Sources for research funding in 1998

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March 20, 1998

Each month this section will list funds available for academic researchers.

Details should be submitted to research@thesis.co.uk


and int/comm/dg12/.Informationtechnologies (ESPRIT) Contact: email: esprit@dg13.cec.be Open call: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (jointly with the industrial materials technology programme). Contact: IMS Secretariat. Fax: +32-2-299-45-72. Deadline March 31.

Open call: Research proposals in domains 1,2,6 and 8. Deadline June 16 Industrial &amp; materials technologiesContact: Fax: +32-2-295.80.46 / 296.70.23E-mail: imt-helpdesk@ dg12.cec.beOpen call: Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (jointly with the ESPRIT programme).



Contact: see Esprit Programme above Deadline: March 31 Open call for support &amp; accompanying measures.

Deadline: May 20 Standards,measurements &amp; testing Contacts: Philippe Quevauviller. Fax: +32-2-295.80.72 Open call for accompanying measures.



Deadline: July 30 Marine science&amp; technologies Contact: R&D: Martin Bohle-Carbonell; Training: Elisabeth Lipiatou.Fax: +32-2-296.30.24.E-mail: mast-info@dg12.cec.be Preparatory accompanying &amp; support measures. Areas: standards for training &amp; work; modelling; ocean data management &amp; quality control for research &amp; operational applications; use of heavy experimental equipment, research vessels &amp; their modular equipment, large computing facilities &amp; other technical resources in the European Economic Area; design of components &amp; systems for heavy advanced equipment; calibration techniques &amp; standards for marine instrumentation &amp; observational equipment.

Deadline: June 12 (open) Biotechnology E-mail: life-biotech@ dg12.cec.be. Contacts: R&D: St phane Hogan - Fax: +32-2-299.18.60 Demonstration: Alfredo Aguilar - Fax: +32-2-295.53.65 ELSA: Jose Elizalde - Fax: +32-2-296.05.40 Advanced practical workshops. Contact: Alessio Vassarotti - Fax: +32-2-299.18.60 Deadline: September 15 Training and mobility of researchers Contact: Jurgen Rosenbaum Fax: +32-2-296.21.33.E-mail: tmrinfo@dg12.cec.be Marie Curie Research Training Grants (postgraduate, post doctoral &amp; return grants) - See below Euroconferences, summer schools &amp; practical training courses.

Deadline: March 31 Measures for SMEs Contact: Giorgio Clarotti Fax: +32-2-295.71.10 E-mail: sme-helpdesk@ dg12.cec.be Technology stimulation measures for SMEs: (Cooperative research) Industrial &amp; materials technologies Contact: Klaus Kogler - Fax: +32-2-299.46.35 E-mail: imt-helpdesk@ dg12.cec.be Deadline: April 8 Standards,measurements &amp; testing Contact: Christos Profilis. Fax: +32-2-295.80.72 Deadline: April 8 Environment &amp; climate Contact: Jitka Vennekens. Fax: +32-2-295.20.97 Deadline: April 1 Marine science&amp; technologies Contact: Christos Fragakis. Fax: +32-2-296.30.24 E-mail: mast-info@ dg12. cec.be Deadline: April 8 Biomedicine &amp; health Contact: Viviane Thevenin. Fax: +32-2-295.53.65 Deadline: April 8 Agriculture &amp; fisheries Area 1: integratedproduction and processing chains;Area 2: scaling-up and processing methodologies;Area 3: generic science and advanced technolo-gies for nutritious foods; Area 4: agriculture, forestry and ruraldevelopment;Area 5: fisheries andaquaculture.

Contact: Areas 1,2,3: Xabier Goenaga.Fax: +32-2-296.43.22; Area 4: Armin Muenzinger. Fax: +32-2-296.30.29; Area 5: Mario Lopes - Fax: +32-2-295.78.62. E-mail:life-fair@dg12.cec.be Deadline: April 8 Non-nuclear energy (JOULE component ) R&D Projects.

Deadline: April 8 Contact: Barry Robertson. Fax: +32-2-299.36.94 Marie Curie Research training grants Postgraduate, post-doctoral and return grants in all areas of the following programme. Information on Internet: /tmr/home.htm Industrial and materials technologiesDeadline: June 1. Contact: Susanne Becker. Fax: + 32 -2-296. 70.23. Email:imt-helpdesk@dg12. ces.be Standards measurements and testingDeadlines: June 15 and September 1. Contact: Philippe Quevauviller. Fax: +32-2-295.80.72 Environment &amp; climate Deadlines: March 20, August 20. Contact: Angel Arribas San Martin. E-mail: angel.arribas@ dg12.cec.be Biotechnology Deadline: July 1 Contact: Alessio Vassarotti. Fax: +32-2-299.18.60. E-mail: life-biotech@dg12. cec.be Non-nuclear energy (JOULE component: R&D Projects) Deadline: July 1 Contact: Ingrid Tenten. Fax: +32-2-299.18.47l


Funding details on councils' web sites Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Medical Research Council Natural Environment Research Council Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council Economic and Social Research Council


Information is available on the website at or contact the British Academy, 10 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH, 0171 969 5200, from March 2.Small Personal Research Grantsup to Pounds 5,000: Closing dates. September 30, November 30, February 28 and April 30. Grants are available for research in the humanities and the social sciences.Larger Research Grants over Pounds 5,000: Closing date. September 30. Available for research in the humanities only. There is no fixed upper limit for larger research grants, but grants are typically made to support a research assistant for 12 months.Archaeology grantsup to Pounds 20,000, for archaeological fieldwork, and related general and scientific post-excavation work. Closing date: November 15.Overseas Exchange Programmes:research visits and visits in connection with joint projects, to Central and East Europe, Russia, China, Japan, and certain other countries. Humanities and socialsciences Conference Grants:Travel grants for British scholars delivering papers at conferences overseas: social sciences only. Costs of inviting foreign participants to conferences in the UK: humanities and social sciences.

Closing dates (except for China): end of September, December, February and April. China: end of February and August




Thank-Offering to Britain Fellowship A senior research fellowship for one year; preference given to topics relating to the modern period.

Elisabeth Barker Fund To support studies in recent European history. Grants support individual, collective or institutional projects .

44th International Congress of Americanists Fund Awards for Latin American studies towards expenses of British scholars visiting Latin America, or those of Latin American scholars invited to visit Britain.

Neil Ker Memorial Fund To promote the study of Western medieval manuscripts and in particular those of British interest by means of awards in support of all aspects of research, including travel and publication.

