
<ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ class="standfirst">
December 13, 1996

University of Edinburgh - Charities

Professor J. Phillips, Pounds 429,054 from the Wellcome Trust (senior research fellowship to Dr Sari Pennings - dynamics of chromatin in gene regulation); Professor R. Morris, Pounds 128,980 from the Gatsby Foundation (molecular engineering of memory function); Professor R. Morris, Pounds 20,951 from the Royal Society (Leverhulme Fellowship - activity dependent synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus in learning or memory); Dr J. Wastling, Pounds 80,546 from the Royal Society of Edinburgh (genetic control of cyst formation in Toxoplasma gondii); Professor N. McIntosh, Pounds 38,365 from Action Research (endocrine regulation of metabolism following thermal injury in children); Dr A. Smith, Pounds 50,486 from Wellcome Foundation Ltd (gene targeting project); Drs L. Forrester and J. Mullins, Pounds 202,357 from the British Heart Foundation (identification and characterisation of genes involved in cardiac development); Dr T. Danelian, Pounds 97,579 from the RSE (fellowship); Dr D. Sheppard, Pounds 137,443 from the Cystic Fibrosis Trust (function of the second membrane-spanning domain in CFTR C1-channels)

Professor A. Bird, Pounds 855,923 from the Wellcome Trust (study of the evolutionary origin and function of DNA methylation and non-methylated CpG islands) and Pounds 1,394,482 from the Wellcome Trust (core support for Wellcome funded research); Professor J. Beggs, Pounds 121,889 from the Wellcome Trust (characterisation of the yeast USS1 protein); Professor W. Earnshaw, Pounds 2,724,120 from the Wellcome Trust (principal research fellowship - the role of non-histone proteins in chromasome structure and function during mitosis and apoptosis); Dr W. Goodrich, Pounds 159,077 from the Royal Society (role of polycomb-group genes in plant development); Professor R. Maizels, Pounds 53,728 from Wellcome Trust (studentship to A. MacDonald - T cell activation and tolerance in filarial infection) and Pounds 47,702 from the Wellcome Trust (career development fellowship to Dr. M. Blaxter - study of the evolution of function in cuticle proteins of free living and parasitic nematodes); Dr J. Peutherer, Pounds 350,458 from the Darwin Trust of Edinburgh (fellowship to Dr. P. Simmonds); Professor A. Calder, Pounds 69,046 from the Edinburgh Gynaecological Cancer Fund (research fellowship); Professor W. Gillespie, Pounds 26,139 from the Scottish Orthopaedic Research Trust (relationship of intra-ossious pressure with intra-compartmental pressure during intra-medullary reaming and nailing); Drs A. Clarke and D. Harrison, Pounds 35,292 from the Cancer Research Campaign (adapting the cre-lox system to produce inducible activation or deletion of p53; modelling p53 function and gene therapy); Dr C. Bellamy, Pounds 41,613 rom the CRC (supplement); Dr C. Millwater, Pounds 40,163 from CRC (supplement - research fellowship); Professors C.Bird and A. Wyllie and Dr M. Hooper, Pounds 259,395 from CRC (oncosupressor gene function and apoptosis in colorectal carcinogenesis); Dr M. Evans, Pounds 114,848 from Royal Society (London) (research fellowship); Dr W. Saunders, Pounds 98,917 from Royal Society (structure and dynamics of the local universe)

