Sources for research funding in 1998

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January 16, 1998

Each month this section will list funds available for academic researchers.

Details should be submitted to research@thesis.co.uk.


and www2.echo.lu


Contact: Gerda Colling Fax: +32-2-296.83.88E-mail: sprit@dg13.cec.beDeadline: March 31Open call: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (jointly with Industrial &amp; Materials Technologies ).Contact: IMS Secret. - Fax: +32-2-299.45.72Single-step evaluation scheme: long-term research (intelligent information interfaces initiative).Deadline: February 16Continuous call. Activities applicable to all domains: SME cooperative research in IT, networks of excellence, user groups and working groups, concerted actions, dissemination and awareness actions, demonstration actions and analysis of possible socio-economic consequences.Software technologies: technology for components and subsystems; open microprocessors systems initiative; high performance computing and networking; technologies for business processes; integration in manufacturing.Deadline: March 17Concurrent engineering in aeronautics (jointly with Brite-EuRam)Deadline: February 2

Telematics applications

Contact:Detlef GerhardtFax: + detlef.gerhardt@ dg13.cec.beIntermodal transport (jointly with the Transport programme): RTDprojects in the areas of intermodal freight and intermodal passenger transportDeadline: March 16



Industrial &amp; materials technologies

Contact: Fax: +32-2-295.80.46 / 296.70.23E-mail: imt-helpdesk@ dg12.cec.beOpen call: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (jointly with the ESPRIT programme).

Contact: see Esprit Programme above Deadlines: January 21 and March 31 Concurrent engineering in aeronautics (jointly with ESPRIT programme) Deadline: February 2 Open call "Environment-Water" (jointly with Environment &amp; Climate ) Deadline: February 2 Open call for support &amp; accompanying measures.



Deadline: May 20 Standards,measurements &amp; testing

Contacts: Wiktor Raldow Fax: +32-2-295.80.72 Open call for accompanying measures.

Deadline: July 30 Environment &amp; climate

Fax:+ E-mail: environ-infodesk@ dg12.cec.be Open call "Environment-Water" (jointly with the Industrial &amp; Materials Technologies programme) Deadline: February 2 Organisation of advanced study courses for young scientists and graduate students in various specified subject areas Deadline: March 16 Marine science &amp; technologies

Contact: R&D: Martin Bohle-Carbonell; Training: Elisabeth Lipiatou.Fax: +32-2-296.30.24.E-mail: mast-info@dg12. cec.be Preparatory accompanying &amp; support measures. Areas: standards for training &amp; work; modelling; ocean data management &amp; quality control for research &amp; operational applications; use of heavy experimental equipment, research vessels &amp; their modular equipment, large computing facilities &amp; other technical resources in the European Economic Area; design of components &amp; systems for heavy advanced equipment; calibration techniques &amp; standards for marine instrumentation &amp; observational equipment.

Deadline: June 12 (open) Organisation of advanced study courses for young scientists and graduate students in various specified subject areas Deadline: March 20 Biotechnology

E-mail: life-biotech@ dg12.cec.be. Contacts: R&D: St phane Hogan - Fax: +32-2-299.18.60 Demonstration: Alfredo Aguilar - Fax: +32-2-295.53.65 ELSA: Jose Elizalde - Fax: +32-2-296.05.40 Advanced practical workshops. Contact: Andreas Klepsch - Fax: +32-2-299.18.60 Deadlines: March 15 and September 15 Non-nuclear energy (thermie component demonsration projects)

Contact: Wiepke Folkertsma. Fax: +32-2-295.05.77 Call for targeted type A demonstration projects (rational use of energy, renewable energies, fossil fuels). Deadline: January 30


Contact: Paula Mossakowski Fax: +32-2-295.43.49.

E-mail: paula.mossakowski@dg7.cec.be RTD tasks in the strategic, air and road sectors, as well as actions and studies to consolidate results from the Fourth Framework Programme and to prepare the Fifth Framework Programme.



Deadline: March 16 Intermodal transport (jointly with Telematics Applications ) RTD projects in the areas of intermodal freight and intermodal passenger transport.

Deadline March 16

International cooperation

Contact: Louis Bellemin. Fax: +32-2-296.98.24 E-mail: inco-desk@ dg12.cec.be Grants (Japan, Korea).

Deadline: March 1

Training and mobility of researchers

Contact: Jurgen Rosenbaum Fax: +32-2-296.21.33.E-mail: tmrinfo@dg12.cec.be Marie Curie Research Training Grants (postgraduate, post doctoral &amp; return grants) - See below Euroconferences, summer schools &amp; practical training courses.