Stein-Arnold Exploration Fund For research on the antiquities or historical geography or early history or arts of those parts of Asia which come within the sphere of the ancient civilisations of India, China, and Iran, including Central Asia, or of one or more of these and so that special consideration shall be paid, if possible, to research of this character bearing upon the territories comprised in Afghanistan including the region of ancient Bactria and in the north-western frontier region of India.

K. C. Wong Fellowships To promote the advancement of Chinese scholarship in the humanities and social sciences, enabling outstanding Chinese scholars to undertake periods of research in British institutions in collaboration with British colleagues. Candidates must be nationals of the People's Republic of China and scholars of postdoctoral or equivalent status.

Sino-British Fellowship Trust To support individual or co-operative research projects, in the humanities and social sciences, which may be conducted either in Britain or in China, or in both countries, and must involve person-to-person contacts. Applications should first be made to the academy; if approved, the bids will be submitted to the SBFT.


The British Library Research and Innovation Centre. Details about the centre and its work, including its research plan and current awards, can be found on at:


Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9JP Telephone: 0171 383 6755, fax 6399 Email: hayley.todd@ bma.org. uk Types of awards: for research in the following areas: public health, blindness, neurological disorders, cancer, health education, pregnancy, birth, hospital and general practice, rheumatism/arthritis, Parkinson's disease, bronchial asthma, forensic medicine, respiratory disease, cardio-vascular disease, kidney treatment. Method of allocation: grants tenable for one year, renewable on application, in competition with other applicants. Submissions: On official application form available between January and March each year. Closing date for receipt of applications March 31.

BMA awards: John William Clark Award, Pounds 6,250; research into the causes of blindness. Joan Dawkins Award, Pounds 17,000; physical, psychological or social implications of domestic violence (open to non-medical scientists). Joan Dawkins Award, Pounds 10,000; to evaluate effectiveness of existing computer-assisted learning material in health education (open to non-medical scientists). Joan Dawkins Fellowship, Pounds 25,000; young people and alcohol (open to non-medical scientists). Joan Dawkins Travel Fellowship, Pounds 10,000; public health medicine and community health (open to non-medical scientists). Vera Down Award, Pounds 10,250; disseminated sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, neurological disorders.T P Gunton Award, Pounds 16,300; health education, especially cancer (open to non-medical scientists). Katherine Bishop Harman Award, Pounds 650; risks to health and life in pregnancy and child-bearing. Sir Charles Hastings Award, Pounds 1,650; Charles Oliver Hawthorne Award, Pounds 500; both for observation, research and record keeping in general practice. Doris Hiller Award, Pounds 16,000; rheumatism and arthritis. T V James Fellowship, Pounds 40,500; bronchial asthma. C H Milburn Award, Pounds 650; medical jurisprud-ence/forensic medicine. Doris Odlum Award, Pounds 500; mental health.

H C Roscoe Fellowship, Pounds 87,500; elimination of the common cold and/or diseases of the human respiratory system (open to non-medical scientists working with a BMA member). Margaret Temple Fellowship, Pounds 42,000; schizophrenia (open to non-medical scientists). Helen Tomkinson Award, Pounds 6,500; Albert McMaster Award, cancer. Edith Walsh Award, Pounds 1,500; Geoffrey Holt Award, Pounds 1,500. Ivy Powell Award, Pounds 250; cardiovascular disease. Elizabeth Wherry Award, Pounds 500; kidney research. Closing date March 20.


Enquiries to: amrc@mailbox.ulcc.ac.uk 29-35 Farringdon Road, London EC1M 3JB Telephone:0171 404 6454 Fax: 0171 404 6448


Copeman House, St Mary's Court, St Mary's Gate, Chesterfield, S41 7TDTel: 01246 558033,Fax: 01246 558007. Types of Awards: research: project andprogramme grants, core support and equipment grants, travel and scientific exchange awards. Fellowships: clinical,post-doctoral and senior research fellowships. Studentships: intercalated studentships, PhD studentships. Method of allocation: peer review. Submissions: project, programme, core support and equipment grants: January, March, June and October. Travel grants and scientific exchange awards must be submitted at least 2-3 months before the date of the meeting.


Copse Edge, Thursley Road, Esltead, Godalming, GU8 6DJTel: 01252 702864,Fax: 01252 703715. Objectives: Research into causes and treatment of Friedreich's and other cerebellar ataxias. Types of Awards Available: Project grants. Method of allocation: by peer review, priority and financial restrictions. Submissions: to the director for annual allocation in autumn. Applications to be submitted by June 30.


10 Queen Anne Street, London, W1M 0BDTel: 0171 3231531,Fax: 0171 6373644. Types of awards: research fellowships, studentships and project grants. Method of allocation: allocation of funds is authorised by the research committee by peer review within an overall budget established by the executive council. Submissions: fellowships and studentships are advertised as available. Unsolicited applications for grants are considered three times a year. Restrictions: UK only.


26 Blades Court, Putney, London, SW15 2NUTel: 0181 8719797,Fax: 0181 8719779. Types of Awards: Expeditia grants, small ecological project grants, research travel grants. Method of allocation: by application. Awarded on scientific merit of proposal.


1 Quai Lezay Marnesia, F-67080 Strasbourg Cedex, FranceTel: 010 33 88767100, Fax: 010 33 88370532. Types of awards: long-term fellowships areusually awarded for one year, with the possibilityof renewal for a second year's support. Short-term fellowships are awarded for not more than three months. Submissions: long-term fellowships: Twice a year in April and October. Short-term fellowships: No deadline. Restrictions: fellowships are open to applicants from Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland,France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland,UK and Israel, andawarded for exchange between these countries provided: 1) The applicant is a permanent residentor citizen of one ofthe countries. 2) The applicant is a citizen ofa non-participating European country and applies for a stay in a country participating in the programme. Programme of Fellowships in Toxicology (PFT)1 Quai Lezay Marnesia,F-67080 Strasbourg Cedex Tel: 010 33 88767129, Fax: 010 33 88370532 Administrative secretary: Mrs Philippa Pirra Enquiries: Mrs Philippa Pirra Objectives: The ESF "Programme of Fellowships in Toxicology (PFT)", encompassing toxicology and environmental toxicology, is a coordinated effort to stimulate the development of toxicology in Europe. Preference will be given to studies with major relevance to human health and/or the environment. Types of awards available: short-term visiting fellowships (1-3 months). Research fellowships (4-12 months). Long-term research fellowships (24 months). Submissions: applications may be submitted throughout the year for short-term visiting fellowships. All other fellowships: October 15 (awards to begin in early January of the following year). Restrictions: short-term visiting fellowships and research fellowships are intended for young graduates/PhD or equivalent competence in the general field of toxicology. Long-term research fellowships are exclusively offered to young candidates (under 35) with post-doctoral competence and a record of achievement in the general field of toxicology. At least one of the institutes involved (origin or host) should be located in those countries participating in the programme.


