
Support Turkish academics

一月 28, 2016

We are gravely concerned that academics in Turkey are facing a campaign against them, which has been initiated by the Turkish president, for signing a petition. The petition demanded an end to state violence in Kurdish provinces and “a road map that would lead to a lasting peace in Turkey”.

The Turkish judiciary has initiated public prosecution under anti-terror law, alleging “terrorist organisation propaganda”. After an emergency meeting, the Higher Education Council decided to commence an investigation against the scholars who signed the petition. These actions represent a violation of freedom of expression in Turkey and are consistent with broader efforts on the part of the Turkish state to punish the critics of state policies.

Both the Higher Education Council and the individual universities that commenced action against the signatories do not respect academic freedom. We are concerned that cooperation with Turkish universities will be diminished as the credibility of the higher education system is further undermined after numerous attacks on academic freedom in the past.

We are also concerned that President Erdo?an did not hesitate in describing the petition as an invitation for foreigners to intervene in Turkey. This mindset both reflects and exacerbates the securitisation of the public sphere in Turkey, particularly after the Turkish government’s withdrawal from the peace negotiations with the Kurds. We note that the petition did not call for foreign intervention, but rather for independent observation – which is the hallmark of both human rights monitoring and academic research.

We, the signatories, are in solidarity with our colleagues in Turkey and call upon the Turkish government to stop the campaign against them. We also call on all governments, the media and the wider public outside Turkey to raise their voice against the curtailment of freedoms and suppression of dissent in Turkey.

Daron Acemo?lu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gilbert Achcar, Soas, London
Ruth Ahnert, Queen Mary University of London
Serhun Al, University of Utah
Gabriella Alberti, University of Leeds
Greg Albo, York University
Awol Allo, London School of Economics
Elmar Altvater, Free University Berlin
Carolina Alves, Soas, London
Filipa Alvm, CRIA-IUL Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Teresa Amal, University of Coimbra
Virgilio Amaral, Centre for Social Studies, Coimbra University
Marco Antoniotti, Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca
Philip Arestis, University of Cambridge
Alessandro Arienzo, Univ. Federico II of Naples
Mary-Paz Arrieta-Paredes, University of Greenwich
Michael Ash, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
?lker Aslantepe, The New School for Social Research
CUNY BAC-Brooklyn College
Iman Attia, University of Applied Sciences
Marcella Attimonelli, University of Bari
Marie-France Auzépy, l'Université Paris 8
?zalp Babao?lu, University of Bologna
Kyle Bailey, York University
Erdo?an Bak?r, Bucknell University
Antonio Banfi, Università di Bergamo
Leonardo Bargigli, Università degli Studi di Firenze
Elazar Barkan, Columbia University
David Barkin, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco
Thomas Barth, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t München
Riccardo Basosi, University of Siena
Riccardo Bellofiore, Università di Bergamo
Daniel Bendix, Kassel University
Günseli Berik, University of Utah
Silke Betscher, University of Bremen
Andreas Bieler, University of Nottingham
Carole Biewener, Simmons College
Cihan Bilginsoy, University of Utah
Neri Binazzi, Università di Firenze
Olivier Bivort, Università Ca' Foscari
Wolfgang Blaas, Vienna University of Technology
Gail Blattenberger, University of Utah
Philippe Blaudeau, University of Angers
Janet Boddy, University of Sussex
Sabine Bohne, University of Osnabrück
Katherine Borland, The Ohio State University
Pablo Bortz, University of San Martín
Fabrizio Botti, University of Perugia
Anne Boud'hors, CNRS
James K. Boyce, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Miriam Boyer, Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut
?dül Bozkurt, University of Sussex
Adriana Brancaccio, Seconda Università di Napoli
Katherine Braun, Hamburg University
Julia Bray, University of Oxford
Thomas Buerk, Hamburg University
Angelo Buizza, University of Pavia
Brendan Burchell, University of Cambridge
Erica Burman, University of Manchester
?smail Büyükakan, EFLR Easdale Foundation for Labour Research
Paola Buzi, Sapienza University of Rome
Louison Cahen-Fourot, Paris-13 University
Al Campbell, University of Utah
Y?ld?z Can, King’s College