Drs R. Ribchester and J. Barry, Pounds 103,510 from Action Research (effects of muscle atrophy on sprouting, regeneration and repair of neuromuscular connections); Dr D. Price, Pounds 63,490 from Wellcome Trust (development of the cerebral cortex); Dr R. Martin, Pounds 60,591 from the Wellcome Trust (patch-clamp analysis of the changes in behaviour of the levamisole receptor assoc. with the development of resistance in oesophagostomum dentatum); Professor P. Brophy, Pounds 26,907 from Multiple Sclerosis Society (supplement); Dr I. Dransfield, Pounds 65,987 from British Lung Foundation (mechanisms of acute lung injury - regulation of neutrophil adhesion potential by priming and activation); Professor C. Haslett, Pounds ,500 from Wellcome Trust (supplement) and Pounds 432,202 from Norman Salvesen Trust (genetic manipulation of agents which protect tissues against inflammatory injury); Mr W. Whyte and Mrs S. Hunter, Pounds 61,758 from Scottish Office (evaluation of Bridges One Door Initiative); Mr M. Dunlop and Dr S. Farrington, Pounds 58,000 from SHERT (studies in the genetic basis of colorectal cancer); Mr M. Dunlop, Pounds 85,838 from Cancer Research Campaign (investigation of the genetic basis of colorectal cancer susceptibility); Professor K. James, Pounds 29,331 from Associated Inter Cancer Research (relevance of soluble adhesion molecules in tumour recognition and killing); Dr C. Scudamore, Pounds 118,916 from the Wellcome Trust (role of mucosal mast cell chymase RMCPII in epithelial permeability); Professor H. Miller, Pounds 69,403 from the Wellcome Trust (supplement) and Pounds 1,568,710 from the Wellcome Trust (centre in applied respiratory pathophysiology - joint project with Drs N. Watt and G. Harkiss).

Research contracts

Professors I. Lapsley and F. Mitchell, Pounds 30,180 from Scottish Office (costing of hip fracture outcomes); Professor R. Ramage, Pounds 32,494 from Albachem Ltd (novel peptide synthesis); Dr H. McNab, Pounds 39,390 from Kodak Ltd (synthetic routes to photographic colour couplers); Professor N. McIntosh and Drs. J. Keeling and J. Bell, Pounds 116,415 from Scottish Office Health Department (do perinatal deaths associated with 'birth asphyxia' have an antenatal origin); Dr R. Wardlaw, Pounds 74,915 from Overseas Development Administration (improved irrigation system planning and management: optimal allocation of irrigation water supplies); Professor M. Forde, Pounds 109,500 from the Highways Agency (radar, sonic and conductivity methods of bridge assessment); Professor M. Jack, Pounds 40,000 from British Telecom (support of research in usability engineering for automated voice services) and Pounds 80,000 from BT (research in usability engineering for automated telephone services); Professor P. Grant and Dr B. Mulgrew, Pounds 28,700 from BNR Europe Ltd. (support of research in 'smart' antenna systems); Professor P. Grant and Dr D. Cruickshank, Pounds 45,695 from Wolfson Microelectronics Ltd (VLSI in personal mobile communication equipment - teaching company scheme); Professor J. Howie, Pounds 23,618 from Lothian Health (support of practices with particular needs); Mr D. Heaney, Pounds 44,995 from Lothian Health Board and Borders Health Board (Midlothian and Hawick Out of Hours Evaluation)



Dr A. Smith, Pounds 117,001 from Glaxo Research and Development Ltd (support of research); Dr A. Newton and A. Mayhew, Pounds 72,944 from the Overseas Development Administration (mahogany management manual); Dr B. Frier, Pounds 40,280 from Novo Nordisk Pharma Ltd (effects of acute hypoglycaemia on symptom thresholds and sensory info processing in insulin-dependent diabetes); Drs C. Ludlam and D. Stirling, Pounds 118,448 from the Scottish Office Chief Scientist's Office (regulation of coagulation factor VIII synthesis in different tissues); Dr S. Tilley, Pounds 89,851 from the SOHHD Chief Scientist's Office (community psychiatric nurses' empowerment of people with enduring mental disorder in the community); Professor A. Ferguson, Pounds 40,000 from Ipsen Biotech (research on treatment of ileostomy patients); Professor W. Gillespie, Pounds 55,994 from Ministry of Defence (Army) (the effectiveness of intervention to prevent or treat musculo-skeletal injuries in soldiers); Dr W. Poon, Pounds 37,463 from Unilever UK (pressure effects on complex fluids and bacterial cells); Professor I. Deary, Pounds 40,280 from Novo Nordisk Pharma. Ltd (effets of acute hypoglycaemia on symptom thresholds and sensory info processing in insulin-dependent diabetes); Dr F. Alexander, Pounds 187,261 from National Inst. of Health (US) (purchase of data for NCI international overview analysis of randomised controlled breast cancer screening trials); Mr K. Fearon, Pounds 92,806 from Scotia Pharmaceuticals Ltd (research fellowship support); Professor K. James, Pounds 45,914 from Unilever/ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ Office (evaluating a human lymphoid explant system in screening immunomodulatory reagents); Professor G. Leng, Pounds 61,495 from Merck &amp; Co.Inc. (supplement).