14 Halkin Street, London, SW1X 7DP. 0171 235 0965. Fax: 0171 823 1986. Email: fsid@pipiex.dial.com. Website:

The foundation funds research into the causes and prevention of infant death and the promotion of infant health.

Project awards are made twice yearly by considering research applications submitted to the grant review Panel which meets in March and September. Deadlines for these meetings are usually January 31 and July 1 (ring for confirmation). Applications are made on application forms obtainable from Dr Shireen Chantler, Secretary Scientific Advisory Committee at the foundation. The amount available for funding at any one time varies and a final decision is made by the council of trustees which meets shortly after each panel meeting.


330-332 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1 8EETel: 0171 8331733,Fax: 0171 80404.Types of awards: to provide facilities for a research group rather than for a named project. Awards may be made to fund equipment, accommodation and/or support staff such as computer programmers, technicians and clinical trial coordinators. Equipment grants: applications for equipment are welcomed and assessed on the basis of the research case. Smaller grants: so that the trust can help researchers meet urgent and unexpected requirements, retain valuable research staff and conduct pilot studies, a streamlined procedure exists for applications up to Pounds 12,000. Fellowships: usually three years. To provide personal support and research expenses for postdoctoral scientists. Travel grants: available to grant holders and others for meetings in the trust's priority areas, UK or abroad. Method of allocation: by peer review. Larger awards are generally funded through specific sponsorship. Submissions: below Pounds 6,000 considered at any time, above this, quarterly. Meeting dates and application deadlines available on request. All applications over Pounds 17,000 must be on an application form. Restrictions: no grants for work managed outside the UK.


PO Box 246, Northampton, NN1 2PR Tel: 01604 250505,Fax: 01604 24726.Types of awards: project and programme grants, occasional equipment grants. Grants availableto overseas applicants. Methods of allocation: Initially a summary of grant proposal, full proposals invited thereafter. Submissions: twice yearly, usually end of February and August. Final decision usually June and December. Restrictions: grants given to appropriately qualified investigators working in research institutions.


Vincent House North Parade, Horsham, RH12 2DA Tel: 01403 210406, Fax: 01403 210541 Director: Mrs Anne Luther Enquiries: Dr Kate Walsh Objectives: to finance basic and clinical research leading to the prevention of disability. Emphasis on genetic, developmental factors and alleviation of existing physical handicap. Types of awards available: project grants, research training fellowships and, exceptionally, programme, longer term and capital grants. Submissions: applicants should submit brief details to assess suitability for formal application. Closing dates for completed forms: research training fellowships: January 31. Others: March 15, July 20, November 15. Restrictions: UK only.


Central Research, Hulley Road Macclesfield Cheshire SK10 2NX. Telephone: 01625421933 The trust aims to encourage the interchange of ideas between European scientists by providing opportunities for academic staff and those holding comparable teaching positions at United Kingdom and Irish universities or comparable teaching institutions to undertake special studies at an agreed European university.

European Fellowship Awards for Academic Staff 1998/99 Senior Novartis Fellowships Purpose: to enable academic staff to undertake research in continental Europe, by supplementing salaries.

The Senior Novartis Fellowships will be awarded to start from an agreed date during the academic year 1998/99. They will be available to lecturers,senior lecturers, or readers who hold, and will return to, teaching positions at United Kingdom or Republic of Ireland universities or comparable teaching institutions, who wish to undertake research at an agreed European university or technological university. These posts should be held in the life science fields of chemical, biological or medical sciences.

Awards are made for a period of four to 12 months. Value of the awards: Pounds 15,000 per annum plus travelling expenses.

Applications should be submitted on forms obtainable from: the secretary, Mrs Pat Wilson. Closing date: November 1 Collaboration in Europe for Academic Research Groups 1998-2000 (ACE awards) Purpose: to stimulate new collaboration with research groups at European institutions in the life science fields of chemical, biological or medical sciences. The awards will be made to assist the cost of short visits in each direction between the collaborating institutions by members of either of the two research groups involved.

Value of the awards: Pounds 2,000 per annum Applications for the awards are invited from UK/Irish institutions, jointly with their Continental partners. Applications should be submitted on forms obtainable from: The Secretary The Novartis Fellowship Trust Hulley Road Macclesfield Cheshire SK10 2NX. Closing date: November 1


Debra House, 13 Wellington Business Park, Crowthorne, RG11 6LS Tel: 01344 771961, Fax: 01344 762661 email: debra.uk@ btinternet.com Director: John Dart Enquiries: John Dart Objectives: to fund research into all forms of epidermolysis bullosa and promote the welfare of patients with epidermolysis bullosa. Types of awards available: mainly project grants of up to three years duration. Submissions: To DEBRA office by October 31. Application forms and guidance notes available from office. Restrictions: Only applications relevant to epidermolysis bullosa can be considered.

International Spinal Research Trust

Research Division, Unit 7, Bramley Business Centre, Station Road, Bramley,Guildford, EN1 3TR Tel: 01483 898786 Fax: 01483 898763 Director: I. M. Walden Enquiries: Peter J. Banyard. Objectives: to fund basic scientific research aimed at finding useful treatments for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury.Types of awards available: Project, equipment, travel grants and academic exchanges.Method of allocation: by peer review. Submissions: to the research director. Restrictions: the trust makes no grants to other charities.

Iris Fund for the Prevention of Blindness

Ground Floor, York House, 199 Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7UT Tel: 0171 9287743 Director: Susanna Burr Enquiries: Susanna Burr. Objectives: to mobilise, foster and fund research into the prevention and cure of blindness. Types of awards available: grants for innovative ophthalmic research and to purchase equipment for use in the medical clinical and surgical treatment of eye disease (where government funding is not available). Submissions: any time. Council meetings are held five times a year. Restrictions: UK only.