Mario Candeias, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
Simon Caney, University of Oxford
Maria Chiara Cantelmo, University of Rome
Lorrayne Carroll, University of Southern Maine
Lisa Carstensen, University of Osnabrück
Luís Francisco Carvalho, ISCTE- University Institute of Lisbon
Elti Cattaruzza, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
Anjan Chakrabarti, University of Calcutta
Shouvik Chakraborty, Universify of Massachusetts, Amherst
Wendy Chapkis, University of Southern Maine
Anup Char, Ambedkar University Delhi
Christine Chataigner, CNRS
Raffaele Chiappinelli, Università di Siena
Sergio Chiarloni, Univesity of Turin
Dan Clawson University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Mary Ann Clawson, Wesleyan University
Alida Clemente, Università degli studi di Foggia
Marco Clementi, University of Pavia
Lina Coelho, University of Coimbra
Ann Coenen, University of Antwerp
Steve Cohn, Knox College
Fabio Conti, Insubria University
Marcella Corsi, Sapienza University of Rome
Anna Maria Cossiga, Link Campus University
Giovanni Cozzi, University of Greenwich
Teresa Almeida Cravo, University of Coimbra
Barbara Crossouard, University of Sussex
Asa Cusack, University College London
Paolo Cuttitta, VU University, Amsterdam
Fabio D'Andrea, University of Perugia
Carlo D'lppoliti, Sapienza University of Rome
Yannis Dafermos, University of the West of England
Hülya Da?deviren, University of Hertfordshire
Angela Daly, Swinburne University of Technology
Alessandro Dama, Politecnico di Milano
Yasar Damar, Jade University
Agnese Daverio, Napier University
Leila Davis, Middlebury College
Alessandra De Luca, University of Florence
Giuseppe De Nicolao, University of Pavia
Tomas Paoliello Pacheco de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
Alessandra De Rossi, University of Turin
Monica de Simone, National Council of Research
Muriel Debié, EPHE
Helene Decke-Cornill, Hamburg University
Alex Demirovic, Goethe Universit?t Frankfurt
Angela Di Baldassarre, University of Chieti-Pescara
Peter Diamond, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Eduardo Costa Dias, ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon
Tiago Duarte Dias, Fluminense Federal University
Myrte Dierckx, University of Antwerp
Mehmet Dikerdem, Middlesex University
Dilar Dirik, University of Cambridge
?lhan D?güs, University of Hamburg
Elizabeth Dore, University of Southampton
Mariana dos Santos Parra, University of Deusto
Costas Douzinas, Birkbeck College University of London
Peter Draper
John Drury, University of Sussex
Luca Enriques, University of Oxford
Gerald Epstein, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Jade Cemre Erciyes, University of Sussex
Roland Erne, University College Dublin
Roland Erne, University College Dublin
Korkut Ertürk, University of Utah
Trevor Evans, Berlin School of Economics & Law
Fabrizia Fabrizi de Biani, University of Siena
Andrew Fagan, University of Essex
Stefano Falcinelli, University of Perugia
Ugo Fantasia, University of Parma
Julian Faultless, Oriental Institute,University of Oxford
Federica Favretto, University of Padua
Eladio Febrero, University of Castilla Lla Mancha ar Cuenca
Anthony Fenton, York University
Jarko Fidrmuc, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen
Mathias Fiedler, University of G?ttingen
Richard Fielding, The University of Hong Kong
Kade Finnoff, University of Massachusetts, Boston
Vincenzo Fiore, University of Texas at Dallas
Teresa Fitzherbert, University of Oxford
J?rg Flecker, University of Vienna
Nancy Folbre, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Maureen Freely, University of Warwick
Alan Freeman, Geopolitical Economy Research Group
André Freire, Lisbon University (ISCTE-IUL)
Gerald Friedman, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Daniela Gabor, UWE Bristol
Giorgos Galanis, City University London
Giovanna Gallo, University of Salento
Paolo Gamba, University of Pavia
Raphael Tsavkko Garcia, University of Deusto
Carlos Garcimartin, Rey Juan Carlos University
Orhan Gemikonak, Middlesex University
Fabian Georgi, Philipps-University of Marburg
Arma?an Gezici, Keene State College
Antonella Ghersetti, Ca' Foscari University
G. Reza Ghorashi, Stockton University
Stelios Gialis, University of Aegean
Marco Giovagnoni, University of Udine
Toa Giroletti, Catholic University of Sacred Earth
Elio Giroletti, University of Pavia
Thomas Goda, Universidad EAFIT, Medellin
David Goelnitz, University of Hamburg
Bülent G?kay, Keele University
Don Goldstein, Allegheny College
Wolfgang Gombocz, University of Graz
Hugh Goodacre, University College London
Christoph Graf, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Christoph Gran, University of Oldenburg