Research grants

Dr C. Mellish, Pounds 1,436 from Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (intelligent labelling explorer - generating persuasive descriptions in electronic catalogues).



Dr E. Fraga, Pounds 148,702 from EPSRC (automated synthesis of large complex process flowsheets); Professor J. Ponton, Pounds 156,075 from EPSRC (automatic synthesis of complex process flowsheets with cost &amp; non-cost objectives, joint project with Drs Fraga and McKinnon); Dr R. Banares-Alcantara and Professor J. Ponton, Pounds 246,337 from EPSRC (design support systems for process engineering); Dr J. Davidson, Pounds 56,085 from EPSRC (frequency response drifts analysis of surface kinetics); Dr P. Langridge-Smith, Pounds 94,479 froom EPSRC (development of tandem time-of-flight laser desorption mass spectrometry); Dr R. Winpenny, Pounds 107,022 from EPSRC (towards molecular magnets, studies of polynuclear complexes with novel magnetic properties); Dr G. McDougall and Professor L. Rees, Pounds 113,870 from EPSRC (frequency response drifts analysis of surface kinetics); Professor D. Rankin, Pounds 268,568 from EPSRC (electron diffraction studies of molecular structures in the gas phase); Dr S. Flitsch, Pounds 209,184 from Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (design and synthesis of novel soluble cytochrome P450 monoxygenases for application in biocatalysis) and Pounds 121,800 from BBSRC (synthesis of N-glycans and glycoproteins by chemical and enzymatic in vitro methods) and Pounds 106,061 from BBSRC (novel strategy for chemo-enzymatic synthesis of oligosaccharides); Drs P. Andrews and J. Wardlaw, Pounds 408,973 from Medical Research Council (brain insult and injury - management and outcome); Dr A. Lascarides, Pounds 73,245 from the Economic and Social Research Council (interpreting words in a discourse context); Professor C. Stirling, Dr J. Bradfield and Mr. S. Anderson, Pounds 175,123 from the EPSRC (value-passing concurrency workbench)

Professor G. Norman, Pounds 33,284 from the ESRC (innovative management of innovation in British companies: an international comparative study) Drs A. Smith and I. Chambers, Pounds 140,516 from BBSRC (cytokine receptor function in ES cell self-renewal and commitment); Dr W. Skarnes, Pounds 125,296 from BBSRC (identification of cell surface molecules important for the formation and patterning of somites); Drs G. Shimmield, D. Kroon, W. Austin and G. Cowie, Pounds 60,251 from the Natural Environment Research Council (geochemical and faunal analysis of high resolution North West British Continental Margin); Dr J. Underhill, Pounds 123,682 from NERC (controls on mid and late Jurassic subtle trap distribution and hydrocarbon prospectivity, UK Northern North Sea); Dr F. Fitton, Pounds 23,211 from NERC (mechanisms of crustal accretion in Iceland); Dr R. Hipkin, Pounds 50,000 from NERC (absolute fixing of tide gauge bench marks); Professors C. Graham and B. Harte, Pounds 79,826 from NERC (supplement); Drs A. Robertson and D. Kroon, Pounds 64,962 from NERC (stable oxygen isotope studies of planktic foraminifera to test alter, palaeoceanographic models of sapropel formation in the Eastern Mediterranean); Dr A. Lascarides, Pounds 24,415 from the ESRC (interpreting words in a discourse context); Dr J. Oberlander, Pounds 135,718 from EPSRC (intelligent labelling explorer; generating persuasive descriptions in electronic catalogues); Drs M. Gallagher, N Read and Professor W. Donachie, Pounds 49,980 from BBSRC (study of transient cellular reponses: bioluminescent approaches); Dr M. Gallagher, Pounds 37,507 from the Medical Research Council (active nucleoside transport in mammals and bacteria: a molecular comparison of mechanisms - joint project with University of Leeds); Professor A. Trewavas, Pounds 132,760 from BBSRC (regulation of touch induced gene expression by nuclear calcium and nuclear calmodulin)