Leverhulme Trust

1 Pemberton Row, London, EC4A 3EX Tel: 0171 822 6938, Fax: 0171 822 5084. Director: Barry Supple Enquiries: josbourne@ leverhulme.org.uk Objectives: the provision of scholarships for purposes of research and education as the trustees, in their discretion, decide. Limited funds are available for educational purposes. Types of awards available: grants to institutions: for research, but also education and academic interchange. Grants to individuals: research fellowships and grants, special research fellowships,emeritus fellowships and study abroad studentships. Submissions: In accordance with policies and procedures brochure (available on request). Restrictions: the trustees are precluded from making capital grants for endowments, sites, buildings, equipment, to appeals or expeditions.

Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine

The White House, 70 High Road, Bushey Heath, Hertfordshire, WD2 3JG Enquiries: F. Keith Cowey, MA, BSc, DAS, Secretary of the Institute. Objectives: to support post-doctoral scientific research into the causes and prevention of disease. Types of awards available: Post-doctoral fellowships in biomedicine: to be held in British universities for an initial period of five years (six years for candidates pursuing clinical training). Submissions: Announcements made in early November. Application and referee forms are supplied to candidates together with guidance notes. Application deadline is end of January. Short-listing and interviews early April. Restrictions: fellowships not awarded to full-time members of research council staff or to employees of medical research charities. Fellowships must be held in British universities. Older candidates must request permission to make full application. Further information Liver Research Trust c/o Goodman, Derrick &amp; Co., 90 Fetter Lane, London, EC4A 1EQ Tel: 0171 4040606, Fax: 0171 8316407 Research Fellowships Five-year postdoctoral research fellowships in any of the biological, medical or clinical disciplines or in related disciplines such as chemistry. Non-clinical candidates must be 35 years of age or under, and clinicians 37 years or under. Application forms available from Email address: secretary@lister-institute.org.uk, or contact the Research Services Office for more details.

Muscular Dystrophy Group of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Nattrass House, 7-11 Prescott Place, London, SW4 6BS. Tel: 0171 7208055, Fax: 0171 4980670. Director: Fergus Logan. Enquiries: clinical development: Joe Hennessy, research: Sarah Yates. Objectives: The advancement of medical research into muscular dystrophy, allied neuromuscular conditions and the provision of practical help and information to those affected. Types of awards available: Research: three-year project grants to individuals and institutions. In exceptional circumstances five-year programme grants are available. Clinical development: centre and project grants. Submissions: applicants should contact the relevant director for details of submission dates. Restrictions: the salary of the grant holder is not funded.

Stroke Association

Whitecross Street, London, EC1Y 8JJ Tel: 0171 4907999, Fax: 0171 4902686. Director: Sylvia McLaughlin. Enquiries: Patricia M. Crackhell Objectives: to advance research into strokes, epidemiology, prevention, acute treatment, assessment and rehabilitation. Types of awards available: stroke research awards: awards cover salaries for researchers and support staff, some equipment costs, consumables and essential travel. Maximum award normally Pounds 150,000. Period of support: one to three years. Submissions: response to BMJ advertisements only. Application form available from research secretary, twice yearly. Restrictions: open to medically qualified and other clinically active researchers in the UK in relevant fields.

Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust

24 Manchester Square, London, W1M 5AP Tel: 0171 4875851, Fax: 0171 2243976. Director: John Lusty. Enquiries: John Lusty. Objectives: the policy of the trust is to direct its main funding to medical research with other funds to medicine and humanitarian purposes. Types of awards available: financial support for medical research and related projects. Annual special project for one charitable area, single donations to selected charities. Medical research projects are normally awarded for up to three years. Assessment of applications is ongoing, timing is therefore not critical. Restrictions: funds are not allocated to cancer or Aids research for the sole reason that these fields are well funded. The trust does not fund individuals apart from those from certain nominated institutions.

Wellcome Trust

183-193 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE Tel: 0171 6118888, Fax: 0171 6118545,Director: Bridget Ogilvie. Enquiries: Mrs L Arter. The Wellcome Trust's database containing details of 400 funding schemes supporting biomedical research.

Objectives: to support clinical and basic scientific research into human and veterinary medicine. Special interests include support of research in tropical medicine, vision and the history of medicine. Types of awards available: short-term and longer-term awards (project and programme grants), research training and career development, funds for travel abroad; meetings and symposia, awards for equipment; capital grants for buildings. Method of allocation: peer review. Submissions: in the first instance a summary of research and CV should be sent to the trust. Most competitive schemes have advertised deadlines. Restrictions: the trust does not fund Aids or cancer research. Additional Information: fellowships are also awarded to nationals of the United States and the Commonwealth.


This initiative provides additional funding for expensive items for multi disciplinary/multi-project facilities. It will build upon the success of the Joint Research Equipment Initiative (JREI).

Further enquiries should be addressed to Sian Thomas, Scientific Programme Manager Infrastructure Panel, 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE. Tel 0171 611 8320. Fax 0171 611 77. Email infrastructure @wellcome.ac.uk


Annual Scheme This revised scheme aims to contribute to the physical research infrastructure and to facilitate high-quality research. Applicants must have some external sponsorship and must request a minimum of Pounds 12,500 from the JREI. The initiative favours those multidisciplinary bids that represent best overall value while maintaining scientific excellence; termed "best affordable mix". Particularly encouraged are applications seeking less than 50 per cent of the total cost of the bid from the JREI.

There are two competitions; A is for equipment requesting up to Pounds 150,000, and B for bids of over Pounds 150,000.

Application forms are available from the research councils' and funding councils' websites on the Internet. For further information: initiat/current/JREI/ jointrule.htm initiat/current/JREI/ jointcall.htm Closing date for applications: May 31.


Room 734, St Christopher House, Southwark Street, London SE1 0UD Tel: 0171 921 3885 Fax: 0171 921 1803 Types of awards: research studentships, taught course studentships, CASE Awards.


Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL Tel: 0171 240 1871 Fax: 0171 497 3609 Types of awards: postgraduate scholarships and grants.

Closing date for postgraduate awards is April 30.

IEE Postgraduate Scholarship, for advanced study or research in electrical, electronic science or manufacturing engineering. Value Pounds 1,200, tenable for one year. Three awards per annum.

Leslie H. Paddle Scholarship, for research which will further the art, science or practice of electronic or radio engineering. Candidates must be IEE members. Value Pounds 1,250 a year, tenable for two years. Two awards per annum.

Leonard Research Grant, to assist exceptional graduates who, through financial constraint, might not be able to undertake or complete advanced study or research in electrical, electronic science or manufacturing engineering. Value Pounds 1, 000 p.a., tenable for two years. One award available.