Sergio Grancagnolo, Humboldt University
Saskia Gr?nitz, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit?t Munich
Bele Grau, Goethe University of Frankfurt
Ian Greer, University of Greenwich
Ingo Grumiller, Austria
Giulio Guarini, Tuscia University, Viterbo
Yaatsil Guevara González, Bielefeld University
Alexander Guschanski, University of Greenwich
Hande Güzel, University of Cambridge
Jana Haeberlein, University of Neuchatel
Joseph Halevi, University of Sydney
Sue Vaux Halliday, University of Hertfordshire
Adam Hanieh, Soas, London
Nanna Heidenreich, University of the Arts Braunschweig
Carol Heim, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Michael Heinrich, University of Applied Sciences, Berlin
Christoph Hermann, University of California, Berkeley
Thomas Herndon, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Peter Herrmann, Istituto di Studi Politici, Economici e Sociali
Sabine Hess, G?ttingen Center for Gender Studies
Ole Hilbrich, Ruhr-Universit?t Bochum
Katharine Hodgkin, University of East London
Graham Hollinshead, University of Hertfordshire
Katharina Hopper, J.W. Goethe-University
Paul Hudson, Universit?t Wittemburg-Halle
Bernd Hüttner, Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation
Grazia Ietto-Gillies, London South Bank University
Suzan Ilcan, University of Waterloo
Engin Isin, The Open University
Güney I??kara, New School for Social Research
Giuliana Iurlano, University of Salento
Sergio Cámara Izquierdo, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Azcapotzalco
Kenneth P. Jameson, University of Utah
Nadia Jamil, University of Oxford
Jonathan Jenner, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Michael Joffe, Imperial College London
Jeremy Johns, University of Oxford
Corinne Jouanno, l'université de Caen - Normandie
Wells Julian, Kingston University
Petra Kaiser-Labusch, Bremen Hospital
Mary Kaldor, London School of Economics
Annita Kalpaka, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Raphie Kaplinsky, University of Sussex
Nikolaos Karagiannis, Winston-Salem State University
Anirban Karak, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Juliane Karakayali, Protestant University for Applied Sciences
David Karas, European University Institute
Fatemeh Karimi, ?cole des hautes études en sciences sociales
Asiye Kaya, Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences
Steve Keen, Kingston University
Jane Kelly, Kingston University, retired
John Kelly, Birkbeck College
Achim Kemmerling, CEU Budapest
Valerie K. Kepner, King's College
Onur Kerimo?lu, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Farida C. Khan, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Mary King, Portland State University
Silja Klepp, University of Bremen
Eleonore Kofman, Middlesex University
Charalampos Konstantinidis, University of Massachusetts Boston
David M. Kotz, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Veronika Kourabas, Carl von Ossietzky Universit?t
André Krebber, University of Kassel
David Kristjanson-Gural, Bucknell University
Carla Küffner, IFK Internationales
Heinz Kurz, University of Graz
Birgul Kutan, University of Bristol
Claudio La Rocca, University of Genoa
Thomas Lambert, Northern Kentucky University
Christine Lang, University of Osnabruck
Costas Lapavistas, Soas, London
Mehrene Larudee, Universify of Massachusetts, Amherst
Marc Lavoie, University of Ottawa, Canada
John Lawrence, City University of New York
Corinne Lennox, University of London
Jane Lethbridge, University of Greenwich
Noemi Levy, UNAM
Steffen Liebig, Germany
Jacob Lind, Malm? University
John Lister, Coventry University
David Lorenz, Kassel University
Marinella L?rinczi, University of Cagliari
Laura Luche, University of Sassari
Gundula Ludwig, University of Vienna
Cormac Mac Amhlaigh, University of Edinburgh
Graham MacPhee, West Chester University
Tina Magazzini, Human Rights Institute, University of Deusto
Reima Ana Maglajlic, University of Sussex
Cetta Mainwaring, University of Waterloo
Francesco Mancuso, Università di Salerno
Stefano Marcato, Università di Bologna
Cristina Marcuzzo, Sapienza, Università di Roma
Stefano Marino, University of Bologna
Thomas Marois, Soas, London
Catherine Marrot, CNRS
Luke Martell, University of Sussex
Felix Diaz Martinez, University of Castilla-La Mancha
Francesco Martinico, Università degli studi di Catania
Athanasios Marvakis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Bohdana Marvalova, Technical University of Liberec
Nicholas S.M. Matheou, Pembroke College, Oxford
Kamran Matin, University of Sussex
Rosário Mauritti, Centro de Investiga??o e Estudos de Sociologia
Enrico Mauro, University of Salento
