Research ethics

A renowned immunologist whose life was turned upside down when it emerged that one of his postdoctoral researchers had falsified experimental results tells Paul Jump that the sector needs a culture change if it is to fulfil its duty to expose research misconduct

23 August

Unlike our major competitors, the UK has avoided a major research misconduct scandal over the past decade, but unless the government and the academy shake off their complacency, we won¡¯t be ready when it is our turn to suffer, argues Michael Farthing

12 July

Miles Hewstone discusses a heinous data-faking scandal and the lessons that must be learned to stop the ¡®betrayers of the truth¡¯

22 September

China is hungry for Western-style universities, not least to fuel its economy. Phil Baty reports on the efforts to uproot corruption and bureaucracy and build a dynamic and vibrant world-class system

29 October