Robinson Research Scholarship, for original research relevant to electrical, electronic science or engineering. Value Pounds 6000 a year, tenable for two years. Two awards available.


21 Portland Place, London W1N 3AF Tel: 0171 636 6603 Fax: 0171 636 6602 Types of awards: limited assistance for postgraduate research. Enquiries: Sandra Raine, secretary and chief executive


44 Portland Place, London W1N 4BR Tel: 0171 580 3802 Fax: 0171 436 5388 Types of awards: postgraduate scholarships and grants. Web site:


anatsoc/home.htm Dept. of anatomy and cell biology, Imperial College School of Medicine at St Mary's, Norfolk Place, London W2 1PG Tel: 0171 594 3764 Fax: 402 6861 Types of awards: grants and prizes with aim of promoting research in the anatomical sciences, including Anatomical Society Research studentships, up to four research studentships awarded annually by competition based on proposed projects from prospective supervisors. Closing date for applications usually early October. Other prizes awarded for papers and funds available for costs associated with research.


35-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PN Tel: 0171 404 6106 Fax: 0171 404 6105 To fund research that will lead to improvements in the prevention,treatment and care of neurological disorders.

Types of awards: research fellowships, considered each year by BBSF's research committee in April and October, awarded to cover research fellow's salary for two year period of fellowship. Fellows may also apply for research training support grant of up to Pounds 2,500 towards costs associated with the fellowship.


64 Wimpole Street, London W1M 8DQ Tel: 0171 935 0875 Fax: 0171 935 4891 Types of awards: grants and loans.


14 Fitzharding Street, London W1H 4DH Tel: 0171 935 0185 Fax: 0171 486 13 Types of awards: PhD studentships. Also, project equipment, travel grants and research fellowships


11 London Road, Bromley, Kent BR1 1BY Tel: 0181 464 7211 Fax: 0181 313 0472 Types of awards: postgraduate research grants.


PO Box 123, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PX Tel: 0171 269 3140 Fax: 0171 269 3232 Types of awards: postgraduate studentships. research fellowships, clinical and non-clinical.


43 Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3JJ Tel: 0171 405 0101 Fax: 0171 242 1488 Types of awards: postgraduate studentships.


25 Effie Road, London SW6 1EE. Tel: 0171 610 7171. Fax: 0171 736 9861. Types of awards: research grants.


Milton House, 7 Milton Street, Northampton, NN2 7JG. Tel: 01604 711129 Fax: 01604 792894 Types of Awards: Applications open to anyone with an interest in psoriasis or psoriatic arthropathy research, particularly genetic aspects. Application forms can be requested this year up to May 1.


British Federation of Women Graduates, 4 Mandeville Courtyard, 142 Battersea Park Road, London Sw11 4NB. Tel: 0171 498 8037, Fax: 0171 498 8037

IFUW International Fellowships and Grants

The IFUW has limited awards for advanced research for women graduates who are members of the International Federation. Competitions are held every two years. The deadline for the 1998-99 competition has past and the next awards available will be for the academic year 2000-2001. Further application details available on the web site.

Types of awards: fellowships and grants for advanced research, study and training. These include the British Federation Crosby Hall Fellowship (Pounds 2,500) offered by the British Federation of Women Graduates Charitable Foundation, reserved for women wishing to study or undertake research in Great Britain.


ASBAH House, 42 Park Road, Peterborough PE1 2UQ Tel: 01733 555988 Fax: 01733 555985 Email: gillw@asbah. demon.co.uk.

Web site: demon.co.uk/ Objects and special interests: ASBAH works for people with spina bifida and hydrocephalus.

Types of awards available: project grants and a junior clinical or non-clinical research fellowship.

Contact for grant enquiries and applications: secretary to executive director.

Submission of applications: Initially by letter to the executive director giving a brief description of proposed research. This is submitted to the chair of the medical advisory committee. A full protocol may then be requested which will be put to the medical advisory committee. Restrictions: grant applications must relate directly to neural tube defects/hydrocephalus.


5 Upper Wimpole Street, London W1M 7TD Telephone/fax: 0171 224 1704. Trust secretary: Lt Col G. P. Blaker Objects and special interests: the advancement of the study of, and education in, the science of homoeopathy and the encouragement, with financial help, of homoeopathic research and of the publication of the results of such research in peer-reviewed journals.

Types of awards available: senior and junior clinical and non-clinical research fellowships, postgraduate studentships, project, equipment, capital and therapy research grants.

Restrictions: currently restricted to medically qualified applicants from the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe only.

Contact for grant enquiries and applications: trust secretary.

Submission of applications: full protocol to be submitted on application forms, obtained from the trust secretary, at least six weeks before meetings.

British Liver Trust

Central House, Central Avenue, Ransomes Europark, Ipswich IP3 9QG Tel: 01473 6326 Fax: 63E-mail: info@livert. demon.co.uk.Web site:. co.uk/charities/liver-t/ Director: Christopher Buckley objects and special interests: To provide support and information to people affected by liver disease, and to fund research into diseases of the liver and gall bladder.

Types of awards available: senior and junior clinical and non-clinical research fellowships, postgraduate studentships and project grants. Contact for grant enquiries and applications: Director.


Rowett Research Institute Greenburn Road Bucksburn Aberdeen AB21 9SB Tel: 01224 7151 Fax: 01224 715349 Types of awards: PhD studentships.


East Malling West Malling Kent ME19 6BJ Tel: 01732 843833 Fax: 01732 849067 Types of awards: Postgraduate scholarships and studentships.




31 Rossendale Chelmsford Essex CM1 2UA Tel: 01245 260805 Fax: 01245 260805 Postgraduate scholarships in the field of agriculture.


1 Birdcage Walk, London SW1H 9JJ Tel: 0171 222 7899 Fax: 0171 222 4557 Types of awards: postgraduate scholarships and awards.

Types of awards: postgraduate scholarships and grants.


3 St Andrews Place, Regent's Park, London NW1 4LB Tel: 0171 486 0341 Fax: 0171 224 2012 Types of awards: research and travel grants.

Guidelines for the award of research fellowships: Grants are awarded up to a maximum sum described in the advertisement according to the seniority of the applicant. The BDF limits its grants to applicants who have been resident in the UK for at least five years.