Thomas Mayer, University of Colorado, Boulder
Kathleen McAfee, San Francisco State University
Michael McCann, University of Washington
Deirdre Nansen McCloskey, University of Illinois at Chicago
William McColloch, Keene State College
Elaine McCrate, University of Vermont
Hugh McDonnell, University of Edinburgh
Michael Meeropol, Western New England University
Angela Melitopoulos, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Copenhagen
Giuseppe Micheli, Università di Padova
Felipe Milanez, Universidade Federal da Bahia
Thomas Jeffrey Miley, University of Cambridge
Toby Miller, Loughborough University
Genna R. Miller, Duke University
Antonello Miranda, University of Palermo
Satoshi Miyamura, School of Oriental & African Studies
Jean-Marie Moeglin, Université Paris-Sorbonne
Brigitte Mondrain, Université Paris-Sorbonne
Silvia Monti, University of Verona
Glenn Lauren Moore, Leeds University Business School
Sian Moore, University of Greenwich
Robert Moore, University of Liverpool
Sheyla Moroni, Università di Firenze
John H. Morris, University College London
Tracy Mott, University of Denver
Catherine Moury, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Chris Mowles, Hertfordshire Business School
Anitra Nelson, RMIT University
Jo?o Pedro Neto, University of Lisbon
Zeynep Nettekoven, Berlin School of Economics and Law
Michaela Neumayr, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Katherine Newman, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Michalis Nikiforos, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College
Maria Nikolaidi, University of Greenwich
Mario Novelli, University of Sussex
Jose Antonio Ocampo, Columbia University
Paolo Odorico, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
Bertell Ollman, New York University
?zlem Onaran, University of? Greenwich
Francisco Oneto, ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon
Giulia Orofino, Università di Cassino
Claudia Ortu, University of Cagliari
Cem Oyvat, University of? Greenwich
Sule Ozev, Arizona State University
Esra ?zyürek, London School of Economics
Levi Pace, University of Utah
Hanno Pahl, LMU Munich
Brunilda Pali, KU Leuven
Antonella Palumbo, Roma Tre University
Arietta Papaconstantinou, University of Reading
Ian Parker, University of Leicester
Sejal Parmar, Central European University, Budapest
Susan Pashkoff, UK
Mark Paul, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Lorenzo Perilli, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Maria Perraki, National Technical University of Athens
Jonathan Perraton, University of Sheffield
Nicola Perrotti, University of Catanzaro
Lukas Peter, University of Zürich
Annick Peters-Custot, Université de Nantes
Karl Petrick, Western New England University
Christy Petropoulou, University of the Aegean
Lynda Pickbourn, Hampshire College
Marianne Pieper, University of Hamburg
Maria Chiara Pievatolo, University of Pisa
Luiza Nassif Pires, The New School for Social Research
Chiara Pistocchi, ETH Zurich
Anna Maria Piussi, University of Verona
Robert Pollin, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Jeff Powell, University of Greenwich
Nicola Pratt, University of Warwick
David Primrose, University of Sydney
Joel Rabinovich, University of Buenos Aires
Mario Ragazzi, KU Leuven
Fabio Ranchetti, University of Pisa
J Mohan Rao, Universify of Massachusetts, Amherst
Amandine Regamey, Pantheon-Sorbonne University
Miriam Rehm, University of Vienna
Clemens Reichhold, University of Hamburg
Cecilia Rikap, University of Buenos Aires
Vincenzo Riso, Minho University
Angela Risso, Università di Udine
Ezio Ritrovato, University of Bari
Mary Robertson, University of Leeds
Simon Robins, University of York
Louis-Philippe Rochon, Laurentian University
Dani Rodrik, Harvard University
Eugene Rogan, University of Oxford
Hinrich Rosenbrock, Philipps-Universit?t Marburg
Massimiliano Rossi, Università del Salento
Alessandro Rossi, Istituto di Fisica Applicata "Nello Carrara" (IFAC)
Tomás Rotta, University of Greenwich
Evelyn Ruppert, Goldsmiths, University of London
Alessandra Russo, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Magnus Ryner, King's College London
Alfredo Saad Filho, Soas, London
Devi Sacchetto, University of Padova
Maliha Safri, Drew University
Neri Salvadori, University of Pisa
Barbara Samaluk, University of Greenwich
Giovanni Sambin, University of Padova
Jordan Savage, University of Essex
Malcolm Sawyer, University of Leeds
Johanna Schaffer, Kunsthochschule Kassel
Helen Scharber, Hampshire College
Stephan Scheel, Goldsmiths, University of London
Christoph Scherrer, Universit?t Kassel
Sarah Schilliger, University of Basel
Antonie Schmiz, Goethe Universit?t