Deadline: March 31

Measures for SMEs

Contact: Giorgio Clarotti Fax: +32-2-295.71.10 E-mail: sme-helpdesk@ dg12.cec.be Technology stimulation measures for SMEs: (Cooperative research)

Industrial &amp; materials technologies

Contact: Klaus Kogler - Fax: +32-2-299.46.35 E-mail: imt-helpdesk@ dg12.cec.be Deadline: April 8

Standards, measurements &amp; testing

Contact: Christos Profilis. Fax: +32-2-295.80.72 Deadline: April 8

Environment &amp; climate

Contact: Jitka Venneken. Fax: +32-2-295.20.97 Deadline: April 1

Marine science &amp; technologies

Contact: Christos Fragakis. Fax: +32-2-296.30.24 E-mail: mast-info@ dg12.cec.be Deadline: April 8

Biomedicine &amp; health

Contact: Viviane Thevenin. Fax: +32-2-295. 53.65 Deadline: April 8

Agriculture &amp; fisheries

Area 1: Integrated Production and Processing Chains;Area 2: Scaling-up and Processing Methodologies;Area 3: Generic Science and Advanced Technolo-gies for Nutritious Foods; Area 4: Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development;Area 5: Fisheries and Aquaculture.

Contact: Areas 1,2,3: Xabier Goenaga.Fax: +32-2-296.43.22; Area 4: Armin Muenzinger. Fax: +32-2-296.30.29; Area 5: Mario Lopes - Fax: +32-2-295.78.62. E-mail:life-fair@dg12.cec.be Deadline: April 8

Non-nuclear energy

(JOULE component ) R&D Projects.

Deadline: April 8 Contact: Barry Robertson. Fax: +32-2-299.36.94

Marie Curie Research training grants

Postgraduate, post doctoral &amp; return grants in all areas of the following programme. Information on Internet: /tmr/home.htm

Industrial &amp; materials technologies

Contact: Fax: +32-2-295.80.46 / 296.70.23 / E-mail: imt-helpdesk@ dg12.cec.be Deadline: January 31

Standarda, measurements &amp; testing

Deadlines: March 15, June 15, September 1 Contact: Wiktor Raldow. Fax: +32-2-295.80.72

Environment &amp; climate

Deadlines: March 20, August 20. Contact: Angel Arribas San Martin. E-mail: angel.arribas@ dg12.cec.be


Deadlines: March 1, July 1 Contact: Alessio Vassarotti. Fax: +32-2-299.18.60. E-mail: life-biotech@dg12.cec.be

Non-nuclear energy

(JOULE component: R&D Projects) Deadline: July 1 Contact: Ingrid Tenten. Fax: +32-2-299.18.47l


Funding details on councils' web sites Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Medical Research Council Natural Environment Research Council Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council Economic and Social Research Council Nuffield Foundation

28 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3EG 0171 631 0566 fax: 0171 323 4877 Applications for project grants are considered once a year following a February closing date. Further information and application forms are available from the Foundation.


Policy: Grants of research awards and postdoctoral fellowships in the humanities and social sciences. (Excluding: accountancy, business studies, education studies, management and social work. Restrictions on: administration, economics, linguistics, politics, sociology, social anthropology, social psychology).

Small personal research grants: Personal support for individual scholars ordinarily resident in the UK. Limit: Pounds 5,000. Closing dates - end of September, November, February, April.



Major research grants: Research projects or programmes undertaken by individuals or groups, or on behalf of institutions or learned bodies. Primarily to be used to employ staff. Limit - Pounds 15,000 per annum. Closing dates: Archaeology, December 31. Others, April 30.

Overseas exchange programmes: Research visits to Russian, East Europe, China, Japan.

Limited numbers oftravel grants available for speakers at overseasconferences.

Limited exchanges with US (Chicago), Switzerland, France, Spain, Latin America, South East Asia.

Closing dates: end of September, December, February, April.

Conference grants: Costs of overseas participants. Organisation costs of major international congresses in Britain. Costs of invited speakers at overseas conferences. Limit: Pounds 650.

Closing dates: end of September, December, February, April.

Readerships&amp; fellowships: Readerships: 10 each for 2 years Fellowships: 7 each for one year Postdoctoral Fellowships: 30 for 3 years Scholarships forVisiting Fellows fromFSU countries Policy: Grants of research awards and postdoctoral fellowships in the humanities and social sciences. (Excluding: accountancy, business studies, education studies, management and social work. Restrictions on: administration, economics, linguistics, politics, sociology, social anthropology, social psychology).


Elisabeth Barker Fund To support studies in recent European history. Grants support individual, collective or institutional projects .

44th International Congress of Americanists Fund

Awards for Latin American studies towards expenses of British scholars visiting Latin America, or those of Latin American scholars invited to visit Britain.

Neil Ker Memorial Fund

To promote the study of Western medieval manuscripts and in particular those of British interest by means of awards in support of all aspects of research, including travel and publication.