Bristol Eye Hospital, Lower Maudlin Street Bristol BS1 2LX Tel: 0117 9290024 Fax: 0117 9251421 Types of awards: awards do not normally exceed Pounds 15,000 nor exceed one year's duration. Submissions: application forms will be sent out in April for return by the beginning of June. Requests for application forms should be sent to: Mrs P A Sparkes, grants administrator, at the above address, email pam.sparkes@bris.ac.uk


Website: dircon.co.uk/laf/ Laura Ashley fellowships for innovative creation Funding available in the areas of pure and applied science and philosophy but applications will be considered in other fields.The fellowships could take the form of research and development funds and/or living costs for one, two or three years. Full details avaiable Full details available from Laura Ashley Foundation, 3 Cromwell Place, SW7 2JE.
Please write in with details and enclose a s.a.e.


Deadline: May 9 Pfizer Central Research is inviting applications for its travel award scheme. The purpose of the scheme is to assist selected academic staff at UK universities to attend national or international symposia relevant to their field of research. The maximum award is Pounds 700.

The scheme is for symposia commencing between July 1 1997 and June 30 1998.

The awards will be allocated on the basis of research achievement with a bias to younger applicants. They are intended for full time teaching appointments in UK departments of organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, the biological sciences or pharmaceutical sciences.

Contact: Dr J. R. C. Baird, PO Box 826, Pfizer Central Research, Sandwich,Kent CT13 9NJ.


Joseph Rowntree Foundation Research and Development Programme jrf.html The broad areas covered are housing, social policy, and social care and disability. If you wish to discuss a proposal which falls within the priorities of the foundation's research and development work you can contact the relevant research team at: The research department Joseph Rowntree Foundation,The ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵstead,40 Water End York YO3 6LP.

Fax: +44 1904 620072 Housing Research Team, tel. +44 1904 615912 Social Care Research Team, tel. +44 1904 615913 Social PolicyResearch Team,tel. +44 1904 615911 Email: resdept@jrfound. org.uk As a rough guide, the final date for receiving finished proposals will be: early December for a decision in March; early March for a decision in June; early June for a decision in September; early September for a decision in December.

The foundation does not have an application form for proposals but does require them to follow a standard format.


Toshiba Fellowship Programme, Toshiba Corporation Europe Office, Audrey House, Ely Place, London EC1N 6SN Tel: 0171 242 7295 Fax: 0171 405 1489 eu/fellowship Toshiba was the first private company to establish a research fellowship for outstanding young British scientists to live and work in Japan. Up to two fellowships per annum are available. A fellowship will be for two years or shorter by mutual agreement. Candidates must be in possession of a PhD or reliably expected to obtain one by the time the Fellowship commences before the end of the Programme year. Application forms can be downloaded from the web site during the application period but cannot be accepted outside the application period.

Specific enquiries can be addressed to the Fellowship Office - email toshibaline@teo.com


PO Box 00, Hanshaugen 0131 Oslo, Norway Tel: +47 22 03 70 00 Fax: +47 22 03 70 01 email: siri.sandbo@nfr.no Types of awards: research fellowships in engineeering tenable in Norway.


Mission des Relations Internationales, 3 rue Michel-Ange, 75794 Paris Cedex 16, France Tel: +33 1 44 96 46 88 Fax: +33 1 44 96 50 00 Types of Awards: Postdoctoral Fellowships and short term bursaries to visit CNRS laboratories.


Grants and Awards Office 29 Great Peter Street, London. SW1P 3LW Tel: 0171 222 2688 Fax: 0171 233 0054 The academy administers the McRobert Award - innovation in engineering - an annual award of Pounds 50,000.

It operates a number of fellowship schemes which help maintain the quality of UK university engineering research in conjunction with industry.


57-58 Russell Square London WC1B 4HP Tel: 0171 323 3686. Fax: 0171 323 3685. Email: lms@lms.ac.uk. Website: The Programme and Conference Fund is used to give financial support for mathematical research in the UK. Any mathematician working in the UK is eligible for a grant, but if an applicant is not a member then the application must be countersigned by an LMS member. Applications should be sent to the society.

Queries regarding applications can be addressed to the Meetings and Membership Secretary, Dr. D.J.H. Garling (telephone 01223 337978; email d.j.h.garling@dpmms.cam.ac.uk).


Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1V 0JU. Tel: 0171 434 9944. Fax: 0171 439 8975. Website: org.uk Society Annual Awards The society has ten medals and six funds which are awarded by council; nominations for these awards are made by the fellows. The funds are restricted to fellows of the society. Nomination forms are available from Ms Claire Tunks, Tel: 0171 434 9944. Fax: 0171 439 8975.

Various small research funds are also awarded annually by the society each March.

In addition, the society awards the Fermor Fellowship, which is held for two or three years.


59 Portland Place London W1N 3AJ Tel: 0171 580 5530 Fax: 0171 637 3626 The Guildford Bench Methodology Fund The fund can give modest support for benchwork (not necessarily biochemical). Consideration is given only to applications carefully compiled from investigators in laboratories with slim financial resources. The fund will at present suffice for about eight awards per year in the range of Pounds 300 to Pounds 900 focused on the setting-up or consolidation of useful, but not necessarily novel methods (excluding data handling).

Guidance to Applicants Applications, in triplicate, are assessable only if carefully compiled. They should meet annual deadlines. These are: November 1 (inappropriate for seeking a vacation help award) and April 15. Only a minority of awards will exceed Pounds 600 (Pounds 900 limit). Investigators in the UK and Irish Republic are eligible. Society membership is requisite; if not the Biochemical Society, another appropriate body . Applications: The Executive Secretary. Enclose a reply envelope and two spare labels (three if acknowledgement is desired).

The Krebs Memorial Scholarship

The scholarship is primarily intended to help candidates who wish to study for a PhD in biochemistry or an allied biomedical science, but whose careers have been interrupted for non-academic reasons beyond their own control and/or who are unlikely to qualify for an award from public funds. It will cover a small maintenance grant and all necessary fees. The scholarship will be awarded for one year in the first instance but may be renewed up to amaximum tenure of three years. The award of a postdoctoral fellowship might be considered for a candidate whose circumstances merit suchconsideration.

The next scholarship will be awarded in October 1999. Application forms from: The Assistant Director, Personnel and Administration. Email: genadmin@biochemsoc. org.uk

General Travel Fund

The society has a fund from which grants are made available to assist eligible members in meeting the cost of attending scientific meetings or for short visits to other laboratories.