Silvia Schr?cker, University of Vienna
Martin Schuerz, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Susanne Schultz, Bielefeld University
Robert Schütze, Durham University
Veit Schwab, University of Warwick
Helen Schwenken, University of Osnabrück
Alex Scott-Samuel, University of Liverpool
Ian J. Seda-Irizarry, City University of New York
Lynne Segal, University of London, Birkbeck
Ervjola Selenica, University of Trento
Alev ?en, University of Cambridge
Andrea Shemberg, London School of Economics
Cristofori Silvia, Link Campus University
Pritam Singh, Oxford Brookes University
Luca Sinisi, University of Bari
Jasmin Siri, LMU Munich
Giorgio Sirilli, National Research Council of Italy
Peter Skott, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Paul Smith, Keele University
Patricia Soares, Brighton & Sussex Medical School
Peter S?derbaum, M?lardalen University
Laura Adele Soracco, Seattle Central College
Lorenzo Sorace, University of Florence
Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, The Open University
Antoni Soy, Universitat de Barcelona
Jean-Michel Spieser, University of Fribourg
Susanne Spindler, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt
Manos Spyridakis, University of Peloponnese
Tom Stanley, Hendrix College
Massimo Stefani, University of Florence
Ioannou Stefanos, University of Leeds
Dai Stephens, University of Sussex
Seretis Stergios, University of Aegean
Maurice Stierl, University of California, Davis
Engelbert Stockhammer, Kingston University
Emanuele Storti, Università Politecnica delle Marche
Eduardo Strachman, S?o Paulo State University
Francesco Strazzari, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies
Noelia Paola Streicher, Oldenburg University
Angelika Striedinger, University of Vienna
Kumble R. Subbaswamy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Amanda M L Taylor, University of Central Lancashire
Theano S. Terkenli, University of the Aegean
Andrea Tessier, Università di Trieste
Grahame Thompson, Copenhagen University
Pamela Thompson, Goucher College
Olaf Tietje, Universit?t Kassel
Tania Toffanin, University of Padua
Ertu? Tombus, Western Connecticut State University
Fabrizio Tonello, Giuridiche e Studi Internazionali
Daniele Tori, University of Greenwich
Andrew Tylecote, University of Sheffield
Emek Ucarer, Bucknell University
Mehmet U?ur, University of? Greenwich
Charles Umney, University of Leeds
Tomas Undurrage, University College London
Martin Upchurch, Middlesex University Business School
James Urpeth, University of Greenwich
Vamsi Vakulabharanam, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Marco Valente, University of L'Aquila
Hendrik Van den Berg, University of Nebraska
Timo van der Linden, University of Greenwich
Edwin van Teijlingen, Bournemouth University
Elisa Van Waeyenberge, Soas, London
Pieter Vanhuysse, University of Southern Denmark
Jo?o Veloso, University of Porto
Roberto Veneziani, Queen Mary University of London
Matias Vernengo, Bucknell University
Lorenzo Vianelli, University of Warwick
Francesca Vianello, University of Padua
Eduardo J. Ruiz Vieytez University of Deusto
Carmelo Vigna, Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia
Davide Villani, The Open University
Raffaele Virdis, Italy
Nadia von Jacobi, University of Pavia
Jolien Voorspoels, University of Antwerp
Mwangi wa Githinji, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Peter Waterman, Erasmus University
Kathy Watson, University of Greenwich
Andrew Watt, IMK,? Hans-B?ckler Foundation
Elspeth Webb, Cardiff University
Karin Wedig, University of Denver
John Weeks, Soas, London
Thomas E. Weisskopf, University of Michigan
Tom Wengraf, UK
Hannah White, Cambridge House
Xanthe Whittaker, UK
Jeroen Wijnendaele, Ghent University
Thomas Williams, University of Szeged
Jon D. Wisman, American University
Markus Wissen, Berlin School of Economics and Law
Richard D. Wolff, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Jan Wolter, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
Karl-Andrew Woltin, Royal Holloway
Amanda Wooden, Bucknell University
Anna Wyss, University of Bern
Mustafa Yasacan, University of Keele
Yavuz Ya?ar, University of Denver
Anne Yeagle, University of Utah
?akir Devrim Y?lmaz, Kingston University
Raymond Youngs, Kingston University
Yuliya Yurchenko, University of Greenwich
Zeynep Yurekli-Gorkay, University of Oxford
Giulia Zacchia, Sapienza University of Rome
Paul Zarembka, SUNY at Buffalo
Francesco Zavatti, S?dert?rn University
Gennaro Zezza, Universita' di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale



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<榴莲视频 class="pane-title"> Reader's comments (1)
John Toohey, Concordia University