Dr A. Jarman, Pounds 140,6 from BBSRC (investigation of local induction as a mechanism of recruitment of Drosophila neural precursors); Professor A. Bird and Dr. S. Cross, Pounds 311,699 from MRC (CpG island (CGI) libraries for each human chromasome &amp; development of methods for isolating CpG islands from cloned fragments to genomic DNA); Drs G. Loake and N. Read, Pounds 134,889 from BBSRC (identification of systemic accquired resistance mutants in Arabidopsis by luciferase/green fluorescent protein imaging)

Dr B. Sheldon, Pounds 78,343 from NERC (research fellowship); Professor W. Hill, Pounds 30,302 from MRC (supplement); Dr M. Fransman, Pounds 34,292 from the ESRC (innovative management of innovation in British companies: an international comparative study); Messrs F. Mill and D. Clifton, Pounds 64,943 from EPSRC (development of manufacturing processes in gamma titanium); Dr P. Hayes, Pounds ,940 from MRC (psychological aspects and quality of life assessment following liver transplantation); Professor A. Ferguson, Pounds 113,609 from MRC (analysis of colorectal cancer susceptibility in high-risk individuals); Dr R. Harwood, Pounds 34,083 from NERC (modelling studies of the northern hemisphere winter stratosphere); Professor A. Wyllie, Pounds 113,609 from MRC (analysis of colorectal susceptibility in high risk individuals); Professor J. Kelly, Pounds 41,469 from MRC (modulation of 5-HTIB and 5-HTID receptor function by antidepressants: one year feasibility study); Dr W. Poon and Professor P. Pusey, Pounds 153,866 from BBSRC (biophysics of macromolecular crowding - comprehensive experimental study of model systems) and Pounds 75,119 from EPSRC (growth of large single colloidal crystals in external fluids) and with Professor M. Cates, Pounds 128,345 from Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (dispersions of particles in viscoelastic surfactant phases) and Pounds 292,330 from EPSRC (dynamics and phase transition kinetics in complex fluids); Dr J. Cooke, Pounds 114,785 from Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Council (support of computer programmer - Starlink project); Drs K. Bowler, B. Pendleton, D. Richards and Professors R. Kenway, P. Higgs, Pounds 185,560 from PPARC (towards the solution of quantum field theory); Dr J. Dunlop and Professor A. Lawrence, Pounds 114,366 from PPARC (the cosmological evolution of dust and gas in active chambers) and Pounds 60,800 from PPARC (PATT rolling grant for Edinburgh); Dr N. Macleod, Pounds 93,548 from BBSRC (in support of research - joint project with Inst. of Animal Health and Lasswade Laboratory)



Dr J. Russell, Pounds 166,820 from BBSRC (sex steroid-dependent modulation of signalling by noradrenergic neurones); Professor G. Leng, Pounds 110,620 from MRC (K-opoids and vasopressin neurones); Dr R Carroll, Pounds ,940 from MRC (psychological ascpects and quality of life assessment following liver transplantation); Dr J. Wishart, Pounds 28,617 from MRC (supplement); Dr R. Williams, Pounds 33,284 from ESRC (innovative management of innovation in British companies, international comparative study); Dr J. Quinn, Pounds 92,444 from BBSRC (identification of DNAse I hypersensitive sites correlated with preprotachkinin A gene).

European funds

Professor R. Morris, Pounds 45,933 from the European Science Foundation (structural basis of hippocampal synaptic plasticity associated with spatial learning); Dr E. Klein, Pounds 28,160 from the Commission (supplement in support of research); Professor M. Jack, Pounds 68,461 from EC (application of voice processing in automated banking services).

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