Applications will usually be for a proportion of the projected costs only (not exceeding Pounds 500).

The travel grant committee meets four times a year with closing dates for applications of January 1, March 1, May 1 and September 1. Application forms can be obtained from: The Assistant Director.

Funding listings are compiled by Sarah Knowles.0171 782 3225.Email: sarah.knowles@newsint. co.uk.

ogy, Imperial College School of Medicine at St Mary's, Norfolk Place, London W2 1PG Tel: 0171 594 3764 Fax: 402 6861 Types of awards: grants and prizes with aim of promoting research in the anatomical sciences, including Anatomical Society Research studentships, up to four research studentships awarded annually by competition based on proposed projects from prospective supervisors. Closing date for applications usually early October. Other prizes awarded for papers and funds available for costs associated with research.


35-43 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PN Tel: 0171 404 6106 Fax: 0171 404 6105 To fund research that will lead to improvements in the prevention,treatment and care of neurological disorders.

Types of awards: research fellowships, considered each year by BBSF's research committee in April and October, awarded to cover research fellow's salary for two year period of fellowship. Fellows may also apply for research training support grant of up to Pounds 2,500 towards costs associated with the fellowship.


64 Wimpole Street, London W1M 8DQ Tel: 0171 935 0875 Fax: 0171 935 4891 Types of awards: grants and loans.


14 Fitzharding Street, London W1H 4DH Tel: 0171 935 0185 Fax: 0171 486 13 Types of awards: PhD studentships. Also, project equipment, travel grants and research fellowships


11 London Road, Bromley, Kent BR1 1BY Tel: 0181 464 7211 Fax: 0181 313 0472 Types of awards: postgraduate research grants.


PO Box 123, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PX Tel: 0171 269 3140 Fax: 0171 269 3232 Types of awards: postgraduate studentships. research fellowships, clinical and non-clinical.


43 Great Ormond Street, London WC1N 3JJ Tel: 0171 405 0101 Fax: 0171 242 1488 Types of awards: postgraduate studentships.


25 Effie Road, London SW6 1EE. Tel: 0171 610 7171. Fax: 0171 736 9861. Types of awards: research grants.


Milton House, 7 Milton Street, Northampton, NN2 7JG. Tel: 01604 711129 Fax: 01604 792894 Types of Awards: Applications open to anyone with an interest in psoriasis or psoriatic arthropathy research, particularly genetic aspects. Application forms can be requested this year up to May 1.


British Federation of Women Graduates, 4 Mandeville Courtyard, 142 Battersea Park Road, London Sw11 4NB. Tel: 0171 498 8037, Fax: 0171 498 8037

IFUW International Fellowships and Grants

The IFUW has limited awards for advanced research for women graduates who are members of the International Federation. Competitions are held every two years. The deadline for the 1998-99 competition has past and the next awards available will be for the academic year 2000-2001. Further application details available on the web site.

Types of awards: fellowships and grants for advanced research, study and training. These include the British Federation Crosby Hall Fellowship (Pounds 2,500) offered by the British Federation of Women Graduates Charitable Foundation, reserved for women wishing to study or undertake research in Great Britain.


ASBAH House, 42 Park Road, Peterborough PE1 2UQ Tel: 01733 555988 Fax: 01733 555985 Email: gillw@asbah. demon.co.uk.

Web site: demon. co.uk/ Objects and special interests: ASBAH works for people with spina bifida and hydrocephalus.

Types of awards available: project grants and a junior clinical or non-clinical research fellowship.

Contact for grant enquiries and applications: secretary to executive director.

Submission of applications: Initially by letter to the executive director giving a brief description of proposed research. This is submitted to the chair of the medical advisory committee. A full protocol may then be requested which will be put to the medical advisory committee. Restrictions: grant applications must relate directly to neural tube defects/hydrocephalus.


5 Upper Wimpole Street, London W1M 7TD Telephone/fax: 0171 224 1704. Trust secretary: Lt Col G. P. Blaker Objects and special interests: the advancement of the study of, and education in, the science of homoeopathy and the encouragement, with financial help, of homoeopathic research and of the publication of the results of such research in peer-reviewed journals.

Types of awards available: senior and junior clinical and non-clinical research fellowships, postgraduate studentships, project, equipment, capital and therapy research grants.

Restrictions: currently restricted to medically qualified applicants from the United Kingdom and the rest of Europe only.

Contact for grant enquiries and applications: trust secretary.

Submission of applications: full protocol to be submitted on application forms, obtained from the trust secretary, at least six weeks before meetings.

British Liver Trust

Central House, Central Avenue, Ransomes Europark, Ipswich IP3 9QG Tel: 01473 6326 Fax: 63E-mail: info@livert. demon.co.uk.Web site:. co. uk/charities/liver-t/ Director: Christopher Buckley objects and special interests: To provide support and information to people affected by liver disease, and to fund research into diseases of the liver and gall bladder.

Types of awards available: senior and junior clinical and non-clinical research fellowships, postgraduate studentships and project grants. Contact for grant enquiries and applications: Director.


Rowett Research Institute Greenburn Road Bucksburn Aberdeen AB21 9SB Tel: 01224 7151 Fax: 01224 715349 Types of awards: PhD studentships.


East Malling West Malling Kent ME19 6BJ Tel: 01732 843833 Fax: 01732 849067 Types of awards: Postgraduate scholarships and studentships.


31 Rossendale Chelmsford Essex CM1 2UA Tel: 01245 260805 Fax: 01245 260805 Postgraduate scholarships in the field of agriculture.


1 Birdcage Walk, London SW1H 9JJ Tel: 0171 222 7899 Fax: 0171 222 4557 Types of awards: postgraduate scholarships and awards.

Types of awards: postgraduate scholarships and grants.


3 St Andrews Place, Regent's Park, London NW1 4LB Tel: 0171 486 0341 Fax: 0171 224 2012 Types of awards: research and travel grants.

Guidelines for the award of research fellowships: Grants are awarded up to a maximum sum described in the advertisement according to the seniority of the applicant. The BDF limits its grants to applicants who have been resident in the UK for at least five years.