Stein-Arnold Exploration Fund

For research on the antiquities or historical geography or early history or arts of those parts of Asia which come within the sphere of the ancient civilisations of India, China, and Iran, including Central Asia, or of one or more of these and so that special consideration shall be paid, if possible, to research of this character bearing upon the territories comprised in Afghanistan including the region of ancient Bactria and in the north-western frontier region of India.

K C Wong Fellowships

To promote the advancement of Chinese scholarship in the humanities and social sciences, enabling outstanding Chinese scholars to undertake periods of research in British institutions in collaboration with British colleagues. Candidates must be nationals of the People's Republic of China and scholars of postdoctoral or equivalent status.

Sino-British Fellowship Trust

To support individual or co-operative research projects, in the humanities and social sciences, which may be conducted either in Britain or in China, or in both countries, and must involve person-to-person contacts. Applications should first be made to the Academy; if approved, the bids will be submitted to the SBFT.


The British Library Research and Innovation Centre. Details about the Centre and its work, including its Research Plan and current awards, can be found on at: BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION

Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9JP Telephone: 0171 383 6755, fax 6399 Email: hayley.todd@ bma.org.uk

Types of Awards: For research in the following areas: Public health, blindness, neurological disorders, cancer, health education, pregnancy, birth, hospital and general practice, rheumatism/arthritis, Parkinson's disease, bronchial asthma, forensic medicine, respiratory disease, cardio-vascular disease, kidney treatment. Method of Allocation: Grants tenable for one year, renewable on application, in competition with other applicants. Submissions: On official application form available between January and March each year. Closing date for receipt of applications March 31.

BMA awards: John William Clark Award, Pounds 6,250; research into the causes of blindness. Joan Dawkins Award, Pounds 17,000; physical, psychological or social implications of domestic violence (open to non-medical scientists). Joan Dawkins Award, Pounds 10,000; to evaluate effectiveness of existing computer-assisted learning material in health education (open to non-medical scientists). Joan Dawkins Fellowship, Pounds 25,000; young people and alcohol (open to non-medical scientists). Joan Dawkins Travel Fellowship, Pounds 10,000; public health medicine and community health (open to non-medical scientists). Vera Down Award, Pounds 10,250; disseminated sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, neurological disorders.T P Gunton Award, Pounds 16,300; health education, especially cancer (open to non-medical scientists). Katherine Bishop Harman Award, Pounds 650; risks to health and life in pregnancy and child-bearing. Sir Charles Hastings Award, Pounds 1,650; Charles Oliver Hawthorne Award, Pounds 500; both for observation, research and record keeping in general practice. Doris Hiller Award, Pounds 16,000; rheumatism and arthritis. T V James Fellowship, Pounds 40,500; bronchial asthma. C H Milburn Award, Pounds 650; medical jurisprud-ence/forensic medicine. Doris Odlum Award, Pounds 500; mental health.

H C Roscoe Fellowship, Pounds 87,500; elimination of the common cold and/or diseases of the human respiratory system (open to non-medical scientists working with a BMA member). Margaret Temple Fellowship, Pounds 42,000; schizophrenia (open to non-medical scientists). Helen Tomkinson Award, Pounds 6,500; Albert McMaster Award, cancer. Edith Walsh Award, Pounds 1, 500; Geoffrey Holt Award, Pounds 1,500. Ivy Powell Award, Pounds 250; cardiovascular disease. Elizabeth Wherry Award, Pounds 500; kidney research. Closing date March 20.

Scottish Arts Council

Total of Pounds 40,000 in awards of up to Pounds 10,000 for scientists and innovators wanting to use artistic invention to develop and promote their ideas.

Deadline February 9.

Contact: Lisa Kapur 0131 226 6051 Association of Medical Research Charities

Enquiries to: amrc@mailbox.ulcc.ac.uk 29-35 Farringdon Road, London EC1M 3JB Telephone:0171 404 6454 Fax: 0171 404 6448

Anglo-Israel Association

Bentnick Street, London Tel: 0171 4862300,Fax: 0171 9354690. Types of Awards: Travel scholarship for six weeks, value up to to Pounds 1,000 as a contribution towards travel and subsistence expenses incurred visiting Israel. Method of Allocation: Awards are decided by a selection committee that meets annually in April to interview short-listed applicants. Submissions: Applicants must include a statement of not less than 300 words detailing their interest in Israel and outlining the projected study,giving the names of individuals and of institutions willing to advise and assist. Applications are to be submitted by March 1 accompanied by a relevant letter of recommendation. Restrictions: Applicants must be British who intend to remain resident in the UK. Scholarships are open to UK graduates under 35 years of age. However, more senior applicants are alsowelcomed.

