brook, University of Leicester
Geoff Brown, Manchester Metropolitan University
John Burgess, Branch Secretary, Barnet UNISON
Sasha Callaghan, Creative Director, BellaFreak
Bridget Chapman, Secretary, Folkstone and District NUT
Carol Cody, UCU Secretary at City of Liverpool College and Equality Rep for North West Region
James Cranch, University of Sheffield
Ian Crosson, UCU Membership Secretary, Tower Hamlets Branch
Steve Cushion, UCU London Retired Members
Mike Cushman, Former LSE UCU Branch Secretary
Michael Dance, Redbridge NUT Equalities Officer / NUT LGBT National Advisory Committee
Neil Davidson, UCU Branch Committee, University of Glasgow
Christopher Denson, Joint Secretary, Coventry NUT
Veronica Diesen, Former lecturer at London Metropolitan University
Kate Douglas, PCS, DWP South East Regional Secretary
Clara Doyle, University of Greenwich
Peter Dwyer, UCU Branch Treasurer, Ruskin College Oxford
Graham Dyer, Former Chair, SOAS UCU
Paul Edwards, NUT Deputy, Newham 6th Form College
Fatmia Felisberti, Kingston University
Rob Ferguson, NUT Chair, Newham 6th Form College
Iain Ferguson, University of the West of Scotland
Keith Flett, Secretary, Haringey TUC
Rus Gandy, Retired (former Dean of Postgraduate Management School, University of Westminster)
Sheila Gaynard, University of Hull
Gill George, Retired, Former Unite Executive Council
John Gillett, freelance teacher / director / actor / writer
Monica Gort, Secretary for UNITE Clerkenwell and St Pancras Branch
Nick Grant, Former NUT NEC member, Outer London
Carly Grundle, UCU Secretary at Westminster Kingsway
Adam Hansen, Northumbria University
Clare Harries, University College London
Ronald Haynes, UCU Vice-President at University of Cambridge
Michaela Hendriks, UCU Branch Secretary at Hackney Community College
Simon Hester, Chair, Haringey TUC
Anthony Hirst, UCU London Retired Members
Tony Hodges, UCU Secretary Carshalton College (retired)
Goretti Horgan, UCU Committee, Ulster University
Lee Humber, UCU Equalities Officer, Liverpool Hope University
Julie Hunt, Branch Chair, North West London GMB
Brian Ingham, Former UCU NEC (retired)
Ioanna Ioannou, UCU Equalities Officer, University College London
Pete Jackson, PCS Midlands Regional Committee Member
John James, Branch Chair of Wales Council and Chair of Coleg Gwent
Janroj Yilmaz Keles, Middlesex University
Veronica Killen, Northumbria University
Mike Killian, Communications Officer (oc), TfGM Unison Branch
Dave Knight, President, Waltham Forest Trades Council
Katia Kramer, London Metropolitan University
Richard Kuper, Herfordshire University (retired)
Adam Lambert, Regional Officer, UNITE
Mike Lammiman, UCU Membership Secretary at University of Hull LA
Therese Lewis, Northumbria University
Christine Lindey, London UCU Retired Members Branch
Billie Loebner, Middlesex University
Delia Lomax, Scotland Retired Members Branch, ex-President UCU Heriot Watt University4
Alison Lord, UCU Joint Branch Secretary, Poplar Branch
Susan Matthews, University of Roehampton
Dominic McCabe, Derby College
Des McDermott, Branch Chair, Ruskin College Oxford
Paul McGarr, NUT rep at Langdon Park School, Tower Hamlets
Michael McGowan, Hackney Community College
Saladin Meckled-Garcia, UCU President, University College London
Eleni Michalopoulou, University of Liverpool
Laura Miles, UCU Left Steering Committee and former UCU NEC member
Merilyn Moos, London Metropolitan University (retired)
Sam Morecroft, UCU Anti-Casualisation Officer, Sheffield University
Doug Morgan, Assistant Secretary, Birmingham NUT
Jonathan Neale, Writer
Mark O'Brien, Vice-President, University of Liverpool UCU
Simon O'Hara, Small Heath, Birmingham NUT
Lucretia Packham, Equalities Officer, UCU East Midlands Retired Members Branch
Christina Paine, UCU Equalities Officer and Health & Safety Officer, London Metropolitan University
Hilda Palmer, Acting Chair of Hazards Campaign, Manchester Hazards Centre
Kirstie Paton, Assistant Secretary Greenwich NUT
Hazel Perry, Secretary, Peterborough TUC
Tony Phillips, Branch Secretary, UNISON London Fire Authority
Pablo Phillips, NUT Rep, Connaught School for Girls, Waltham Forest
Hugo Radice, University of Leeds
Karen Rajapakse, Tower Hamlets College
Cherry Sewell, UCU Former NEC member and parent of a London Met Graduate
Lee Short, UCU Branch Secretary at Barnsley College and Vice-Chair of Yorkshire and Humber Region FE
Keith Simpson, President, UCU at City University
Roddy Slorach, Vice-Chair, UCU Disabled Members Standing Committee
Eugene Smith, UCU London Region Retired Members Group, formerly of Tower Hamlets College
Dave Smith, University of the West of England
Harry Stopes, University College London
David Summers, Unison Assistant Branch Secretary at London Metropolitan University
John Sweeney, UCATT
Tom Taylor, Secretary for SERTUC Creative & Leisure Industries Committee
Geraldine Thorpe, London Metropolitan University UCU (retired)
Jelena Timotijevic, University of Brighton
Sara Tomlinson, Lambeth NUT Secretary
Phil Turner, Vice-Chair, South Yorkshire NUJ
Phil Vallender, London Southbank University
Nicolas Van Labeke, University of Leeds
Sinead Vaughan, Tower Hamlets College
Rose Veitch, Hackney Community College
James Ward, UCU Secretary, Ulster University
Liz Wheatley, Camden Unison Assistant Branch Secretary
Fiona Whitelaw, Chair of South and South East Equity Branch
Huw Williams, Unison Shop Steward, Swindon
Rosemarie Wilson, City and Islington College
Mark Winter, Chair, UCU Poplar Branch, Tower Hamlets College
Louis Wood, EHWLC (retired), ex-Chair and Secretary of UCU London Region FE Sector
Tom Woodcock, Secretary, Cambridge & District Trades Union Council
Jon Woods, Portsmouth City Unison Branch Chair
Peter Woodward, Imperial College
Claire Duncanson, University of Edinburgh
Steve Mardy, Leeds Beckett University, UCU Branch Chair

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<榴莲视频 class="pane-title"> Reader's comments (2)
I am in complete agreement - Greg Swadener, Aston University
Reinstate now! Eamonn Leddy UCU (FE) City & Islington College