Bristol Eye Hospital, Lower Maudlin Street Bristol BS1 2LX Tel: 0117 9290024 Fax: 0117 9251421 Types of awards: awards do not normally exceed Pounds 15,000 nor exceed one year's duration. Submissions: application forms will be sent out in April for return by the beginning of June. Requests for application forms should be sent to: Mrs P A Sparkes, grants administrator, at the above address, email pam.sparkes@bris.ac.uk


Website: dircon.co.uk/laf/ Laura Ashley fellowships for innovative creation Funding available in the areas of pure and applied science and philosophy but applications will be considered in other fields.The fellowships could take the form of research and development funds and/or living costs for one, two or three years. Full details available from Laura Ashley Foundation, 3 Cromwell Place, SW7 2JE.
Please write in with details and enclose a s.a.e. + 20p


Deadline: May 9 Pfizer Central Research is inviting applications for its travel award scheme. The purpose of the scheme is to assist selected academic staff at UK universities to attend national or international symposia relevant to their field of research. The maximum award is Pounds 700.

The scheme is for symposia commencing between July 1 1997 and June 30 1998.

The awards will be allocated on the basis of research achievement with a bias to younger applicants. They are intended for full time teaching appointments in UK departments of organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, the biological sciences or pharmaceutical sciences.

Contact: Dr J. R. C. Baird, PO Box 826, Pfizer Central Research, Sandwich,Kent CT13 9NJ.


Joseph Rowntree Foundation Research and Development Programme jrf.html The broad areas covered are housing, social policy, and social care and disability. If you wish to discuss a proposal which falls within the priorities of the foundation's research and development work you can contact the relevant research team at: The research department Joseph Rowntree Foundation,The ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵstead,40 Water End York YO3 6LP.

Fax: +44 1904 620072 Housing Research Team, tel. +44 1904 615912 Social Care Research Team, tel. +44 1904 615913 Social PolicyResearch Team,tel. +44 1904 615911 Email: resdept@jrfound. org.uk As a rough guide, the final date for receiving finished proposals will be: early December for a decision in March; early March for a decision in June; early June for a decision in September; early September for a decision in December.

The foundation does not have an application form for proposals but does require them to follow a standard format.


Toshiba Fellowship Programme, Toshiba Corporation Europe Office, Audrey House, Ely Place, London EC1N 6SN Tel: 0171 242 7295 Fax: 0171 405 1489 eu/fellowship Toshiba was the first private company to establish a research fellowship for outstanding young British scientists to live and work in Japan. Up to two fellowships per annum are available. A fellowship will be for two years or shorter by mutual agreement. Candidates must be in possession of a PhD or reliably expected to obtain one by the time the Fellowship commences before the end of the Programme year. Application forms can be downloaded from the web site during the application period but cannot be accepted outside the application period.

Specific enquiries can be addressed to the Fellowship Office - email toshibaline@teo.com


PO Box 00, Hanshaugen 0131 Oslo, Norway Tel: +47 22 03 70 00 Fax: +47 22 03 70 01 email: siri.sandbo@nfr.no Types of awards: research fellowships in engineeering tenable in Norway.


Mission des Relations Internationales, 3 rue Michel-Ange, 75794 Paris Cedex 16, France Tel: +33 1 44 96 46 88 Fax: +33 1 44 96 50 00 Types of Awards: Postdoctoral Fellowships and short term bursaries to visit CNRS laboratories.


Grants and Awards Office 29 Great Peter Street, London. SW1P 3LW Tel: 0171 222 2688 Fax: 0171 233 0054 The academy administers the McRobert Award - innovation in engineering - an annual award of Pounds 50,000.

It operates a number of fellowship schemes which help maintain the quality of UK university engineering research in conjunction with industry.


57-58 Russell Square London WC1B 4HP Tel: 0171 323 3686. Fax: 0171 323 3685. Email: lms@lms.ac.uk. Website: The Programme and Conference Fund is used to give financial support for mathematical research in the UK. Any mathematician working in the UK is eligible for a grant, but if an applicant is not a member then the application must be countersigned by an LMS member. Applications should be sent to the society.

Queries regarding applications can be addressed to the Meetings and Membership Secretary, Dr. D.J.H. Garling (telephone 01223 337978; email d.j.h.garling@dpmms.cam.ac.uk).


Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1V 0JU. Tel: 0171 434 9944. Fax: 0171 439 8975. Website: org.uk Society Annual Awards The society has ten medals and six funds which are awarded by council; nominations for these awards are made by the fellows. The funds are restricted to fellows of the society. Nomination forms are available from Ms Claire Tunks, Tel: 0171 434 9944. Fax: 0171 439 8975.

Various small research funds are also awarded annually by the society each March.

In addition, the society awards the Fermor Fellowship, which is held for two or three years.


59 Portland Place London W1N 3AJ Tel: 0171 580 5530 Fax: 0171 637 3626 uk The Guildford Bench Methodology Fund The fund can give modest support for benchwork (not necessarily biochemical). Consideration is given only to applications carefully compiled from investigators in laboratories with slim financial resources. The fund will at present suffice for about eight awards per year in the range of Pounds 300 to Pounds 900 focused on the setting-up or consolidation of useful, but not necessarily novel methods (excluding data handling).

Guidance to Applicants Applications, in triplicate, are assessable only if carefully compiled. They should meet annual deadlines. These are: November 1 (inappropriate for seeking a vacation help award) and April 15. Only a minority of awards will exceed Pounds 600 (Pounds 900 limit). Investigators in the UK and Irish Republic are eligible. Society membership is requisite; if not the Biochemical Society, another appropriate body . Applications: The Executive Secretary. Enclose a reply envelope and two spare labels (three if acknowledgement is desired).

The Krebs Memorial Scholarship

The scholarship is primarily intended to help candidates who wish to study for a PhD in biochemistry or an allied biomedical science, but whose careers have been interrupted for non-academic reasons beyond their own control and/or who are unlikely to qualify for an award from public funds. It will cover a small maintenance grant and all necessary fees. The scholarship will be awarded for one year in the first instance but may be renewed up to amaximum tenure of three years. The award of a postdoctoral fellowship might be considered for a candidate whose circumstances merit suchconsideration.

The next scholarship will be awarded in October 1999. Application forms from: The Assistant Director, Personnel and Administration. Email: genadmin@biochemsoc. org.uk

General Travel Fund

The society has a fund from which grants are made available to assist eligible members in meeting the cost of attending scientific meetings or for short visits to other laboratories.

Applications will usually be for a proportion of the projected costs only (not exceeding Pounds 500).

The travel grant committee meets four times a year with closing dates for applications of January 1, March 1, May 1 and September 1. Application forms can be obtained from: The Assistant Director.



Funding listings are compiled by Sarah Knowles.0171 782 3225.Email: sarah.knowles@newsint.co.uk.

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