Arthritis &amp; Rheumatism Council for Research

Copeman House, St Mary's Court, St Mary's Gate, Chesterfield, S41 7TDTel: 01246 558033,Fax: 01246 558007. Types of Awards: Research: Project andprogramme grants, core support and equipment grants, travel and scientific exchange awards. Fellowships: Clinical,post-doctoral and senior research fellowships. Studentships: Intercalated studentships, PhD studentships. Method of Allocation: Peer review. Submissions: Project, programme, core support and equipment grants: January, March, June and October. Travel grants and scientific exchange awards must be submitted at least 2-3 months before the date of the meeting.


Copse Edge, Thursley Road, Esltead, Godalming, GU8 6DJTel: 01252 702864,Fax: 01252 703715. Objectives: Research into causes and treatment of Friedreich's and other cerebellar ataxias. Types of Awards Available: Project grants. Method of Allocation: By peer review, priority and financial restrictions. Submissions: to the director for annual allocation in autumn. Application to be submitted by June 30.

British Diabetic Association

10 Queen Anne Street, London, W1M 0BDTel: 0171 3231531,Fax: 0171 6373644. Types of Awards: Research fellowships, studentships and project grants. Method of Allocation: Allocation of funds is authorised by the research committee by peer review within an overall budget established by the executive council. Submissions: Fellowships and studentships are advertised as available. Unsolicited applications for grants are considered three times a year. Restrictions: UK only.

The British Ecological Society

26 Blades Court, Putney, London, SW15 2NUTel: 0181 8719797,Fax: 0181 8719779. Types of Awards: Expeditia grants, small ecological project grants, research travel grants. Method of Allocation: By application. Awarded on scientific merit of proposal.

European Science Foundation

1 Quai Lezay Marnesia,F-67080 Strasbourg Cedex, FranceTel: 010 33 88767100, Fax: 010 33 88370532. Types of Awards: Long-term fellowships areusually awarded for one year, with the possibilityof renewal for a second year's support. Short-term fellowships are awarded for not more than three months. Method of Allocation: Decisions are taken by the programme steering committee. Submissions: Long-term fellowships: Twice a year in April and October. Short-term fellowships:No deadline. Restrictions: Fellowships are open to applicants from Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland,UK and Israel, andawarded for exchange between these countries provided: 1) The applicant is a permanent residentor citizen of one ofthe countries. 2) The applicant is a citizen ofa non-participating European country and applies for a stay in a country participating in the programme.

Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths

36 Belgrave Square, London, SW1X 8QBTel: 0171 2350965,Fax: 0171 8231986. Types of Awards: The Foundation prefers to make several smaller grants rather than a few very large grants (upper limit is Pounds 50,000). Method of Allocation: The number of awards made isdependent on scientific merit, relevance to the aims of the foundation, and funds available. Submissions: By application, twice a year. Closing date: February and July.

Hearing Research Trust

330-332 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1 8EETel: 0171 8331733,Fax: 0171 80404. Types of Awards: To provide facilities for a research group rather than for a named project. Awards may be made to fund equipment, accommodation and/or support staff such as computer programmers, technicians and clinical trial coordinators. Equipment grants: Applications for equipment are welcomed and assessed on the basis of the research case. Smaller grants: So that the Trust can help researchers meet urgent and unexpected requirements, retain valuable research staff and conduct pilot studies, a streamlined procedure exists for applications up to Pounds 12,000. Fellowships: Usually three years. To provide personal support and research expenses for postdoctoral scientists. Travel grants: Available to grant holders and others for meetings in the Trust's priority areas, UK or abroad. Method of Allocation: By peer review. Larger awards are generally funded through specific sponsorship. Submissions: Below Pounds 6,000 considered at any time, above this, quarterly. Meeting dates and application deadlines available on request. All applications over Pounds 17,000 must be on an application form. Restrictions: No grants for work managed outside the UK.

Motor Neurone Disease Association

PO Box 246, Northampton, NN1 2PR Tel: 01604 250505,Fax: 01604 24726.Types of Awards: Project and programme grants, occasional equipment grants. Grants availableto overseas applicants. Methods of Allocation: Initially a summary of grant proposal, full proposals invited thereafter. Proposals submitted to independent referees and then to research advisory committee for recommendations. Final decisionby national executive committee of MNDA.Submissions: Twice yearly, usually end of February and August. Final decision usually June and December. Restrictions: Grants given to appropriately qualified investigators working in research institutions.

Royal Society of Edinburgh

22-24 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 2PQTel: 0131 2256057,Fax: 0131 2206889. Types of Awards: Postdoctoral researchfellowships, postgraduate scholarships and vacation under-graduates studentships. Methodof Allocation: Payment of salary and any other costs are made directly to the institution at which the fellowship/scholarship is held. In some instances payment of travel costs etc, are made directly to the fellow.



Submissions: Closing date for the postdoctoral research fellowships is normally March.

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